Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 9 No. 2 | Summer 1987 (Seattle) /// Issue 20 of 24 /// Master# 68 of 73

9 am - 10 pm Mon - Thur 9 am -11 pm Fri - Sat 2 pm -10 pm Sun Sm a ll, e s ta b l ish e d com pany seeks ro ya lty or d is t r ib u t io n ag reem en t fo r h ig h -q u a l i ty des igns of con tem po ra ry g if ts and home a c c e s s o r ie s . 2315 N. 45th (206) 624-8119 3508 Fremont Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98103 A u N S (1 block east of Guild 45th) Seattle's only hair salon/art gallery invites you to join us every first Thursday, 6- 9 p.m. for the gallery previews - - or call us for a complimentary hair consultation. 84 University #208 (Oceanic Building) Seattle, WA 98101 Design Consultation Paste-up Camera work Quality offset printing Women-owned and operated Member, Graphic Communications International Union. 514 E. P ine Seattle, WA 322-3150 Parvenue, Inc. 2929 1st Ave. Seattle, WA 98121 (206) 441-0831 We now serve espresso & a breakfast pizza! RISTORANTE & GALLERIA 617 N. 35TH - SEATTLE, WA 98103 FREE DELIVERY 547-8646 C4 BLK S. OF DENNY) open seven days a week do-it-yourself framing custom framing gallery 1822 BROADWAY 322 -4455 FRAME-IT ON BROADWAY free parking | SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Bring this ad for 25C OFF ANY SIZE CONE (regular & large) or FREE ESPRESSO With Pastry Purchase Hours: M-Th.: Ipm-midnight F.-Sat.: noontolam Sun.: noon to midnight Tel. 547-7863 LEGB? TIC r - (206) 622-2207 / 782-4860 tclectic surfaces is a decorative painting team specializing in custom colored and textured finishes. Monday thru Friday 10-8 Saturday 10-6 HAIR DESIGN • GALLERIA Bring in this od for 20% off ony haircut or service. STOREFRONT PRESS OAXACA ATELIER PRINTMAKERS OF THE ARTESANOS TIPICOS JULY 2 through AUGUST 1 Stows ItoeesGallery 91 YeslerWay Seattle, Washington 98104 (206)624-6752 4 Clinton St. Quarterly—Summer, 1987