Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 10 No. 3 | Fall-Winter 1988 (Portland) /// Issue 39 of 41 /// Master# 39 of 73

Differences You Can Hear People You Can Listen To J Q IH I□ n kS KyOCERB RcouiTRT -----------------------ELECTROniCI alternative t a r m m / audio research acoustics ■ f c i d t a THRESHOLD T F , A C We didn’t choose our name to be cute, we chose it to make our attitude about audio very plain. We are not like those stores who treat stereo like another group of home appliances. We aren’t like those stores who are more interested in proving they know everything than they are in answering your important questions. We have the same attitude that got serious audio started in the first place, we love music and we want our home listening to be as much like the real thing as possible. So we listen. And listen some more. If a piece of audio gear sounds better than anything else for the money and if nothing else less expensive sounds as good, we put in our sound room. For you to listen to. For as long as you like. When you visit the Audio Alternative, you won’t be overwhelmed by high-pressure tactics and you won't be overwhelmed by specifications and jargon, but be forewarned, you may very well be overwhelmed by just how much music you can get for your money. B e Audio 8680 S.W. Canyon Road Portland, Oregon 97225 297-1127 bloom's books 7 ^ 5 ^ 5W- CAP ITOL FlWY /WON. - f RL 9 ^ - 9 ™ A T . 9 ^U N . I 2? -5 S A C 1 P H O A JC C f l F T O Come t v and browse a n d discover treasures tha t d e l i g h t ^ o / d alike ^ o o k s area g ift th a t k e e p o n £ i v m ^ EX P ER IEN T IA L BREATHWORK The breath sends forth a blaze o f light dispersing the dark clouds o f the mind. Breathing; Energy initiating a current o f force. Life force spilling over to be experienced for healing one ’s wounds: mental, emotional or physical and for traveling the inner spaceways o f joy , ecstasy, freedom. Our life situations and relationships, like our body symptoms, are symbols and messages from the unconscious mind, to expend and learn, to transform from ego/fear based beliefs to heart- centered, whole viewpoints and intuition. Experiential breathwork is a safe, nurturing metamorphosis through deep feelings and forgiveness to inner peace. 203 SW 9TH 224-0660 Terry Rudd doctorate Naturopathic Medicine - certified Rebirther consultations by appointment 4016 SE 33rd Place, Portland, OR 97202 (503) 231-6071 38 Clinton St. Quarterly— Fall/Winter 1988