st® ok chicken pepper kobob 707 S£.I2-— VICTORIAN STYLE LAMPSHADES Silks & Satins with Fringes & Beads. Custom Designing to Suit Your Tastes & Needs. Popcorn Gift Ideas CONSULT THE PROFESSIONALS POPPERS SUPPLY COMPANY 340 S.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97214 (503) 234-0576 IBC’s complete dinners* ribcy® ★ SERVED WITH SOUP or SALAD, BAKED POTATO or FRIES, and CHEESE BREAD. 2433 S E POWELL 232 0852 restouront WEDDING INVITATIONS • PARTY SUPPLIES 2916 N.E. Broadway Portland, Oregon 97232 (Halfway between Lloyd’s and Hollywood) (503) 284-4741 YESTERSHADES K id - r 3534 S.E. HAWTHORNE PORTLAND. OREGON 97214 ► 238-5755 TRY A SLICE OF NEW YORK Clinton St. Quarterly * OUR CHEESE is whole milk Mozzarella. That’s it. — No substitutions! bountiful 9I3S.W. Alder Portland, Oregon 226-4129 OUR FINEST PIZZA IS PORTLAND’S * OUR SAUCE is a unique recipe prepared each day from whole tomatoes, fresh garlic, select herbs and spices! * OUR DOUGH is handmade every morning at 5 am. (8 am N.Y. time) * OUR TOPPINGS are fresh and * OUR PROMISE is to make everything fresh. We won’t skimp on ingredients!