\ BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL Hi! Anyone lucky enou th to have had the chance to meet the charming Miss Black America {Miss Gloria 0 . Smith) will agree that she is the perfect example of all the qualities that to– day's lady should possess. Her lovely appearence en– hances her personality and intelligence. I met her at a promotional reception party while I was in Seattle Retail buyers are really buy i ng t h·e M i d i l en gt h.••. Actually, they are not an "ugly length" at all. Re– member to feature boots with this length in a coat. To– day's fashions have very little hanger appeal, and you can't really tell how it's going to look on you without trying it on. At the present moment, Maxi & Midi vs. the Mini. .. during the 60'sthe fashion industries became increas– ingly responsive to the tastes of American women. A large number of them still had a. terrible time finding clothes that suited them. Fashion during thi~ time also displayed a penchant for fads thatpublicists oushed long after women THE MUSIC BOX TAVERN (formerly The Purple Rhino) announces LADIES' NITE: EVERY THURS. and HAPPY HOURS: also • foosball • pool • bowling 5 til 7 p.m. WEEKDAYS • hot sandwiches 4935 N. Williams Ave. 284-9318 Everyday 4:00 p.m. 'til 1:00 a.m. LEGAL AID BRIEFS INSURANCE PROBLEMS IN ALBINA More and more people seem to be upset by difficult i es in obtaining prope~ty damage and automobile insurance in the Northeast area . The Met– ropolitan Human Relations • Commission and Legal Aid are very concerned about this sib ation and are in the pro– cess of gathering facts reg– arding unfair insurance pra– ctices. It is possible that legislation will be intro– duced next year to help rem– edy this situation and of you have any suggestions as to what such a law should pro– vide, we would like to hear from you. THE REFERRAL SALES RACKET Referral sales schemes are a deceptive gimmick used by many door-to-door sales outfits as a means of induc– ing people to purchase often unnecessary products at out– rageous prices. The referral were tired of them. Today we all are confused .... ! still say thatwomen are safer with the styles that fit their personality and shape. I have heard people say that anyone can wear the mini ... not true ... and the same goes for the rest of today's fashions ... includ– ing the see-through blouse if you have nothing to see. My poi n t i s t hi s : Wear what you please, but remem– ber that you might not be pleasing the people that are the closest to you and who care about you. Every woman who is in– deed a woman wants to look her best at all t i me s , and joining the "Band Wagon" is not a wise fashion-mind– ed way to do it .... Remember that, O.K.? by DELORES HARDING Walnut Park Lock· & . Key Co. Bonded Locksmith Member A.L.O.A. LUGGAGE & TRUNKS REPAIRED Complete Line of Luggage Keys Made or Fitted Outboard Ignition Keys and Marine Locks KEYS FOR ALL LOCKS Open 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to Noon 533 N.E. • • SEE WHAT sac BUYS at RUNYANS STORE SAMPLE LISTING OF EVERYDAY BARGAINS "HEFTY" EXTRA LARGE PICK COMB HOOP EARRINGS .... ... .. tand other styles).. . . . .. pair 88' SUNGLA~SES (Granny-style for men or women). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88' HEAD SCARVES (Nylon. asst. colors & prints) . .. .. . ... . .. . ... 3/88' MEN'S SHORTS SHIRTS (" PRINCE NOBILITY" PERM PRESS) . . : 88' TOOTHPASTE (National Brands) . . .... . ... .... .. . .. . . . ~ price REDWOOD PLANTER BOXES (Two Sizes) . .... ... .... . 88' RUNYANS 88' $TO.RE 3716 N.E. UNION . JUNE ll, 1970 TH E NEWsPAPER PAGE 7 s cheme wor ks like t his: The salesman will qiv e a ra t her long _but sin c ~re and interesting tal k about the great value of his prod– uct and why the buyer needs it badly. The buyer will often reply, "It certainly sounds good, but I just can't afford it • II The salesman will say, "That's the beauty of this plan. You may not have to end up paying anything!! We will give you a $10 com– mission for every person whose name you give to us who agrees to speak to me and hear my sales pitch. They don't have to buy anything. If you just give me the names of 40 such people, then the $400 for your (whatever the article may be) will be paid. all 't have to pay at 1n g , Does i t soun d good to you? It has caught a lo t of people. What's wrong with it? Well , as a practical matter no one, or very few, ever get any substantial amount of money from the commissions. It's a lot harder than it sounds. If you and two of your frie- .-n ds bought this line, you would have to give the sales– man altogether 120 names to fully pay off the debt incur– red on the $400 item if your referral commission were to be $10. If ten people in your neighborhood were to sign up, you would have to get 400names between the ten of you. It is like a chain letter or a lottery. It soon becomes clear that there are not enough people in the wor– ld to allow the system to r e a l l w r k t o t he bu e r ' s (Page 81 u~~ A Tip. . . GET YOU HORSEPOWER Rea~liJr ./pl'in§: D.M AUTO PARTS, INC. COMPLETE·AUTOMOTIVE PARTS & ACCESSO 0 N.l!. KILLiNGSWORTH STREET • PORTLAND, OREGON 287-1254 MON-SAT 8 a.m.-7 p.m. SUNDAY 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ''TilE MOD£01 · 'IIA'fTO WASH'' at ~~,4, Norge laundry Vi II age ~. N.E.18tH & DEKUM 6 DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS MONDAY Tl{RU FRIDAY Honored Citizens 65 years young If you are 65 years young or over, drop by ou r spec ial Registration Bus Office , S. W. 6th between Morrison and Yamhill, and sign up for your Honored Citizen 10 Card. Ride any of TRI -MET's 37 bus lines weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and all day Sunday for only 25 ~t. Office hours for the registration bus, 9:30 a.m. to 3:00p.m. We'll be honored having you aboard . & TR.I-IVIEr "YOUR BUS SYSTEM" For schedules , route maps and other helpful information CALL 234-7351 4314 S. E. 17th Ave.
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