futons/ the wonk of apt you sleep on. * AFFORDABLE FUTONS, COVERS, PILLOWS. > PLUS FINE CERAMICS, SCREENS, FURNITURE. * ALL HAND-CRAFTED BY OREGON ARTISTS. A cotton GlOUd\ X futon qalleny O 3125 E. BURNSIDE, DAILY, 11-6 234-6567 t ARTICHOKE MUSICS Musical instruments Bought, Sold, Traded "Portland's most unusual music store." •Guitars, hammer dulcimers, mandolins, flutes, banjos, autoharps, dulcimers and kits. •Exotic percussion and hand drums. •Best selection of folk, ethnic and international recordings. •Kids recordings and instruments. •instruction books and songbooks. Open Mon.-sat. I0:30to6 ^9^ OO/IE 3522SE Hawthorne Too Busy to celebrate, Two Years March 4th. Three Gears, not obsolete, After fifty-two years. Portland • 239-0553 Bike repair Parts &accessories Workspace Classes &instruction Bicycle Repair Collective • 4438 S.E. Belmont Street • Portland, Oregon 97215 • 233-0564 —where your bicycle is among friends— VISA fflgg C L A R I C E JOHNSTON D. M. D. D ENT ISTRY for adults and children • Treatment explained and discussed •Weekdays, Evenings and Saturdays • Flexible payment plans • Nitrous oxide available • New patients welcome Visit our expanded quarters at 3538 S.E.Hawthorne. open7days 12 8 Fresh Nutritional Foods for Your Active Life Clackamas Town Center 1-205 at Sunyside Road 653-7941 233-3622 230 N.E. 20th (Three blocks north of Burnside) GREAT SELECTION OF ROLLED CHRISTMAS WRAP 2916 N.E. BROADWAY - PORTLAND ____________________________________■ 284-4741 18 Clinton St. Quarterly—Spri ng, 1988 My Father's Place Restaurant & Lounge 523 S.E. Grand, Portland (503) 235-5494