Cover art by Jere Harley Clinton St. Quarterly is published THE E S H Designed and edited by Henk Pander free to the public by Clinton St. Vol. 1, No. 2 Lenny Deiner, Eric Edwards Other contributing artists:' Theatre, Inc., 2522 S.E. Clinton St., Summer 1979 CLINTON ST Joe Uris, Beverly Walton Isaac Shamsud-Din, Jerry Krueger, Portland, OR 97202. © 1979 Clinton David Celsi, Mic DeJohnette Ad salesby David Milholland St. Quarterly. QUARTERLY Patriotic eporter A gram of salt Before everyone forgets here are some facts about nuclear war and SALT II. OVERKILL is when you can kill more than 35 percent of your enemy in a first strike. The US and USSR both have overkill up the kazoo. In fact if the US were to lose all of its home 1 ed nuclear capability it still could, using what’s i le air and under water (SAC and Polaris subs) at a mes destroy the Russians. Of course, they could a: J do it unto us. SALT II. of course, will not change this at all. THE NEUTRON BOMB DOES NOT WORK. As a deterrent to a Soviet thrust at Western Europe, the number of neutron weapons needed to stop Soviet armor would make Europe a desert. And the Soviets are equipping many of their tanks with radiation protected interiors. SALT II WILL INCREASE DEFENSE COSTS AND UP NUKE PRODUCTION. For example, to pass SALT II the administration plans to build the complex, gigantic and very expensive MX Nuke Missile system. That’s mobile missiles in trenches always on the move or ready to go over an area of hundreds of square miles. And MX is just starters! THE US POLICY OF LIMITED NUCLEAR WAR WON'T WORK. The Soviet Union has already announced that they will make no distinction between strategic use of Nukes and all-out war. If SALT II WON'T CUT DEFENSE COSTS OR MAKE US SAFER. WHAT IS IT FOR? SALT II will set a sort of equality of destruction at a cost so high as to give the US and USSR a near monopoly on nuclear war in the foreseeable future. Salt II will also relieve the pressure from the people of both nations for an end to the arms race. Nixon’s revenge THE SUPREME COURT IS OUT TO LIMIT YOUR RIGHTS. Recent decisions by the Nixon court point to a rapid erosion of basic freedoms for the press and the individual. Now the authorities can demand not only reporters’ notes, but their state of mind aS well. Newspapers and other print and nonprint media offices can be searched by the Law in fishing expeditions for unspecified things. This is a direct abridgement of the Constitution. Court rulings allowing prior censorship of the Progressive magazine and limiting access to all nuclear information, together with the parts of the Atomic Energy Act, will keep people from knowing of protesting government policy. A curtain of secrecy is falling over all our lives. Coming soon? If the US courts are walking off with the Bill of Rights, in West Germany the government has taken any vestage of freedom left visible. Using the terrorist issue as an excuse, the German government keeps people from working because of vague political associations. It even stamps folks’ passports with negative comments and warnings to other governments. In West Germany every day for a half-hour on TV wanted posters are flashed on the screen. People all over Germany call in to inform on the hapless folks whose faces appear on the screen. A nation of finks. Is Germany showing'the path we soon may follow? The Last Laugh ON THE BRIGHT SIDE. If Skylab hasn’t fallen when you read th is . . .T H £ CLINTON STREET QUARTERLY ANNOUNCES.. .THE SKYLAB IS FALLING, THE SKYLAB IS FALLING LOTTERY . . .Just be the first to name the date and place where Skylab falls, and YOU will win a trip to the actual Skylab crater site (along with the U.S. Government’s own Skylab team of scientists, a doctor, and a PR person) or a full tank of gas, whichever costs more. Armand & Dixie 404 SW 10th Portland 224-9028 Catering Specialists Hours Mon.-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-6 FINE WINES & BEER ITALIAN SPECIALTIES MEATS & CHEESES IMPORTED CANDIES , PASTRIES FRESH COFFEE 2