Clinton St. Quarterly Vol. 8 No. 3 Fall 1986

Z 2 . 3 ~ 7 Z 9 V Mon-Fri 10-6 Sat Sun 11-5 C a fe & D e lica tessen 4 0 4 S.W. 10th Po rtland Willamette Center 25 SW Salmon Portland, Oregon 97204 (5031 220-0330 Arbor Wine Co. 2300 S.E. Tenth Street Portland 233-8753 Alberts champagne bistro OGON^LL Discover Glass! Come to Oregon's Largest Glass Show - Third Annual Fall Glass Preview Opening Reception—Friday, October 17,1986 5:30-9:00 pm Show continues through November 6 fr e e g la s s o f ch am p a gn e w i th any d in n e r or a p p e t iz e r CATERING SPECIALISTS Weddings, Anniversaries and special occasions, I ta l ia n Spec ia lties W in e Bar • Cheeses • S andw iches Desserts • Sa lads • Sundries THE MARTINOTTI FAMILY un b e l g io rno 224*9028 ARMAND-DIXIE FRANK-VINCE CECELIA-DIONE EDDIE Our new fall collection o f Italian shoes balances the textures and shapes o f this Serving Up Italy ’s Freshest our new collection of fall women’s shoes season's clothing. Done in supple leathers and the latest colors, they bring an exciting f re s h n e s s to w om e n 's footwear. Come in and see our entire menu. 816 SW 10th 222-2577 Monday-Saturday 10-6 Sunday 12-4 Free Parking at Morrison Park West with Purchase ARTISTS LINDA ETHIER DAVE NEW-SMALL TONY PARKER Roy Ahlgren Sam Andreakos Melissa Andrews Nancy Becker/Karl Platt Hal Bond Ed Broadfield Cristine Corcoran Brock G. Craig Tim Dorland John Eckerdt John Hicks Kathleen Sheard Hodges Robert K. Hodges Michael Kennedy Keith Lampton Michael McGary Kathleen Miesen James E. Nowak Gil Reynolds Mary Sakamoto David Schlicker Savoy Studio Takeshi Tsujino Peter Wendel Daniel Woodward/ Ronald Woodward * There will be a 10% discount on all purchases opening night P I N E S T R E E T 221 SE 9TH AT PINE 235 -0027 AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE PARTIES TICKETS AT: Gl JOES. GALLERIA JEAN MACHINE MUSIC MILLENNIUM Touring Company FRLOCT.17 2 SHOWS 8:00 & 10:30 ALL AGES $8.50 AbV. DONOVANSEPT.16 THE BLASTERSSEPT.19 I UTAH PHILLIPSSEPT.261 GENE LOVES JEZEBELOCT.2 | THE CRAZY 8^OCT .5 KATE CLINTON'OCT.2 5 Clinton St. Quarterly 23