Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 4 No. 3 | Fall 1982 (Portland Edition) /// Issue 15 of 41 /// Master 15 of 73

VOTE YES ON #7 NO MORE GUNS TO EL SALVADOR! Killing people isn’t cheap. Since 1979 the U.S. government has sent over $122,000 in direct military aid to the government of El Salvador to kill its own people. According to Amnesty International, the Nobel Peace Prizewinning human rights group, that government is responsible for “a systematic and widespread program of torture, ‘disappearances’ and individual and mass killings of men, women and children.” Who do you think is paying for this campaign of terror? We are; the taxpayers. The same people suffering Reagan’s cutbacks in social services, the rising inflation, and unemployment. In the Portland metropolitan area nearly 10 percent of our workforce is unemployed. And Reagan wants more money to send to El Salvador. The Reagan administration proposes we send another $160,000,000 in military aid in Fiscal Year 1983! COUNTY BALLOT MEASURE #7 calls for an end to U.S. military aid to El Salvador. It gives the voters of Multnomah County the opportunity to tell Washington we are sick and tired of this military madness. THE EL SALVADOR INITIATIVE COMMITTEE needs your help to make this proposition a success. Write or call if you are willing to volunteer some of your time. All donations are greatly appreciated. EL SALVADOR INITIATIVE COMMITTEE P.O. Box 14513 Portland, OR 97214 235-9388 VOTE FOR Michael K ’ MARCUS W JUDGE Multnomah. County District Court Department 3 • 12 years as Legal Aid attorney for clients such as Evergreen Apartment tenants, Edge- field Manor patients, and tenants of the Park Haviland Hotel. • “Strong first choice . . . one of the most influential poverty lawyers in the state ... a lawyer’s lawyer . . . dedicated to helping the little fellow.” ©naunian WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7. 1982 • Combines technical excellence with profound respect for the people and the process. • A pro tern judge appointed by the Supreme Court, Michael Marcus has sat over 60 times as a substitute judge. To help, contact the Michael Marcus for Judge Committee, P.O. Box 12736, Portland, OB 97212, 288-1896. STAN KAHN Representative Shirley GOLD Democrat, District 14 “Working for Portland’s East Side Community 35 years.’’ Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Shirley Gold. 775-9612, Bill Ulrich, Treasurer. 4915 SE 35th Ave. 97202 FORA PRACTICAL APPROACH TO GOVERNMENT Paid for by Committee to Elect Stan Kahn, Lee Lancaster Treasurer. METRO DIST. 8 DAILY LIFE AT THE WORLD'S LARGEST NUCLEAR COMPLEX IS LIKE LIFE ANYWHERE ELSE That’s What’s So Scary! NUCLEAR CULTURE is the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in southeastern Washington State—site of plutonium production for nuclear warheads, home of nuclear power reactors, and an area for both military and commercial nuclear research. Nuclear Culture is the story of the people who live and work there. “Paul Loeb’s portrait of a nuclear weapons and power community is as brilliant as it is disturbing. The dangers of banality that threaten our sanity and existence have rarely been so vividly offered.” — STUDS TERKEL, author of Working “Nuclear Culture is invaluable to citizens organizing around nuclear weapons and power facilities.” —BILL SIMPICH, member of the Abalone Alliance fundraising collective Nuclear Culture may remind you of Alice in Wonderland as if written by George Orwell. For anyone involved in anti-nuclear initiatives, Nuclear Culture is essential reading. For those who should be involved, Nuclear Culture is a fascinating, natural starting point. You can order Nuclear Culture right now, using this coupon. Your purchase will help raise money for the anti-nuclear movement. Send for your copy today. nUCLEAR CULTURE LIVING AND WORKING IN THE WORLD’S LARGEST ATOmiC COmPLEX PAUL LOEB I Send Your Order To CSQ I 2522 S.E. Clinton I Portland, OR 97202 I B Please send me copy(ies) of Nuclear Culture I | at $13.95 per copy,_plus $1.50 forpostage and han- | । dling. Enclosed is my check for the totalamount g । payable to: I N a m e I 1 Add 1 । Address________________________________ A— g I City I State_____________________Zip______________ । Clinton St. Quarterly 13