Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 1 No. 2 | Summer 1979 /// Issue 2 of 41 /// Master#2 of 73

238-8899 RICHARD in “THE TOY” AND PIERRE RICHARD in BURT LANCASTER YAPHET KOTTO RICHARD PRYOR HARVEY KEITEL AND BLUE COLLAR AND FREAKS GUISH HIS STRAIGHT COMEDY ROUTINES." JOHN TRAVOLTA TOY 6 4 5 HO MAN th e t a l l blond The most compassionate movie ever made about the human condition. —Andrew Sarris JULY BLUE 9:00 ( ll.'OO except Fri. FREAKS «45 was. To people his nether world of the circus sideshow. Director Tod Browning used not only real dwarfs but a family of "humans" whose deformities are today confined only to medical ward way win out against the so-called normal humans. man black saoe S.E. 26th and Clinton wxxr sw ADMISSION $1.50 (between Division &Powell) ROCKY HORROR $ 2 .0 0 a film w ritten and produced by FRANCIS VEBER 18-24 GO TELL 7:00+ "RICHARD PRYOR HAS A ROLE THAT MAKES USE OF THE WIT AND FURY THAT DISTINTod Browning s 1932 Classic 2J5U-3L 1Y CARRIE 7*00+l0!0 journals. Browning treats the "small" people in a completely straightfor- and then le?s them w ith one “Go Tell the Spartans, starring Burt Lancaster, deals with the 4juman spirit in a time of war, and -particularly about American soldiers who went to Vietnam in 1964, at a time when most of us hardly even had heard of the country or knew where it SISSY SPACEK Brian De Palma’ CARRIE MIDNITE MOVIE EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID PORTLAND, OR. Permit No. 2211