The best gift istheoneyoumakeyourself _______ You' complete source for Graphic, Dra3 ftinge , ArM chitectr ural l. & e Fi' ne A Art s r upt pli, es Inc.____ I816-8thAvenue. Seattle 98101 (206)625-0711 (800) 732-1129 toll free inWd. The $1,000,000 Body for $310 (no monthly dues) Grand Opening Special Three months Free plus $25 off with Annual Membership NAUTILUS NORTHWEST expires 12/5/83 North End: 13555 Aurora Ave N (137th & Aurora) 364-9944 Downtown: 2306 6th Ave (6th & Bell) 223-0480 Special Trade-In: If you have an active membership with any fitness club or spa, bring it to Nautilus Northwest and receive extra time on your new one-year membership at Nautilus Northwest. Drop by for more details. onthe BOARDS 15314thAVENUE(ATFIR) SEATTLE98122 NORTHWEST NEW WORKS a new series of 4 performances U JEFF BICKFORD, SHANNON LOCH & TOM SCHWORER 1 LORYWILSON/SKANK PRODUCTIONS 3 REBECCAWELLS 41 PAT GRANEY, BELIZ BROTHER & ERIC MUHS winter senes tickets available for 3 events “ BUSINESSMAN IN T H E PROCESS OF BECOMING AN A NG E L ” LALALADANCECOMPANY FEB. 9-11, 1984 “ L IGH T ” KEI TAKEI'SMOVINGEARTH APR. 5 7 , 1984 “ TU R T L E D R EAM S ” MEREDITH MONK T APR. 26 29, 198 4 for further information on these events call 325-7901 “Opening SOON for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner” BELLTOWNCAFE 2 3 0 9 F IRST AVE . 6 2 2 - 4 3 9 2 Clinton St. Quarterly 7