Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 10 No. 1 Spring 1988 (Portland)

• S B It took 2000 years to improve this bed. It’ll take just one night to improve your sleep. Futon. Six-inch thick Japanese beds, all cotton or with two- inch foam cores. Sound sleep at sound prices. FROM BENEATH THE VALLEY OF THE MAYOR’S BALL COMES 400 SW 2nd 242-0057 Hours: Mon-Fri 10-O/Thurs IO-7/Sat 10-5 M()RTHW EST FUTON ( O M P A M Y 1988 MAYOR'S BALL TOO SPONSORS: KBOO-MUSIC MILLENNIUM-ROCKPORT RECORDS SATYRICON MONQUI PRESENTS •FREE AGENT- KEY LARGO •TWO LOUIES-REBEL SKATES MCA RECORDS-IRS RECORDS-PRIMITIVE MAN RECORDING CO.-ROSE ARTS MAGAZINE CLACKAMAS HIGH SHIELD •CLINTON ST. QUARTERLY-DENNY'S MUSIC-TOMBSTONE MUSIC With a subscription to 2 years of the 100% recyclable Clinton St. Quarterly Receive FREE Now IN OUR 10TH YEAR JOIN US IN CELEBRATION Artists of the CSQ AT THE ELIZABETH LEACH GALLERY SHOW OPENS FIRST THURSDAY—MAY 5TH Be the 1st on your block to get a 2-year subscription plus the sounds that are shaking the continent! TO: Name:___________:________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________ C ity:S tate:Z ip : FROM: Name:_________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ _________ ________________ C i t y : S t a t e : ______________ _ Zip:__________ □ VISA □ MasterCharge □ CHECK Credit Card#___________________Expiration Date SEND $16 per subscription to: Clinton Street Quarterly Box 3588, Portland, OR 97308 Getting the Art on the Page at the Anne Hughes Coffee Room Friday, May 22nd—7:30 pm Films by the CSQ Crew at the Northwest Film & Video Center Friday, May 29th—7:30 pm BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID PORTLAND, OR PERMIT NO. 2211 44 Clinton St. Quarterly—Spring, 1988