
PAGE 4 THE NEWsPAPER THE ELDER STATESMAN OLIVER E. SMITH JUNE 11, 1970 Inroads i~to Oregon poli~ tics had some gains however. About ten people had their names on the ballot. The part isan political candidates did not fare too well, nor did they think they would. The School Board and Jud– icial candidate won handily, but Democratic and Republican Black candidates were rejected for the leoislature. One Re– publican candidate remains on the general election ballot simply because he had no oppo– sition in the North City Sub– District, a District that a Democratic Candidate's nomina– tion in the Primary is tanta : mont to election. Both candidates and winner of the School Board (Mrs. Mc– Coy) and Judicial (Mrs. Diez) are qualified for their jobs. Mr. Diez is the best appoint– ment yet o~ Blacks by the Gov– Now that the Primary Elect- ernor. Mrs. McCoy's election ion is over the Black commun- to the School Boara gives me – ity has little or no cause for hope. Both will serve with reJOlclng. They are still in distinct~on. . . that old proverbial bag. The Part~san pol~t1cs had Republican Economic outlook good sol1d campa1gners. Re- has lowered them to serfdom publicans fielded a good cand– again. THIS IS YOUR INVITATION TO VISIT THE BARON THE BARON ... has 3 Pool Tables THE BARON ... has the exciting 1 Speedway Machine THE BARON ... has Hot Jumbo Sandwiches THE BARON ... has linda C. linda T. Jan and Winnie idate in Curtis L. tkDonald. I hope he runs again. I personally am overjoyed at the election of Mrs. McCoy and Mrs. Deiz. However, there is something left _to be de– sired. I want the voters of Portland to elect, in a con– tested election, a qualified candidate, not because he is Black but in spite of it ••• Preferably a Representative, Senator, County Commissioner, or City Councilor. It must be noted here that the qualifi– cations are the same as for a white candidate. In our sys-' tern of selecting political off i c i a 1 s ,- fh os e q ua 1i f i - THE BARON TAVERN cations are: "The money to file for the office sought, then the money to convince Now all it needs is your good company- so stop in today!! the voters they should vote for you." Most voters are not 1 really issue orientated. 2211 N.E. Alberta 284-9998 They could care less. As the shows, my predictions did better than the two dailies and I erred on one Republican everyday 11:00 a.m. til 1:00 a.m. PARENT'S CHILD CARE CENTER 125 N.E. Killingsworth at Mallory SCHEDULE Fr ee P l ay a.m. 6 : 00 - 9 :0 0 9 :0 0 9 : l 5 9 : 45 Sh ow - an d- Te ll Game s an d Nu rs e r y Rh ymes Mid - Mo r ning Snack s Story Time Ar t , Game s and Cr a f ts Hot Lunches lO : OO lO : l 5 ll : 45 Nap Time Afternoon Listening Free Play Hours : Phone : p . m. l : OO Snacks 3 : l5 Time (recors/talk) 3:L5 4:00 - 6 : 00 6 : 00 a.m. to Business Residence 6:00 p.m. 289-8201 283-2764 28 8-4764 ADMINISTRATOR : Ma r y L . Willi ams Ass t . Administrator: Emma Gla s s BROOKS GAINS NEW POST Plans for widespread court actions nationally to guarantee enforcement of open housing nomination. That was the Mc– Donald-Kinsey race . I thought McDonald could be nominated with the organization that was helping him. He is to be en– couraged. The only thing that beat him was that he didn't get the votes. Votes are the things anv cand1date needs to get elect– ed. The rhetoric of issues must not take precedence, because even if one were elect– ed, the established procedure will let any neophite only go so far ... unless his promises enhance the power of the estab– lishment. Believe me, this was a very inte.resting election. I enjoy– ed it because •••. ! was elected • • ..• I like to think that my one campaign speech elected me to the post of precinct committ eeman for Precinct 3025, even though my name was uncontested on the ba 11 ot . was adopted over the weekend at the founding conference of "National Neighbors," an organ– ization intent on making neigh– borhood stabilization a reali~ ty. James ·o. Brooks, President of the Irvington Community Association; and Evelyn Folen attended the Conference, and Brooks was elected to a three year term on the National Board of Directors. Brooks and Mrs. Folen were the only delegates from the Northwest to attend the con fe ren ce. · The organization also plans to "challenge agencies which control housing patterns to implement open housing." It also will launch plans for a "Shopper's Sunday" across the country where National Neighbors wit.h fair housing councils will test real estate practices in both white and in– tegrated areas and concurrently file discrimination practice complaints. White and black members of National Neighbors would seek to buy the same homes, and complaints will be filed in the event of preferen– cial treatment given to white "shoppers." Spokesmen at the conference declared that the tools and mechanisms for creating "plur– alistic neighborhoods" are now available by making existing discriminatory practices un– profitable to real estate agents. "All these represtatives talked for three days about the problems in their own communi– ties which impede neighborhood stabilization. We found that social evils are insurmounta- ble unless we somehow manage to solve the environment people live in .••. whether black or white. We found all our dele– gates face the same problems in schools, zoning, congestion, and all lead back to housing," said Joseph Hairston, presi- .-----------------------------~ dent of National Neighbors. SEE WILBUR F. JOUNO & SONS, Inc for A1to and fire lns.rance leal Estate Loans Safety Deposit Boxes 281-37 57 915 N. SHAVER 281-3505 PORTLAND Re\iab\e Radio & T.V. SALES Be SERVICE REASONABLE CHARGES 3042 N . WILLIAMS AVE. """P"HoNE AT: 7·2071 FANCY "Q" BILLIARDS 284-9764 3203 N.WILLIAMS TOWNSEND. GULF SERVICE AND WE OFFER YOU COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS BY A S~ECIALIST IN ALL LINES OF AMERICAN AUTOMOBILES ~ -~ OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK TO SERVE YOU BETTER WE ALSO STOCK A LARGE VARIETY OF GULF PRODUCTS AND ACCESSORIES 3435 N. E. UNION 284-9684 ' THE TROPICANA RESTAURANT 284-9024 3217 N. WILLIAMS YOUR HOSTS: LOU and EARL FOSTER ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE POOL AND BILLIARD GAME ON OUR FIVE NEW TABLES . .. SNACKS ... TELEVISION .. . SMOKE SHOP. (Be sure to inquire about our future tournament schedules) OPEN 10:00 AM till :00 AM (7DAYS) "TAKE IT HOME or EAT IT HERE" OUR SPECIALTY : B-B-0 and SOUL FOOD (prepared the way you like it - every time!) CHIT'LINS EVERY FRI & SAT Open 7:00AM-3:00AM Tues thru Thurs 24 HOURS-Fri and Sat closed Sunday and Monday MERCHANT'S LUNCH TUES thru SAT