Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 5 No. 3 | Fall 1983 (Seattle) /// Issue 5 of 24 /// Master# 53 of 73

Materials that create harmony in your personal environment promote harmony in the earth's environment, as well. Get a good night's sleep on a buckwheat hull pillow that supports your neck and relieves body tension. Northwest Futon Company, a natural. Spend one-third ofyour life surrounded by nature and your dreams will be sweeter. Our futon is portable, versatile, and, like everything else we sell, affordable. Northwest Futon Company, a sleeper. Bring this ad In before August 30th and we'll give you 10% off any regularly priced item in the store. N ORT H MM E S7 FUTON c o wn p A\ N y 400 SW 2nd, Portland 242-0057 Hours: Mon-Fri 11-6/Thurs 11-7/Sat 11-5 Clinton St. Quarterly 9