VOL. 6, NO. 3 FALL 1984 Staff Contents Co-Editors Peggy Lindquist David Milholland Jim Blashfield Lenny Dee Design and Production Jim Blashfield Production Assistant David Milholland Laura DiTrapani Camerawork Brian Foulkes Proofreaders Betty Smith Steve Cackley Ad Production Peggy Lindquist Stacey Fletcher Beverly Wong Kate McNulty Ad Sales — Portland Lenny Dee Anne Hughes Sandy Wallsmith Ad Sales — Eugene Laurie McClain Tim Jordan Neil Street Ad Sales — Corvallis/Albany David McCorkle Ad Sales — Seattle Christopher Mascis Barbara Nombalais Joe Racek Marketing Director Anne Hughes Contributing Artists Tim Braun, John Callahan, Dennis Cunningham, August Encolada, T. Michael Gardiner, Susan Gofstein, Fay Jones, Andrew Keating, Marly Stone, Steve Winkenwerder Typesetting Archetype Printing Tualatin-Yamhill Press Public Relations Cramer/Hulse Thanks Linda Ballantine, Stephanie Denyer, Denny Eichorn, Jeffrey Harmes, Melissa Marsland, Douglas Milholland, Danny O Brien, Charlotte Uris, Gary Wilke and at least 1,000 friends of the CSQ. l jo n a \d Reagan is a polarizer, eager f 1 to demarcate the boundaries between good and evil, .God-fearing and godless, the chosen and the targets of our nation’s wrath. Given his long history as the purveyor, after Barry Goldwater’s tumble, of the Right Wing view of history, little he has done in office should surprise us. What is instead shocking is the apathy and cynicism his presidency has breed in the national psyche, a resignation to his “inevitable victory” that has stilled the fires of dissent and has kept those ofTis who complain vigorously of his policies on the sidelines of this bellwether campaign. While it is true that the Mondale campaign has so far been lackluster, and that the ray of hope Geraldine Ferraro brings to the Democratic ticket has been fragmented twelve-fold, the reality of the 1984 presidential campaign is finally this. A referendum is being conducted on the Reagan world view, and a lopsided victory for his candidacy and shock troops will bias our future beyond our furthest reckonings. Cynicism is the especial bane of those of us bright enough to know the perfect world is not achieved via the political process. Whoever accedes to that unmanjO^ ' a o0'9 a. ■ ageable office will immediately require our attention and response. Walter Mondale cannot help but disappoint us as President ... his vision is unclear, his leadership qualities are suspect, he is intimately tied to the Johnson-Humphrey- Carter policies. He’s a liberal’s liberal, has too little charisma, is jowly. He’s a whistle-stop, not a 6-o'clock news candidate. He grunted his way past two dynamic primary contenders and is pushing the 12th hour to show his true stuff. Yet he not only deserves our vote but our active support to put him over the top. Mondale and Ferarro, for all their shortcomings, are world’s apart from their incumbent opponents. The Democratic agenda considers the poor and outsiders, has made a clear stand for nonintervention in Central America and in support of the Nuclear Freeze. Unless you have a lot of spare change to throw at the stockmarket, the Reagan list including Beirut, Grenada, Nicaragua, Aquino, Watt, Meese, the B-1, the Peacekeeper, hard times, no jobs, and anti-ERA will strike a chord inside you. This Republican administration is toying with our lives and fueling a “recovery” through exploitation of our land and future generations. A past master at using the media, all criticisms bounce off our Teflon President. He has shielded himself from the press, except for “photo opportunities,” and they, reading the polls, have already ceded him the second term. It all feeds into our sense of impotence and resignation. But Reagan's no cynic. He believes in the role he’s playing. For he’s a performer whose soul lies too deep to be tapped. We're the ones with the bit parts. And voting simply isn’t enough. With the Republican warchest swelled to overflowing with big business bucks, it will take both our contributions and time even to challenge Reagan. I'm writing a letter to everyone I know, sending photocopies, explaining how much I care to defeat Reagan. Asking them to consider switching their vote, if they’ve been lulled by him. Or working to defeat him, if their mind is already made up for Mondale-Ferraro. The temptation to stand aside and watch the wave sweep over us is great, but our fears for the future, on every front, should be greater. We can talk to Mondale, maybe run him out of office if he lets us down. But we listen to the great communicator. _Bs \ f e J ^ ^ 6 % T t'1 He only listens to God, Nancy and his backers’ pocketbooks. Vote. Write. Organize, Resist. Don’t surrender. DM WHY SUBSCRIBE TO A FREE CSQ ? I A / hen the first issue of the Clinton V r St. Quarterly hit the streets of Portland in April 1979, a peanut farmer was President and Ronald Reagan was still an ex-actor and ex-governor. The Shah was tottering, but looked secure. Portland and Seattle had just claimed back-to- back NBA championships. People still built houses, and inflation, not unemployment, was our biggest economic problem. That first issue claimed boldly that "Sex Cures Cancer,” struck out at sacred cows everywhere, and alternately bemused, puzzled and/or disgusted its readers, depending on their predilections. Few people, including its creators, gave it a year. Yet miraculously, perhaps even defiantly, we’re still alive and kicking. 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Cover Jim Blashfield Man Oh Man Leanne Grabel 4 Intelligently Altered States Mike Heffley & David Milholland 10 Fond Summer Memories Steve Winkenwerder 14 Small Persons Trilogy Amelia Dorth The Lighter Side of Being Paralyzed for Life John Callahan 20 Lifes of the Saints J.K. Studyvin 24 (Paint) The Wall 33 Letter From Inside Allen Leigh 35 My Father is a Fireman Sallie Tisdale 39 Pinski’s Women Rachel Herr 43 Urban Renewal T. Michael Gardiner 44 Nights of the Roundtable Lenny Dee 47 The Clinton St. Quarterly is published in both Oregon and Washington editions by Clinton St. Quarterly, Inc. Oregon address: Box 3588 Portland, OR 97208, (503) 222-6039. Washington address: 1520 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101, (206) 682-2404. Unless otherwise noted, all contents copyright © Clinton St. Quarterly. casually, with tongue-in-cheek ads designed more for humorous effect than making you dig into your pocket. 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