Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 4 No. 2 Summer 1982 (Portland)

nation lory can turn . corporat a"CLt econ' reg'5' \ as01v- thousands e Reagan Bght, and t ter^ of the ' ser vatism nse 0 L tax revohs cOnse^ d ;assvsfno’^^ than o' Potion o'^^60®"'°^ o' .Sous '’jSeen \ ?794 ">e 9’^ and n'ne’^siden"a br'9^^ de electors'^°a' Reagah s ar(S«n foV’S ReadeL,Ar can see Ihalct o to assume \ ”Xs ’ P°S'% \ a'XS \ ^d W ,Bf«S neSSa' \ny obs n and lhe ha'- \ . .a...henthey vnshort " details a in my r^uia' musion"160’ * ■SS up “ p^eS y \ ‘‘P'tchtorK Fish. * aSt no^ \ ^ha • the current 7« vbera' tan i Sn S3 \ ms' P'0Spert'apsS<go«««'ea \ ^ 'P S\ p ^S SSoaSSo o’’ °" 'S \ Sad S'»'«^)W9*5 W \ \ usda^; \ 3S-.-XS-E.-jn Phi|,ips?finq 10°“ ax the d'«°?on th’ h0'?S««<- N '°'c'sMSll",h’h'eSso'lb’s i of • i«"Sc -The 00^^S'Sv Ja'dS^n \ \ ftdidntt oay mat ere hard t \ (naugurat'°oi The omens^ rahon t '^ouUJ unra^ethe nosta'9'c the aS oa -A than ,kable n’O^ost peoP|en philliPs’ m,s us copyr|9ht 0 1 goo*5wh»h w*";. ' R’’’ mod’” <»' ’Ssp””"* \ ‘j^Snth’^^^ MwSnS^ ar-'^gsiPis > ^!^?ss SS-tt W^. Wk ward the P°^aSlly be \ society can e s 16 Clinton St. Quarterly