Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 1 No. 2 | Summer 1979 /// Issue 2 of 41 /// Master#2 of 73

HARD NEWS The Black Hills of South Dakota are sacred to the Sioux people. In 1868 the U.S. gave the hills to the Sioux. But the land has gold and whites The major villain in all of this is the moved in in 1874. Protecting the white Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA); miners was the Seventh Cavalry, which which along with other public and was destroyed along with General private interests plan to tap into Custer, in 1876. In among the white underground water supplies to carry reprisals that followed, the land was ore to processing plants. The result taken away by Congress. may make South Dakota into someNow the Black Hills have been thing of a radioactive moonscape. The found to have valuable mineral potenTVA is seen by Indian activists like tial. Uranium and other fuels lie Russel Means as a governmental foot beneat the land. The Sioux stand once in the door for 26 mining companies more to see their special spot made who stand to profit if the region is into a white mans mine. This time, the opened for mining. leavings of mining will leave millions Indian and environmental group of tons of proven cancer causing opposition is growing but like the Four tailings behind. The water table in Corners Coal Power Plant in the western South Dakota will be perSouthwest which uses ground water to manently depleted. ship coal slurry, the oil cruch is a popular and effective excuse to plunder yet another hunk of Indian "One does not land in the once open west. sell the earth upon which the people w a lk" —Tashunka Witko (Crazy Horse) Armand & Dixie 404 SW 10th Portland 224-9028 Catering Specialists Hours Mon.-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 106 FINE WINES & BEER ITALIAN SPECIALTIES MEATS & CHEESES IMPORTED CANDIES PASTRIES FRESH COFFEE The Texas Jaycees have named JA Y CEES mutilation murderer Ben Lach one of the “Outstanding Young Men ' of NAM E America for 1979” . Lach was convicted of murder after KILLER removing the head of a university cleaning woman with a scalpel. The woman died and Lach is doing time. M A N OF The Jaycees say that next year they will take a closer look at their YEAR nomination procedure. PORTLAND SATURDAY MARKET SUNDAY JAZZ AT SATURDAY MARKET October 7 Jim Pepper Quartet October 14 Thara Memory Quintet October 21 Eddie Wied and the Sky Trio October 28 Basil Clark’s Jazz Reunion 1 p.m. On First Avenue under the Burnside Bridge Co-sponsored by Music Performance Trust Funds of the Recording Industries Quality handcrafts • International food Local produce •Free entertainment Every Saturday and Sunday till Christmas Under the Burnside Bridge in Old Town 3