Advocate Register_1951-03-02

FIRST CITIZENS BANQUETS HELPFUL Chesley E. Corbett, Exalted Ruler of Billy \X! ebb Lodge was discovered and des– tined to be the "Moses" of the local Elks at the Banquet for Oliver E. Smith, First Citizen for )949, by Deputy grand Exalted Ruler Robert D. Addison, who was chief speaker at the affair. Corbett was toastmaster and also Past First Citizen of I948 himself. Billy Webb Lodge I050 now is the largest in the Jur– isdiction. Dr. Bunche on Democracy Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, the 1950 Nobel Peace Prize winner, speaking at a dinner given in his honor by the National Asso– ciation for the Advap.cement of Colored P,e:ople, spoke some unpleasant truths about the American system of democracy. There is, he reminded us, still an uncom– fortably wide difference between ideals and actuality. He was referring, of course, to the racial problem. We hold to the theory of equality of opportunity and treatment for all Americans, and yet the fact is that I5 million Negroes provide a plaguing contradiction. It is perfectly true that great .progress has been made. The theory of gradualism is that time will bring adjustment, as in– deed it will. But, as Dr. Bunche says, this is a comfortable piece of rationalization. In this critical time, he argues, "we must exert an extraordinary effort to put our interracial house in order." Now perfection is a difficult thing. But the American people could do a lot bet– ter, and the challenge is now at hand. If there is any doubt about what is meant, lis– ten to Dr. Bunche: "All that the American Negro asks is that he be treated like every other citizen-that he be accepted or re– jected, not collectively, on the basis of his color, but individually, on the basis of whatever merit he may command." The fundamental justice of this statement is inescapable; yet, as everybody knows, it expresses an ideal rather than a fact. But is it too much to think that the ideal is unattainable? This country, after all, is dedicated to the proposition that "all men holds. Let us practice our democracy as are created equal." That principle still vigorously as we profess it. There is no better way to prove the American cause around the world. - New York Herald Tribune (Sunday, January 28, I951). Home Portraits Films For Sale Public Engagements Filnu Developed Baltzegar's Photos 9 N. E. Halsey St. EM. 0979 MANLY M. BALTZEGAR, Prop. BRIEFS The Wedding of Miss Catherine Creal and Mr. Olden Harden was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs . John Wesley Reed, 40 N. E. Ivy St. Sunday February 25 at 4 p.m. by Rev. 0. B. Williams officiating. Many friends attended the ceremony. The bride was very pretty. Photograph of the wedding were taken by Baltzegar Photos . * * * The new book by Father T ohn La Farge S . T. No Postponement" is being reviewed at Blessed Martin Center by members and guests of the Committee on Inter-racial practices and principals. Dr. D. N . Un– th:mk ablv lead the discussion of the first chapter Monday night Feb. I9. The fo l– lowing chapter will be reviewed on each Monday night, all welcome. * * * Mrs. Beatrice Reed will have as h er guest at an open h for Beta Iota sorority Easter Sunday, Mrs. Reed IS an assistant at Colonial Mortuary. * * * The First Citizens Says Thank You. Mrs. E. W. Smith and Raleigh Wash– ington wish to take this opportunity to say Thank You to the many friends for making the banquet a success. This paper of independent thought may be continued by four ( 4) subscribers per day (6 days) for 52 weeks. 1248 subscrib– ers is our goal. This minimum will just cover printing, postage. Other services are volunteer and non-profit. RUTH FLOWERS Rea.l Estate 3300 N. Williams Ave. TR. 6553 ' Advertise in The ADVOCATE REGISTER Easy to Read DESIGNED TO READ All Readers Take Time To Read Direct Mail to Your New Customers RATES ON APPLICATION AT. 2551 ADVOCATE - REGISTER 3411 S. W. First Avenue DEMOCRATS TO RECEIVE ADVOCATE REGISTER The chairman of the Minorities of the Multnomah County Democrat Central Committee arranged for each precinct committeeman and woman to receive a copy of the Advocate Register for Decem– ber 22 and Feb. I6, and March 2. The ban– quet for Mrs. E. W. Smith and Raleig!. Washington 1s an occasiOn long to be remembered by those in attendance. The Democrats were well represented. National, State and County officials of the party and many county officials, also officials of City and County 0f the Re– publican, the Governor and President of the Senate and many legislators sent greet· ings. We know that those who could not attend would appreciate this report. The Advocate Register contains items that are not real elsewhere. Important Meeting Notices NAACP Meetings-Every third Sun– day of each month. YWCA Center, 6 N. Tillamook St., 4 p.m. ELKS-Billy Webb Lodge I050 every first and third Sunday. Porters Hall (un– less otherwise specified) I :30 p.m. Dahlia Temple, first and third Tuesdays, 8 p.m. ODD FELLOWS - New Northwest Lodge 2554, first Tuesday, 8 p.m., Prince H~Jl. House hold Ruth 844, every second and fourth Tuesday, 2 p.m., Prince Hall. VICfORY LUNCH AND GRILL Horne of Beat Paatry in Town Watch for Grand Opening ROBERT SEEGER, Owner 1466 N. E. Williams Ct. VE. 9483 The Wright Night is Every TUESDAY at McClendon's Rhythm Room 1500 N. Williams Ave. EARL M. WRIGHT, M. C. Everyone with Talent Welcome! ONE WEEK ONLY March I Thru March 7 OZARKS SUPPER CLUB ILLINOIS JACQUET 425 N . W . Glisan BR . 9553