
PAGE 6 THE NEWsPAPER REV. BOYD SPEAKS PROVIDENCE BAPTIST CHURCH JUNE ll, 1970 "Portland is on the brink productive summer- that is, of a crisis - and most of us unless we adults are up to aren't fully aware of its grav-the challenge. ity. Unless an immediate re- We need summer jobs, and sponse is forthcomina we can we need them desperately. We expect a summer of disillusion- need recreational and athletic ment, di s appointment and des- programs - and they won't be pa i r. The tragi c fact i s that avai lab l e unless 0 reg on i an s a combination of circumstances care enough to make them avail– threatens to deprive our young able. citizens of the prospect of a The forces working against ~----------------------------~our young people are formidable - and these forces are beyond the control of the young .... it doe s no t know J e s us . 0;, The 0r e go n e c 0 nomy i s i n sure, these seem like simnle a recession. This has dried or e ve n ambi CT uous wo r ds , up s umme r j 0 bs an d we aken e d but it only ~akes sense our community agencies in andspY'ings into li""e wi1en you their effort to offer meaning– come to know Jesus Christ as ful summer programs., .. your own personal savior and The crisis resulting from "WHEN HE COMES you are well acquainted with Oregon's business slow-down WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM" the· plans He has for those is heightened by an untimely that accept him. loss of public and private I John 3:1-2 The biq test confronting funds which kept last summer Behold what manner of most people -you are prob- reasonably cool. The Governor' love the Father hath bestow- ably one- is that they have Youth Committee, headed by _ e d upon us , t ha t we s hou1d ne ve r f u l 1y unde r s t ood t he Se c r e t a r y of St a t e My e r s , f i nds be called the sons of God: divine plan of salvation. itself without the money used Therefore the world knoweth Ignorance about God is the last year for placement of us not because it knew Him worst ignorance in the world. yourrg people in our local em- not. Beloved, now are we One can exist with a great ployment offices. In addition, the sons of God, and it doth deal of ignorance about many this year there are no federal not yet appear what we shall things, but your whole exist- funds to support summer pro- YOU CAN HELP A BROTHER New tutors are needed in the Adult Tutoring Pro– gram, sponsored by Community College. If you have a good knowledge Of English, math, history, spell– ing, etc., your help is need– ed. The Adult Tutoring Pro– gram, located in the Cascade Center, 705 N. Killingsworth, has three workshops sched– uled to familiarize volun– teer tutors with teaching 'techniques. Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1624 NE Hancock will be the site of the first workshop. It will be held June 24th from 7:30 to 9:30 p, m. Another workshop is sche– duled for July 15th from 8 to 10 p.m. in the Cascade Cen– ter Student Union (East side of N. Borthwick off N. Kill– ingsworth). be; but we know that when ance brings on Godly enlight- grams of our community agencies. He shall appear, we shall be enment rather than worldly Last summer the OEO made $110,- The last Orientation Workshop will be held August 26th from 8 to 10 p.m. The site for this workshop will be the Cascade Center Student Union. like Him; for 'lie shall see enliqhtment. It's like the 000 available for this purpose. Him as He is. knowledge of foods. One In 1969 we had a reasonably L------------------------------- America is the hotbed of must know the difference adequate program in city parks racial strife, some openly between the safe and the poi- and pools. This year city bud- and some on the f"lT. But, son. get cuts threaten the existence my discourse is not about There are many religions of many programs - and will the injustices of man to man, and philosophies in the likely curtail those which do but about the assets of be- world. None have such an exist. coming Christ like, which outstanding promise as to Faced with these dire re- exhibits justice man to man. be like the very God that a'lities, concerned citizens re- We all know about the pain made them, and yet retain presenting all segments of our of the sufferers and the con- their own identity. All the area have worked for several science pain of the perpetra- other "gods" and philosophies weeks to devise a community- tors of suffering, but few cater to the passions or wide response to the needs of know about the joy and hap- some wird existance here on our children. For the first piness the Christ-like life earth or in thetr false here- time, a comprehensive plan - can offer. after. But only one religion Portland Summer '70- has been If the world does not systematically suggests that proposed to meet the needs of understand us (Christians), the individual will be im- youth throughout the urban area. it is because it does not proved eternally because :. This involves a beefing-up and understand Jesus the Christ they will attain a perfect coordination of school and park of the world. If it does existance by becoming exact- . 1 programs, minimum funding of nqt know us, it is because ly like the God they worship. athletic, recreational and ~~~~r---~~=:1r~~::o-o-d~La-w-n~~~--n£-~-~~ 19 N. RUSSELL 282-9677 for the . best in B-BO•GUMBO•STEAKS BREAKFAST ANYTIME Special Sunday Dinner * Choice of asst. meats * Choice of 2 vegetables * Salad & Dressing szoo * Hot corn muffins OPEN EVERYDAY 3:00PM til 2:30AM (closed on Tuesday) ALSO: TAKE OUT SERVICE. . ..CALL AHEAD AND_ ~AVE TI.MI :, 'WELL PRESSED IS WELL DRESSED' WILLIE RANSON MANAGER WE GIVE l c~J STAMPS ~:t Q, ·...·. ·~-l S 8c H GREEN STAMPS 806 N.E. DEKUM 289-9333 PRICES SLASHED ON PIANOS-ORGANS NEW AND USED Bro. MartinS Piano Store 3041 N.E. UNION AVE IN PORTLAND OPEN 9 A.M TO 6 P.M. PIANOS TUNED $15 COMPLETE REPAIRING Store PHONE282-5326 Home PHONE 284-1625 TUNE-UPS SAVE MONEY Less upkeep More mileage Higher safety ART JENKINS AUTOMOBILE SERVICE We specialize in automatic transmission . and complete motor overhaul BE SURE TO SEE US fOR YOUR AUTO AIR CONDITIONER INSTALLATION AND REPAIR "BE COOL THIS SUMMER" 3904 N. VANCOUVER 284-9061 MAC'S UNION '76 SERVICE IS COMPLETE SERVICE *TUNE-UPS *REPAIRS * LUBRICATING *WASHING *POLISHING * PICK-UP & DELIVERY * S&H GREEN STAMPS *HONESTY 5625 N.E. Union 285-0818 "We make the road a little easier for you" MAC'S UNION '76 SERVICE camping opportunities, and the creation of carefully-planned work experience projects in community betterment for hund– reds of our poverty youth. The problem is that public resources in facilities and staff must be supplemented by $200,000 of community and business do– nations if the job is to be done .... " · (EDITOR'S NOTE: The above re– marks were delivered by Robert Ridgley, member of the Board of Education, at a press con~ ference to announce the Port– land Summer '70 Program, a crash program for jobs and act– ivities this summer for Portland youth. STROUD MOVING & STORAGE Piano moving a specialty Free Estimates 909 N.E. DEKUM - 287-5687