Clinton St. Quarterly, Vol. 11 No. 1 | Dec 1989 - Jan 1990 (Portland) /// Issue 40 of 41 /// Master# 40 of 73

I Should Have Called Him Daddy Grabel Family Archives » ** « ** Last week I lay down on my own daughter’s bed To write a birthday tribute to my father. Seventy-five he turned that day. Still proud and so defiant, yet With time as foe, he cannot win. The bane of all the Grabels: forced defeat. A clan of brain-thick Leos. Men who would be king. Cowboy-loving, Bronx-born Jew, my Father met a man from Stockton During World War II who said to Move to Stockton when it’s through. “The soil’s rich; the money flows In carrots, maize and Tomatoes.” So my father moved to Stockton. Met a pretty Stockton Jew. She said he courted her with watches Diamond-frosted. He said she was Thin and cool. A rise above the Girls back home: large-lipped and Loud-mouthed. Thighs and arms as Thick as stew. By Leanne Grabel Photos from the My father said my brain grew quickly. Though too short and female, I was Cunning. How he gloated. How he crowed about my prowess. Then he sniffed potential. Rubbed his stubbled chin and started Plotting when I’d barely reached age Two. My father’s winning combination. How I loved to please him Lapping up his meager praises. You should have seen him strolling Up and down the urban streets on Rare vacations spent in major cities By the bay. My father/posture-perfect In his charcoal felt fedora cocked with Perfect fifties slant upon his Giant pride-filled head. A tower looming to my left He let me grip his fleshy hand. His fingernails were buffed and shined. I thought he was an act of nature. Not a man. He had a voice like molten lava Rumbling inches from my ears. Hawthorne Auto Clinic,Inc. Mechan ica l se rv ice and repa ir of im po rt and domes tic cars and l ig h t t r u c k s F IAT and P eugeo t s p e c ia l is ts 4307 S.E. Haw thorne Portland, Oregon 97215 appointments 234-2119 The Adobe Rose Cafe H IN O V M IT E E - S ST Y Y O L U E T N O E W EX M P E ER X I I E C N A C N E F OOD MONDAY-THURSDAY 4 pm -9 pm FRIDA/ & SATURDAY 4 pm -1 0 pm 1634 SE Bybee Blvd. 235-9114 Mexican Beer & Wine • Special Drinks • Desserts 14 Clinton St. Dec. ’89-Jan. ’90