Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 5 No. 3 | Fall 1983 (Portland) /// Issue 19 of 41 /// Master# 19 of 73

Presenting the 1983 bugene Summer Alm f&tival^featvhnq the test in comedy and drama.stale. and expression in world cinema. Thanhs to your ra^t support, thi^ years Festival «4 w t ru lu themo^t^mPitiou?. In terna tiona l in scope. premienny i6 f ilm ? f rom eleven nations,plus exciting rarieties pg Lenoir,Bresson. tW n co cK and more. Cvery a t tem p t ha^ been made to Secure p r a te in the ir original fo rm a t and running time. Independent^ produced bw Cinema 7 -fo r ubiAr c in em a t io p lea su re ,we. loop forward to p p u r S u g g e s t io n ? andcomment?. Thefestiva l ^dedicated to the outrageous. humorous e legant, uncomprom is ing cinema o f Luts f ru f iu e l (1900-1983). (Canada 1982) 36mm 90m<n 9 lw s730 p i SuteauMatinee 200fm Aliiteapiemfirinuameduaiw two lw- txamwhoaredetained to hueachild Jutrai stu^andfeel for the caarcome. vividly 3We'A tuMaWMirtifsuatr^ two women exftore ttepossibilitiesojentothem* Pifedot. Lirdsay Anderson (GreatRifam i9») 35 mm 5how> 9 19pm Qundaq 9 4 9 pm Anton ■ospruu. (o LucKyMan) returns withMalcomJHtowdI ate music U/AlanPricein thnomesahre .ofBritish ^ooaliied medtuneset within one hecticdau that marh? the 900® knrwersay of PrittaniaHospital. ■^nuihwkjiij fun*^ irwigxatiry linhajArttertons best Alm" N v r r ^ P?Wished in the with the author^ dealing I September22-29 I ErectorGillianArmstrong I (Australia 1093) I Showshh'Sat -j 3O Su^-^edToo Sun Matinee 2 00 ■ director o f 0 Mg frilliant Career^ | comes fhb Newy^Ve' I ^ .^ 3 1 Australia I a J Adelightful IcoKattwo I M M ^jgtiey teenagers I n n -with'---- 7— ‘ 1 I K &gssss^ ii■ ■ > I ( H I 1 Erector9tanieu KuPricK U S ' (dr tetain 1 9 7 ^ ^ 1 0 ^ ^ I ■ ■ 7 OO-JunM]at ti 30 J I S MlhdrawnRomAmerican w A E la t io n 4fterib initial L m reie^.we now twe toe RAD p v P^Qte to t ^ t ^ v e r fat?-— I XTXTTOW T hdfo^oriot^ tomlationop LYNDON 2 ^e r^ep ic c la ^cem - ,o^ c ngona life tear of 10th thrash f a t fo s .& m b A ^■and sfateiu homes. V&tti tutor ' directorJean (^encnv . . , _, (itflM/Fance1955) 16mm(OOnn *n e QOlden 5h0WS IO 15 Sun Mar 3 50 coach Notseemn th&us trover ioq» and^owmg withane^/prmtiseenoite nygntfcertmlor- fidcomeduof-toue. October 6-12 A IS IM^ T / I Pimctor Miguel Uttin | (Nicaragua 1932) 35mm 6how5 T h a r - ^ t 7 :3 0 San-Wed 7 OO I SandauMatinee. 2 0 0 I Special $at matinee show irqatl 00pm I All Seats 92 2S entire proceeds to &A4ene I Council for HumanR ijh tj in LatinAmerica I for emexgenegmedical re lie f& r focar- I aguan refugees viearepleased to cooperate with The *1 hugene Counultorhuxn^pghts in Latin I America in the Oregonitemere of this I yearsOscarNominee fix-^&5t foreign I Language film. Chileandimeter Lithn^ I allegorydearth I CentralAmerican xevolutionarie^.lm^in-1 atiUely written and directed. teMtifaI lu I 3 rd engagingly acted r>xhestoru I pedan t ttPqlMrwwith I hisG&ndmothevwhodreams he pa^ ionJ afeiy want^tof lq ,—— ‘ j I John Ford(USA I949)35 io3 Shows Thur-sat 9 i5 Sun -Wed 8 45 ■ SundayMatinee 3 45 Ihectow ijofltnn ijoffflefewa iisaw ,, ■ rare treat not tobemisted Agreat western. ■ StarsJphnUtauneas an tyingcalvary captain■ nearing retirement.Oscar for test photo- ■ ^taphij mfords Monument valley ■ W. 10th & Olive • Eugene SATURDAY MARKET... Eugene’s Weekly Celebration • C r a f t s F a i r • Food F a i r • O pen A ir • A lways F r e e Every Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m. In the beautiful “Park Blocks” 8th & Oak Sts., Eugene, OR (503) 686-8885 for more info. C om e b e p a r t o f t h e m a g ic ! A fine selection of books on personal & spiritual growth, psychology, healing, the occult. Records & tapes of music for meditation and relaxation. Unique in Eugene. Records — Tapes Posters Cards Incense Monday-Saturday 10-6 • 790 E. 11th. Eugene 97401 485-4848 tURNiNG pO /^ CCaiAe &<WIM V △ V △ V △ V V A VA ^A7 △ V Hair Stylist for M en an d W om e n 2 6 60 OAK STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97405 fo r a p p o in tm e n t ca l l 3 4 3 - 4 8 1 3 SUNDANCE Natural Foods 748 East 24th Eugene 343-9142 Everyday 8am-llpm