Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 8 No. 4 | Winter 1986 (Seattle) /// Issue 18 of 24 /// Master# 66 of 73

Take a B look at an issue of The Progressive BY ALLAN NAIRN Then decide if When a Steel Town Fades Encounterin Gaza DEATH BY PRESCRIPTION r A cate study l»corpor»te greed ♦ and official neglect BY MATTHEW ROTHSCHILD * YOU you’d like to subscribe. Yes, let ME decide—Send me my FREE issue and reserve a one-year subscription for only $16.97. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP GUARANTEE: If The Progressive isn’t for you, return the subscription bill marked “cancel” within two weeks and that’s that. You’ve spent nothing. You owe nothing. And the sample issue is yours to keep, FREE. P.O. BOX 2049, MARION. OHIO 43306 56036