Clinton St. Quarterly Vol. 8 No. 1 Spring 1986

NOW IT S EASY TO BE YOUR PETS BEST FRIEND! Show your love by / ' having your pets / spayed and I neutered. By \ doing so now \ you can save \ LOTSof$$$, \ prevent unwanted pet births, and have happier, healthier pets! LOVE YOUR PETS H a v e t h e m S p a y e d N a n d N e u t e r e d ! / \ Call one of the \ agencies listed I below for / . information / on the truly / low-cost spay- / ing and neutering services nearest /you. Call today... prices have NEVER been lower! Multnomah County Spay & Neuter Subsidy Program 667-PETS Spay & Neuter Info and Special No-Interest Loans Oregon Humane Society H e lp S p r e a d The Word • Tell Your Friends! NEUTERED IS NEATER! NOW... ITS AFFORDABLE TOO! 28 Clinton St. Quarterly VIN T A G E CL O T H I N G & AC C E S S O R IE S J E W E L R Y • CO L L E C T I B L E S VIC T O R IA N T H R U 1 9 5 O ’ S 4 5 0 5 SW WATSON BEAVERTON, OR 9 7 0 0 5 ( 5 0 3 ) 6 4 4 - 1 4 2 2 QU A L I T Y C L O T H I N G BO U G H T a SO L O HABROMANIA Is celebrating Its 10th Anniversary with 10% off everything * „ (15% with this ad) Quality Home Furnishings and Accessories Monday-Friday 11-6/Saturday 12-6 316 S.W. 9th • 223-0767 C O N S U M E R S O U N D IN G B O A R D IN C O R P O R A T E D Good OF Earl Likes To Ruminate, But When It Comes ToAction He's Too Pooped To •Participate Vote Jim Davis for City Commissioner William Danneman, Treas. Jim Davis Committee W eV „ availW panel, all to no c a l l e 4 ajUWalton P 45 inter onr / .s yi getting P°- $ » * » * _t G BOTS> Serving Portland, Medford, Bend and Salem The Sensible Alternative Since 1978 2 3 9 * 9 4 7 2 10th & NE Bumside other services available • Wills $30 • Divorce $49 • Bankruptcy $95 • Name-Change $45 • Step-Parent Adoption $95 Consumer Sounding Board: Independent Paralegals providing a low cost alternative to the high cost of attorneys. Portland’s Own Real Ale: NOW OPEN Ale-to-Go Hours: Tues-Th llam-7pm Fri llam-9pm Sat 4pm-9pm Pub Hours: Tues-Th 4-7pm Fri-Sat 4-9pm (We'll be extending hours soon) 1313 N.W. M a rsh a l l 241-7179 Visit the Source COLUMBIA RIVER BREWERY, Oregon’s original microbrewery, invites you to view the art of traditional brewing while enjoying our fresh, full flavored BRIDGEPORT ALES. Come down and be part of a warm and unique pub atmosphere with true Portland character. • Ale-to-Go • Bottles or kegs fresh from the Brewery, or bring your own container. Available only at the Pub: Cask Conditioned Ale — The New Religion Distributed by Gresham, Oregon (503) 667-5434