Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 3 No. 1 |Spring 1981 (Portland) Issue 9 of 41 /// Master# 9 of 73

CLINTON ST. QUARTERLY “ Power can only express itself through repression.” He has made it clear that if by some fluke the elections gave him the chance to govern, he would refuse. Is he the leader of a new party? No. He calls himself the candidate of those who’ve been left behind, of the marginal, of the disgusted: “ homosexuals, taxi drivers, laundresses, farmers, women, young people, transvestites, ex-communists, old people.” But he speaks strictly for himself. He gives them no overall program to follow as he calls upon minorities to take action on their own. His status as clown permits him to say: “ Screw you!” to the old system but without having to put something new in its place. From him, nothing is going to be institutionalized. On the other hand, he is creating a new way of looking at the political parade. You can imagine what an effect it would have for Coluche to go on television between Giscard and M l l l k 4IOMESS 2678913 3331 N.E. BpCAPWAy Mitterand, sharing their status. His face would eclipse those of the competition! Coluche is also exorcising a French electorate so blase as to ignore problems such as the famous scandals which have implicated the leading government family. The gift of diamonds to Giscard from the deposed tyrant Bokhara and the murder of De Broglie, possessor of damning information against ex-Interior Minister Poniatowski had been accepted as part of everyday life. Up to now people have looked to the choice of a candidate or to the vote for a new constitution as the only means of political action. They’ve repressed their desire to revolt against the political status quo, their indignation awaiting a catalyst. If Coluche is acting within the institutional framework, it is only to outwit and overthrow it; for his “ candidacy” is an “ anticandidacy” par excellence, a ferocious attack against the elections themselves. To vote for Co- luche is to reject the language, the techniques and the faces of the traditional leaders and the whole hypocritical show, which is moving France slowly but surely down the road to totalitarianism. His may be the only way of avoiding, for lack of other solutions, a terrorism Italian style in answer to government repression and the inertia of the opposition parties. Old Town Optics 214 N.W. Couch Street Portland, Oregon 222-1738 Complete Optical Service For the Active Adult Sports Eyewear Racquetball Skin diving Ski Wear Coluche now has 16% of the vote, 1% less than the Communist Party. This is already an achievement. But even more important, 50% to 60% of the electorate looks on him with favor. And even if this percentage then votes for Giscard or Mitterand, they will no longer do so out of conviction. The clown will have the last laugh. ■ Hours: Tues, th ru Fri. 10;30 to 6 Sat. 11-4 S tarting Sunday April 5 Open Sun. 11-4 Mountain Climbing Swimming Urban "Framing & F in e A r ts 1 0 3 2 S W S tark Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 5 2 2 8 - 2 3 1 1 21