PAINT WALL! Clinton St. Quarterly Most everybody'd like to paint a huge wall mural, right? But I mean really, how often do you get a chance to? And think of how much the paint costs and how much trouble you’d get into if you dropped a big bucket of it all over somebody’s Audi from 70 feet in the air. What if the scaffolding broke? How much does scaffolding cost, anyway? Ten dollars a day? A thousand? Who even knows? But look, here’s the deal. We want to give everybody a chance to paint a big wall mural anyway, without the risk of accident or having your grant taken away because you got caught spending the money on something you weren't supposed to. Just draw or paint or whatever you would like to do on this wall we've selected for you at the corner of 4th and Morrison. Either work directly on this page or make a good quality copy and work on that. Send your wall to us by November 10 and we'll print the ones we like the best in the next issue. Those whose work is selected will get their names printed along with their design, plus (and see if you can even imagine the joy of this!) a two-year subscription to the Clinton St. Quarterly, delivered by a ladv or gentleman in a government costume four times a year. A FEW HINTS: Work in black and white only, please. Color won’t reproduce very well in black and white. Either line work or continuous tone is OK. If it is continuous tone, make sure it has good whites, medium tones, and blacks. Mail it to us flat or rolled up. (Not folded, for godsake! Have you no professional standards whatsoever?) Send it to: WALL, Clinton St. Quarterly, Box 3588, Portland, OR 97208. If you want your work back, send a stamped self-addressed envelope of the correct size. That is all. Roger. Wilco. Over and out. Clinton St. Quarterly 33