MICHEL ONEAL MEACHAM PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE STUDIO ARTWORKPHOTOGRAPHED • ALL MEDIA • PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT • MUSEUM QUALITY • TRANSPARENCIES — PRINTS • STUDIO OR LOCATION John Lindquist Carpenter All phases of carpentry THE FAIRMONT 1907 FIRST AVENUE STUDIO 53 623-2214 New & Remodeling Call 778-3925 7 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE THE GLASS EYE GALLERY GLASS Featuring contemporary handblown and cast glass from the Northwest, United States and Europe. Since 1978. EYE HOURS: M-Sat 10-5 1902 Post Alley 682-5929 Three full-line cooperative grocery stores featuring a complete selection of natural foods and products. Some things at the Co-op are different from other stores. Like our attitude —about food. And about people. At the Co-op, we help ourselves. We all have a voice in how the stores are run. And what's on the shelves. We're not just shoppers. We’re members. So even though we understand the "bottom line'’ w e ’re people oriented — not profit oriented. Greenlake Store 6522 Fremont Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98103 789-7145 Ravenna Store 6504 20th Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98115 525-1451 Kirkland Store 10718 NE 68th Kirkland, WA 98033 828-4622 Individualized exercise instruction, counseling, aerobics, spa facilities, free parking and more. Tanning Booths Available THREE MONTHS FREE WITH PURCHASE OF A MEMBERSHIP Calf for appo in tmen t and details. 223-0480 2306 6th Ave. Clinton St. Quarterly 25