45street BOOKS This independently owned bookstore emphasizes literary titles, women ’s books, and a quality selection o f general interest reading. There is a wide variety o fperiodicals available, and the store hosts ongoing poetry readings and visual arts exhibits. New • Used • Rare 1716 N 45th Street Seattle WA 98103 633-0811 * SECRET SERVICE AND SURVEILLANCE ABOVE THE FARMER S MARKET CAPITAL ESPRESSOS AND CUISINE CORNER MARKET BUILDING J SOARING HEART Buying a bed is not like buying a car or a coat. It is something with which you are having an intimate affair—an intimate affair which represents a full one-third of your lifetime. And it's a third of your life “ you can take complete charge of. TOUCHSTONE B • a ♦ k • e • r ♦ y If you're seriously considering buying a futon, we at Soaring Heart Futon feel that taking a little time to explore this ancient art of the futon is your first wise investment. Call or go by Seattle's futon companies; ask questions; lie down and consider a third of your life. Then, fully apprised, make your next wise investment. Japanese Manufactured Version (polyester and foam) 1 Shiga's One World Shop 4306 University Way NE 633-2400 2 Uwajimaya 6th S and S King 624-6248 American Version (raw cotton) □ Northwest Futon 516 15th Avenue E 323-0936 4 Unfoldings 2107 N 34th 634-0630 Traditional Japanese Version (raw cotton) 5 Futon X 4137 University Way NE 547-4170 6 Soaring Heart Futon 101 Nickerson 282-1717 Why have we taken the time to tell you this? Because we feel that the more you know about something, the more you can appreciate it; and the more you appreciate, the more it will appreciate you. Specializing in whole grain breads, whole wheat cinnamon rolls and croissants made with organic, additive-free ingredients. Available at your neighborhood co-op & local health-minded foodstore and cafe. WHOLESALE ONLY SEATTLE (206) 547-4000 April 24,25,26 Bremerton, Kitsap County Parks Fairgrounds Main Exhibit Building 1200 NW Fairgounds Rd. Featuring: Rev. Krystal; Fire-Walking, with Steven Bisyak, (demonstrations Friday & Saturday; Sunday - participatory workshop); Alex Paterson. Free lectures every half-hour. 2 daily drawings for Crystal Ball, Pryamid, books, and tapes. HOURS; Fri-Sat -11 am to 11 pm. Sun-11 am to 9 pm. ADMISSION - $4.00; Seniors and Students - $3.50. Sponsored by the KRYSTAL PSYCHIC INSTITUTE of Kirkland. For Information call 827-9114. also with: Numerology. Rolfing Books Reiki Herbs Minerals Biorhythms Hypnotherapy Clairvoyants & more! 16 Clinton St. Quarterly— Spring, 1987