Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 4 No. 3 | Fall 1982 (Portland Edition) /// Issue 15 of 41 /// Master 15 of 73

THANKS ID MSIER. DIRECT RDUTIS.THOUSANDS OF TRIM ET RIDERS CAN NOW SKIP TOWN. For years, Tri-Met has followed the general route patterns established by the old Rose City Street Car lines. These ran from northeast and northwest Portland to the downtown core area, sort of like spokes radiating out from the city center hub. So even if someone just wanted to go across the east side of town, they had to come downtown first. That’s all changed. After tackling mountains of data and thousands of scheduling problems, our planners have created a new route system that does away with much of the spoke pattern and replaces it with more of a grid pattern. For our north, northwest and east side passengers. In other words, these new straighter routes let riders go across town and skip going downtown. Or, if they want, it lets them go to and from downtown faster, with some 3,500 more seats available. MORE BUSES, MORE OFTEN This is no minor change of a few routes here and there. It’s the first big step of a And you’ll find the waits between buses now significantly shorter. So you can spend a little more time at home and a little less at the , -JS bus stop. Something else. Withour new self- service tickets and equipment M & (as you’ll read below) trans- ferring from one bus to another can now be done J through any door, s without having to show the driver anything. Another reason why traveling in the north, northwest and east side will be on the fast side. Key Transit Center Route numbers Regular route Infrequent service Fare zone boundary EVERY SILVER LINING HASADARK CLOUD. | W R w W l With all of this X ’ good news, some of the more skeptical out there are probably wondering what the catch is. Well, for some of you, it means you’ll have to learn new routes. In a few cases we’ve had to eliminate certain routes. In many cases we’ve had to change or re-route others. So yes, there may be a little confusion at first, but like our buses, it should pass quickly. SPECIAL SPEED EQUIPMENT ABOARD EVERY BUS. There’s another reason why $ Tri-Met will have the fastest buses in J the country. Because we’ll have the first luses with self-service boarding equipment. Something usually found only on European transit systems until now. One machine dispenses single ride tickets for cash-paying customers, another validates our new 10-Ride Tickets. And a Fare Inspector stops in every so often to make sure everyone is paying fair. SEND FOR YOUR FREE SPEED RIDING MANUAL. If you haven’t attended our big yellow Bus School demonstration buses yet, call 233-3511 and we’ll tell you the location of the one nearest you. That’s a good first step, and it only takes about ten minutes. Better yet, send for our free Speed Riding Manual below which explains all about the new self-service system in general and the new services in particular. Route- by-route, it tells you which ones change, how and where. That way, when September 5 arrives, you’ll know exactly how to jump on America’s fastest buses and skip town. s TRI-MET larger grid system concept. Altogether, about 400 hours of bus service a day are being added for our customers. Efficient new direct service at that. So, for example, you can go from the Laurelhurst and Montavilla neighborhoods to the Civic Stadium with a direct, notransfer trip. Dear Tri-Met: I want to learn more about how to ride America’s Fastest Buses. Please send me a copy of your Speed Riding Manual which explains in detail the new equipment, zones, and routes. Name___________________________ __ S treet_____________________________ City_______________________________ State/Zip___________________________ Mail to: Tri-Met, c/o 925 N.E. Everett, Portland, Oregon 97232 PORTLANDHASAMERICA’S FASTEST RUSES> Clinton St. Quarterly 21