The day gan muah like any other day~ they were all the same somehow~ eaah running into the oth~r like the motion of a pinwheel. Stiff hands reaahed for a shaggy head to saratah an unknown nuisanae as the pinah of a gnawing hunger settled in his stomaah. Crossing the street~ he realized his worn and tattered alothes would not serve him for the aoming Winter~ but it really didn't matter. His mind fQught for aonsaiousness as he planned today 's seara}-o for food. The empty streets told him it was Sunday~ and there would be few people today ... eyes that had long sinae lost the luster of youth gave little notiae to the aountless number of alley ways~ pawn shops, empty stores and dreary taverns and bars. His mind turned to Mary and their brief partnership, there had always been food when they worked together. But she was gone, and he was alone again. His brain was remembering previous ways of rel~eving the now swelling pain in his stomaah: Christ Yes!!! The Soup Kitahen, food and shelter for the day - the priae would be small~ a prayer or two. Relieved from the pressure of aonaert– ed thought, his mind turned to his friend. A near smile reaahed his lips, as he thought few people would ever know suah a friend. It was always there, never question~ ing, never demanding~ always there. He remembered past gut feelings of anxiety when it was painted last year~ but it never really ahanged- still smooth and worn from use~ with its alphabet engravings only slightly filled with paint. His mind turned to summers when he had shar– ed its surfaae with laughing ahildren and gloating par– ents and how grass woulc grow up its spindly legs, those were good days . . There are many suah aonfigurations in the park, but this partiaular one was his friend, aomp– anion and home. The sun was wedging itself between two buildings in the near aity, and a signal to return to it. Clumsy, staggered steps lead him down now familiar streets and alleys, through smells and odors that at a previous time made him siak, today hardly notiaed. Another bloak or two and he would be home. What!! Someone was there!!! A Blaak Bastard was on His Benah!!! His heart pulsed with rage~ awkward steps turned to a run. He was nearly upon him. With his ar– rival, an outstretahed arm bent on destruation of this tresspasser was halted As eyes more weary and hopeless than his own asked for meray. What had onae been blind rage~ settled into a aalm as quiakly as it had arisen. Blaak joined white and many hours of aonversation pass– ed. He gathered the stranger had been a aarpenter in a small town before he had beaome a man of words. He spoke of follwoers and arowds, of an age before - and of the rejeation and despair of today. Never aould he re– member seeing suah defeat and hopelessness as he saw in this Blaak Stranger beside him. Old remembered feelings of empathy reaahed out for him as he thought here is a areature more forgotten than himself. He deaided to take him to the Soup Kitahen for at least one meal. But the stranger, obviously weak from hunger and travel~ dealined the offer. As the Blaak man rose to leave, he notiaed two large saars on the palm of eaah hand as he said "Bless you my son". ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - JUNE 1970 - MALCOLM LIGHTFOOT URBAN LEAGUE PICNIC DUE The Urban League Guild is sponsoring a family picnic June 14 at Jantzen Beach Area 2, from 1:00 to 5:00. All Ur– ban League members and friends are invited; bring your own lunch. Some elderly citizens will be guests. All rides for children will be 20¢. MULTl SERVICE CENTER FEATURED AT ANC MEETING The Albina Neighborhood Council will hold their June meeting at the Knott Street Community Center, Wednesday, June 17, from 12:00 noon to l:30p.m. This is a sacklunch affair with coffee and tea prepared by the center. The program this month will concern Mr. Leon Harris, Director of the Multi-Service Center. MOSAIC IS BACK ror added tnsight into the happenings in our commun– ity, watch ALBINA MOSAIC each Thursday at 7:30 p.m. George hosts STUDENTS TO HELP ELDERLY Seventh and eighth graders ftom school district #1 has joined togeth~r with the Coun– cil on aging tto help older adults, living in the Model City Area with various house– hold jobs. The youngsters will be av available for one and one-half hours per day for five weeks, starting June 22nd. Jobs such as cutting lawns, pull– ing weeds, washing windows, dusting or washing cupboards, vacuuming floors, shagging out rugs, etc. will be done. All manpower will be sup– plied free by the youngsters, • but cleaning, mowing and yard equipment must be supplied by the older person. If you need help this sum– mer with your household jobs, call Pastor Edgar Jackson at 288-7051 or Jim Kennedy at 288-6007 immediately. ing, which features interv?;;5 with various members of ~he . community. Albina Mosaic is seen on KOAP-TV, Channel 10. Guaranteed in two ways. Guaranteed to please because of the world-recognized Wyler name and truly elegant styling. And guaranteed to perform! Every Wyler has the exclusive lncaflex balance wheel. Guaranteed against shock for the life of the watch-replaced free if ever broken. There is no other guarantee like this, because there is no other watch like it Wyler incaflex A. Yellow and White RGP, $39.95 D. Oynawind, Steel and Yellow, $79.50 B. Yellow, Dynawind, $79.50 C. Yellow and White RGP, $49;95 E. 14K Yellow and White, $79.50 d/-. §len :JE.wel'l.y, One. WATCH REPAIRING & Jt!WELRY REPAIRING PH. 284-1650 Autf'!orized WYLER-WATCH Dealer !5266 N. E. UNION JUNE ll, 1970 THE NEWsPAPER SUBSCRIPTION OFFER- 27 ISSUES FOR. $3.50 MM.MMMMMMMMMM~------ PAGE 5 1 Name ---------------------------------------------- . Address City --~---- State _____ Zip Code ------~ Please mail this form with cash, check or money order to THE NEWsPAPER- P.O. BOX 11371- Portland, Oregon. TheTrimline Phone: Think of it as a small home improvement. @ Pacific Northwest Bell -
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