Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 10 No. 1 Spring 1988 (Portland)

CLINTON STREET I B B £238-8899^^^^SE"26^ “A WINNER” - Variety A FIRST RUN FEATURE RELEASE WED. APRIL 20-26 |^^7?00^9^0(& 4:45 Sun.) CLINTON STREET House of Titles A Tine Selection of 'Books 'Present this coupon for 20% off on any one book. (good until April 15) Johns Landing 5331 S-^P- Macadam Ave. Portland, Oregon 97201 503-228-0290 0 HUNAtf RESTAURANT Unique and Exotic Chinese cuisine specializing in spicy dishes from Hunan and Szechuan Provinces Moderately Priced. VINTAGE AND NEW MATERIALS FOR THE RESTORATION AND REPAIR OF YOUR OLD HOUSE OR BUILDING. 515 S.W. Broadway 224-8063 Morgan's Alley Building Free parking after 6:00 p.m. City Center Parking 10th & Washington * LIGHTING * HARDWARE « PLUMBING « MILLWORK VISIT OUR NEW RESTAURANT HUNAN GARDEN • 11814 N.E. 8TH ST • BELLEVUE. WA. (206)451-3595 SPECIALIZING IN: TURN-OF-THE-CENTURY LIGHTING MON-SAT 9-5:30 901 N. SKIDMORE PORTLAND, OR 97217 503-249-0774 Portland’s European Antique Pine Gallery 1308 N.W. Everett Street, Portland, Oregon 97209 (503) 227-3368 Gallery Hours: 11 a.m. til 6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, 11 til 5 on Saturday, Clinton St. Quarterly—Spring, 1988 37 N o w open on Northwest Everett Street, Pine Design Antique Imports features the Northwest’s most extensive collection of directly imported antique European pine ... Tables, Benches, Beds, Mirrors, Chests, Wardrobes, Kitchen Cabinets, Trunks, Desks and Sideboards, all personally selected across the heartlands of Europe. Closed and ANTIQUEIMPORTS