Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 8 No. 2 | Summer 1986 (Seattle) /// Issue 16 of 24 /// Master# 64 of 73

CM©** How to Relate to Handicapped People I ln the past, handicapped people weren’t an issue ■because they weren’t seen around much. They were “shut-ins. 0s T The correct way to approach a handi- ■capped person. 4? W Today, handicapped people are more visible than ever. Yet people are 11 ■often still uncomfortable around them. In an attempt to be appropriate, people tend to overcompensate. & — V o o o ($0ME ARE HAPP^) (focnE E^ QUOTt pyLA^ PM fWfoh MSIV 9 Icktejt pop.t«.rrA^ $ ^ ^ ATIONAL 1 SPECIAL OLYMPICS’ ,t lent onc£) (A 1. LMHA. lo o t aicie^ in Snns^ U l hints to ■What I The first thing to realize is that the handi- ■capped are just like you or me! oT* Elt Mfly- l H Tne 1»M>Rbom \A6U,HEHI I f Don’t be afraid to ask questions—children are Vaspontaneous and uninhibited in their curiosity. Take a lesson from them.... ----------- w.U <,Om« ‘"oculars Vita4 ' male..."J A -(U4 b m^ke. \ tv tl fi.FlRM Cftht usually ft*! it Aw)wa ^ fGl4A to meet a ?n ««Ao|ol neap TRAUMA I f I When should you help a handicapped person? (Many people V I ahave expressed anxiety regarding this issue.) Basically, you must use your own judgement. If II Handicapped people can be helpful to you V I I ■sometimes. Let them! Handicapped folks get a special sense of usefulness when they are on the helping end of a situation. , THE bCCASlONftl- P5KS0N AAJIW VJVLL R tjE U T yeiAR /f-rreMpTs AT — WCLPH ^Da jo* that tht neurogenic. tL'aumn, Coupled w’.pk +He oiuT^ho- rp't. eK^s^a r\cHon results 0 M°<L M?«f 1$ your Xproblem. \-p N°T( Over the years, many myths have arisen. Here ■are a few we’ve heard one too many times! Odds ‘n’ Ends—How to communicate ■with someone who has a speech. WAUOK APPED PEOPLE Ertl T*E M**E Foo P *30* w - 1NV1T5 r*ei-i TO DINNER OTHEK 11^5 'jOH t*Ay u/iSU TO ft-su The P££$og IF HE KTEEOS A ^ W E - £0HET1M£S IT WILL BE QUITE OBOious THAT A UkW&lCApfED PERSON N te o i YOUR H-ELP- NOT YOUR PO(WT OF UiEw! If III lf you eni°Y a handicapped per- V I I I ason’s company, what’s next? ^ru ^OU. St\OUlb^T VET A HyDRO~ CEPHALIC Tfty ON your? : ft. Socks B. BELT C. HAT *jOi*. SHoulb HOT BOAST IN FRONT 0? A PARAPLEGIC. ABOUT: 'jou SHOULD MOT ASK A- PERSON WITH A TRACHEA-MMRATOK if you CAN: A.8o«Row five ButkS B r^EET HiS FAMiiy c. USE His AIR HOSE TO BLOW THE LOOSE HAIR OFF youR SHOULDERS ^ou SHOULD NOT StNG vJHK H TO A DOUBLE- ARM AMPUTEE- A. GEORGIA 8. I ’M A LITTLE TfAPoT C pLOvbH \N THE WINQ 8. THE 5£N5ATicN yN ^ouR GEN' TAIS. c. you* BANK ACCOUNT ~FW' S \jtRV DlFF'c u U ^" • T ^ AGWN Tt L l5 T E M t L f l * ’ ft^D C0H<EWl«At« ANOTHER PUBLIC SERVICE OF CASH (Change Attitudes—Stay Healthy) Send donations to: CASH P.O. Box 3588 Portland, OR 97208 OotJ’T BE AFMD TV COMPLIMENT R(M: fEV4 rAlt»^1E^“ "CAn X catch Hs<$ CM or -Coir MOU ; $^&i\', c5i wen VBjVo S gev »xav^ ■Tor tVioje, stairs beL.jaK , oar vsot -J«edX ? B i Potato er 7 ^ DON’T RE frF«4lp or NH Mftcy WITH A MHD- UAppep pee/oN IF THE nonEbJT AV>€.$. ow that you’ve brought yourself up to date, let’s review what you’ve learned. (For correct answers to these questions, send a check for $25 payable to CASH to the address below.) (cittfLfc THR COWECT AHSWE*) *0 BO BO SHlV SHO' HO t*l 1 Swi I f A VAMPlftE S££S A CHILO WHO HAS A(D$; THE VAMPIRE SHOULD NOT; A.hAkE ASANDujiiM f oR Him. 5. READ THE TORRH To HIM. d. SITE B IM, FAT r/lAt4lC- PEPRESSiNES Xf RTTWIS URNV ™E PERSON FT KH AND PftVERupu WILL Fr£- A DEEP of CRATiFICATIdN HAV IHE __ fWAUM C0M*t*NKlHW- • \ TOSSED b)0 -T Clinton St. Quarterly