THE KOZ' IS BACK F resh V e g e ta r ia n Cu isine 524 15 th A venue East Sea ttle , Washington 98112 (2 0 6 / 323-1888 Est. 1978 do-it-yourself framing custom framing gallery 1822 BROADWAY 322-4455 ( 4 BLK. S. OF DENNY) open seven days a week FRAME-IT ON BROADWAY free parking PICCOLO'S 5301 Roosevelt Way NE 522-8828 “Pies to Fly” Piccolo’s is Seattle's finest gourmet Pizzeria, serving over 30 toppings including steak, lamb, bacon, spinach, feta cheese . All ingredients are fresh, including our dough, which is hand-spun daily using whole wheat flour. PICCOLO'S 5301 Roosevelt Way N.E. 522-8828 Weeknight Special Any large or medium specialty pizza when PICCOLO'S 5301 Roosevelt Way NE 522-8828 $3.00 OFF Any large or medium specialty pizza or ordered with '/s-carafe wine or pitcher of beer or pop $2.00 OFF : * CASH VALUE 1/2M $5.00 OFF Mon -Thurs only 4:30 to 11:00 p.m. Any small specialty pizz? ’ CASH VALUE l / J « 323-0936 Hours: Mon-Fri ll-6/Thurs 11-7/Sat 11-5 It took 2000 years to improve this bed. It’ll take just one night to improve your sleep. 516 15th Ave. East Futon. Six-inch thick Japanese beds, all cotton or with two- inch foam cores. Sound sleep at sound prices. IV () n 7 H MM E 5 T FUTON ( ( ) M P A N Y Clinton St. Quarterly—Spring, 1988 17