Clinton St. Quarterly Vol. 8 No. 3 Fall 1986

time. I scrubbed, shaved, brushed my teeth, and doused my hair. Standing there in the morning sun, I felt exquisite. From the high spirits of my companions, I gathered I wasn’t alone. I bought a bag of oranges at a cart and reboarded. The day wore on, and the lush plains ot southern China rolled by. In contrast to the deserted co rn fie lds of Iowa or Nebraska, these fields were crowded, like the towns in a Richard Scarry picture book, where a hundred characters are doing a hundred different things. Here were terraced gardens and rice paddies, orchards climbing hillsides, little brickyards and stands of bamboo, all crisscrossed with paths and ponds and irrigation streams, and all filled with people, pushing barrows, picking vegetables, carrying water or bags of grain, stooping in the rice paddies, washing clothes in the streams. Bicycles negotiated the narrow paths, miniature tractor-trucks sped along occasional roads, and water buffalo grazed in the fields. Iwalked up a few cars, carefully making my way past card games, intense conversations I couldn’t fathom at all, and people snoozing, heads nodding to the rhythm of the train. A young man with hair that stuck out from his head in tufts tried to speak with me in English, but he knew barely more English than I knew Chinese. Eventually, he gave up, and put two small bananas in my hand. I thanked him and went back to my seat, my section of bench. .B e s id e the station were long sinks, almost like big troughs, and rows of faucets overhead. Spongebath time. I scrubbed, shaved, brushed my teeth, and doused my hair. Standing there in the morning sun, I felt exquisite. Writer John Boylan lives in Seattle. This is his first story in CSQ. Artist Jimmy Jet lives in Seattle. He is represented by Traver Sutton Gallery. 2328 N.E. Fremont^ 282-9222 Daniel Sisco, N.D. Sarah Taylor, Certified Midwife Gentle Natural Childbirth House Calls Available Health Care & Improvement for the Entire Family. Special Rate on School and Sports Physicals Re-Elect State Representative RON CEASE Democrat, District 19 22 Be Part Of A New Tradition . . . Winner of the Pulitzer Prize S O U T H P A C I F IC November 21 - December 14, 1986 The Longest Running Musical In American History With its hit-song “Try To Remember. ” T H E F A N T A S T IC K S F e b ru a ry 13 - M a rc h 8, 1 9 8 7 G i lb e r t & S u l l iv a n ’s C om ic M u s ic a l M a s te rp ie c e T H E M IK A D O _____________Ap r il 1 7 - M a y 10, 1 9 8 7 _____________ A l l p e r f o rm a n c e s a re a t th e E a s ts id e P e r fo rm a n c e C e n te r , S .E . 1 4 th o f f S ta rk , e v e r y F r id a y a n d S a tu r d a y 8 P .M . - S u n d a y 2 P .M . O R D ER YOUR S EA SO N T IC K E T S NOW ! R e c e iv e u p to 3 0% d is c o u n t C H A R G E B Y P H O N E 2 3 '5 -4551 Clinton St. Quarterly DR. TORI HUDSON Naturopathic Physician Specializing in Natural, Drugless Therapies for chronic disease. • HOMEOPATHY • HYDROTHERAPY • NUTRITION Portland Naturopathic Clinic 11231 SE Market Street 255-7355 • By Appointment • House Calls Available • LEADERSHIP • • EXPERIENCE • • VISION • SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE OUIAU & w r i t e r s BY SUBSCRIBING TO Paid for by the Ron Cease for State Representative Committee, 2625 N.E. Hancock Portland 97212 HUMAN RELATIONS INSTITUTE MA DEGREE PROGRAM IN COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY D eg ree S pec ia liza t ion in DEPTH PSYCHOLOGY INCORPORATING DEPTH TRADITIONS WITH THE PRACTICE OF COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY The Human Relations Institute's program in counseling psychology strives to reaffiliate psychology with the humanities In a unique approach to the study of psychotherapy, the program is designed around an interdisciplinary curriculum that includes, in a d d ition to training In individual and family psychotherapy, the study of depth psychological traditions, art and mythology MONTHLY WEEKEND COURSES In addition to core and adjunct faculty, distinguished lecturers and therapists from the field of Depth Psychology contribute to the pro gram These have included James Hillman. Charles Ponce', Linda Leonard, Marion Woodman and Robert Stem NOW ENROLLING FOR FALL 1986 For a catalog: HUMAN RELATIONS INSTITUTE. 5200 Hollis*' Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93111 (805) 967-4557