0 k«l — CHOCOLATE MOOSE CABARET ROOM "■ SERENADING FEMALE IMPERSONATORS LOUIE by Lanford Wilson MAY 16 - JUNE 22 ui LINDA LEE6 AND THEHARDLYGULS. *2®° CD x cn NOW B A B Y w i t h t h e B A T H W A T E R by C h r i s t o p h e r D u r a n g T H R U A p r i l 2 7 AND on th e c h i l d r e n s t h e a t r e s t a g e : O FO T I o r T h e B o y W h o L o v e d T ro l Is T H R U A p r i l 26 RSVP-223-6821 C h o c o l a t e M o o s e "A SPECIAL PORTLAND PLACE SINCE 1964" 53 - - DRINK B B B M M M PORTLAND. ORE. 97204 YES —We are open 6 days a week DOWNTOWN S.W. 2nd & Salmon • 1 block south of Yamhill Marketplace! ______ ____1 Endgames inc. Four locations featuring the finest selection of puzzles &games 200 S.W. Salmon C lackamas Town Cen ter Beaverton Town Square 110 W. Broadway Portland 224-6917 • Portland 652-1434 • Beaverton 626-3665 • Eugene 484-9846 VOTE YES ON FIVE THE OREGON MARIJUANA INITIATIVE NOVEMBER 4, 1986 HELP SUPPORT OMI ORDER YOUR T-SHIRTS & BUTTONS NOW JUST SEND THIS COUPON AND $12.00 FOR T-SHIRTS AND $2.00 FOR BUTTONS TO: OMI PO BOX 8698 PORTLAND, OR 97207 WE NEED VOLUNTEERS PLEASE CALL 239-5134 OREOON MARIJUANA M NATIVE COMING IN JUNE!! —A NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MARIJUANA— featuring: Ken Kesey, Andrew Weil, Dr. Arnold Trebach and leading activists from across the state & country REDDEN MCGAUGHEY YUGLER & JACK ATTORNEYS AT LAW * Business & corporate matters * Personal injury lawsuits * Business bankruptcy * Income tax preparation & planning 1727 NW Hoyt Portland, OR 97209 242-0909 PLAN NOW TO ATTEND JUNE 19-21, 1986, PORTLAND HILTON THIS AD PAID FOR BY THE OREGON MARIJUANA INITIATIVE 4 Clinton St. Quarterly 25