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Name________________________________________________________________ Street Address (for UPS) ________________________________________________ Working the Woods, Working the Sen/Dalmo'ma 6 edited by Finn Wilcox & Jeremiah Gorsline ISBN 0-912887-16-8 $8 125pp Cover art by Morris Graves Poems and essays from those who work the land and sea, ranging from exhilaration to exhaustion; one can feel here the back-breaking, bone-chilling labor of reforestation and what it means to heal the earth. — David McCloskey Raise The Stakes Literary Magazines come and go, almost like Sunday newspapers, but Working the Woods Working the Sea deserves a place on your library shelves. — Stive Sanfield The Bloomsbury Review A collection which will one day be as highly valued by historians as it will be today as a sourcebook on fishing and treeplanting in the 80's. It is also a political collection, exposing exploiters of treeplanters and fishing people. — Jim Heynen NW Review of Books Empty Bowl books are distributed by Bookslinger of St. Paul, Bookpeople of Berkeley, Small Press Distribution of Berkeley, and Cornucopia of Seattle. In Our Hearts & Minds: The Northwest & Central Anierica/Dalmo'ma 7 edited by Michael Daley ISBN 0-912887-18-4 $7 134pp Cover art by Leon Golub With the humane impulse of passion poems, stories and travel accounts by Northwesterners stand beside translations of work by Central Americans. Included: Neruda, Murillo, Doubiago, Meneses, Costigan, Romtvedt, Aliesan, Bernstein, Gordon, Hamilton, Anglesey, Kessler, Cardenal, Belli, Zamora. Bertolino, Hirschman, Durand, Alegria, Hamill, Montejo, Ransom, Otto Rene Castillo and more. I went there as a staunch supporter of Reagan — really conservative — and I came back completely surprised at what I saw. We are not getting all the information on what's going on. — Mayor Brent Shirley, of Port Townsend, WA from the interview with Beverlee Joesten. Hearts & Minds is the best collection on Nicaragua I've seen: Nicaraguan & U.S. writers, poetry & prose, heartbreak & revolution. Everyone should read it. — Thomas McGrath In Our Hearts & Minds reveals the soul of Nicaragua. — Seattle Post-Intelligencer Lanza's Pizzoria (Pt. Townsend) 25 Lupes Uruapan8 Mama's Mexican Kitchen 21 McGraw St. Bakery 8 New York Pizza Place 9 Pony 21 Silence Heart-nest Restaurant 16 Springfield Creamery 21 Stage Left Cafe 10 Tanooki Sunflower 29 Touchstone Bakery 16 University Bar & Grill 16 GETAWAYS Breitenbush (OR) 32 Hatcher Pass Lodge (AK) 25 Oberero S.F. Tolavana Park (OR) GIFTS CSQ 36 The Daily Planet Antiques 25 Park Ave. Records 32 Ringworks Studio 21 Suspended Elevations 25 Zenith Supplies 34 HEALTH Admundson Chiropractic 21 JBC Clinic 32 Dr. Esteban Ryciak 34 Seattle Back Clinic 9 HOUSE The Daily Planet Antiques 25 NW Futon 21 Soaring Heart Futon 16 PERSONAL TREATS 4 Your Eyes Only 25 Avanti Hair, Gallery 12 SCHOOLS/FAIRS Antioch University 34 Human Relations Institute 35 Krystal ESP Fair 16 I i 1 t S I * C ity /S ta te /Z ip :T e l. No■( )_________ Your satisfaction Is guaranteed dr the purchase price will be refunded. Mail to. Professional & Technical Services, Inc. 3331 N.E. Sandy Blvd. • Portland. Oregon 97232-1926 Telephone 503/231-7244 AD INDEX ART Avanti 12 Ed Cox 10 Mia Gallery 13 Neon Beach 13 Stone Press Gallery 25 Robert Williamson 13 ART SERVICES Bozotronics Classical Image Photo 9 Frame it on Broadway 13 Seattle Art 10 Storefront Press 25 BIKES Wright Bros. Cycle Works 32 BOOKS/PUBLICATIONS Ark Communications 2 Bloomsbury Review 29 Empty Bowl 35 45th St. Books 26 Left Bank Books 32 N. W. Best Places 34 Northern Lights 35 Quest Bookstore 25 Second Story Bookstore 29 ENTERTAINMENT Empty Space Theatre 2 KVOW 26 New City Theatre 2 On the Boards 2 Pioneer Square Theater 10 FOOD & DRINK Cafe Counter Itelllgence 16 Cause Celebre 34 Central Co op Grocery 32 Copacabana 34 Espresso To Go 16 Garbo’s Cafe 25 Guido’s Pizzeria 21 Hi Spot Cafe 21 Julia'S 8 Just a Taste 25 • BRIGHT • CHEERFUL • BED & BREAKFAST • IN CHINA- TOWN/NORTH BEACH • BASQUE CUISINE • ROOMS FROM $30 • 1208 STOCKTON ST. • SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94133 • (415>989-3960 • OBRERO HOTEL & RESTAURANT IN THE BASQUE TRADITION I TOfeOVANA INN Next to the ocean, we’re the main attraction. Studio, one and two bedroom units with fireplaces. Indoor swimming, saunas, Jacuzzi and rec room. The perfect oceanside setting. Call us now for details. 2 miles south ot Csnnon Bosch, Oregon Clinton st. Quarterly—Spring, 1987 35