m • Revue • Carrera Fashion Italiana o 2 rs 15 oc o co Finally. CD Quality Prescription Eyewear at Near Wholesale Prices! FRAMES (min.)........... LENSES single vision Photogrey extra & photobrown extrafsv). Oversize Lens chargefsv)............................ Plastic Lens tint............................................ $ 10 $24 o $10 ... $8 ... $7 CD era CD Ch The Optical Brokerage • 134 NW 21st Avenue 295-6488 r— O era o 7325 SE Milwaukie Ave. 231-0096 H • Silhouette Rodenstock • Optyl BCs complete dinners* ribeye pepper stack ohioken steok kobob ★ SERVED WITH SOUP or SALAD, BAKED POTATO or FRIES, and CHEESE BREAD. restouront Dku 6 lounge 2433 S E POWELL 232-0852 PORTLAND ARTS & LECTURES A project of Arts Celebration, Inc. A Four-Part Lecture Series with Leading Writers of Our Times Calvin TrillinNew Yorker Columnist Wednesday, October 24,1984, Portland Art Museum, 7:30 pm Ann BeattieNovelist and Screenwriter Wednesday, December 5,1984, Portland Art Museum, 7:30 pm Norman Mailer Tuesday, March 26,1985, First Congregational Church, 7:30 pm . Pauline K ael Film Critic Thursday, April 18,1985, Portland Art Museum, 7:30 pm Special Event co-sponsored by the Northwest Film Study Center Portland Arts & Lectures is a non-profit cultural project supported, in part, through the generosity ol Dolores Winningstad, the Sanford Founddtion. the Metropolitan Arts Commission, the Oregon Arts Commission. Calbag Metals D.B. Stern. Walsh Construction First Interstate Bonk, Pacific Northwest Bell, Gwyneth Gamble. Benjamin Franklin Savings and Loan Coldwell Banker, Mary Fellows Milcor, Inc, Eve Bachman. Jerry Bidwell, Carol Gardner, Cdrol Lewis Great Western Malting Co. Allan Hart, Elizabeth Hirsh. Steve and Dory Kanter, Portland Art Association Powells Books Tom Mesher, The Business Journal, Clinton Street Quarterly. First Congregational Church, and others Portland Arts & Lectures Board of Advisors: Eve Bachman, Jerry Bidwell, Cliff Carlsen, Gene Chao, Gwyneth Gamble, Carol Gardner, Dory Kanter, Carol Lewis, Joan Smith, Dolores Winningstad. N a m e . ____ Phone Address__________________ ,________________________________ City Zip_______;_________ Please send me__ series tickets for $3D each. Please send me__single tickets for the events checked. Calvin Trillin $8 Norman Mailer $10 Pauline Kael $8 Ann Beattie $8 I have enclosed a check for $ . Please charge my Visa/MasterCard/American Express Acct. No.___________ Exp. Date___________ Yes! I would like to help support Portland Arts & Lectures with my tax deductible contribution of $. Yes! I would like to become a Portland Arts & Lectures Patron with a tax deductible contribution of $50, and to attend the special opening reception. Return Coupon to: Artquake, P.O. Box 9100, Portland, OR 97207 [503] 227-27B7 Save $ Travel to Far Places Come to the Sale of Used, Scarce, Second hand. Out of Print Records 2k? Books in \\ estmoreland at LONGFELLOW’S 6229-31 SE Milwaukee Ave. 239-5222 25% off SALE To celebrate the 4th year | I we have managed to stay open | despite Reagan’s policies! | Coupon good thru Dec. 1984 “ Don’t complain if you don't use your brain.” PORTLAND’S BEST PIZZA IS ALSO PORTLAND’S BEST LATE-NIGHT DINNEB Our popular thick-crust Sicilian- style pizza and other menu favorites are served until 12:30 am weekdays and 1:30 am weekends. VISIT US SOON FOR A GREAT ALTERNATIVE TO A MIDNIGHT RREAKFAST 1204 SE Clay St. 235-7831 ■Fund service 12:30 pm weekdays until 1:30 weekends PARCHMAN FARM A PORTLAND JAZZ CLUB LIVE JAZZ FRIDAY and SATURDAY Clinton St. Quarterly 23