Advocate Register_1951-02-09
I NEGRO NURSES WELCOME Oregon schools of nursing welcome ap– plications from Negro students desiring to go into nurse training, it is indicated by J a recent statewide survey conducted by the Urban League of Portland. Only two Negro nursing students were found to be in training during the current school year, both in the University of Portland College of Nursing. In addi– tion, however, two students are enrolled in the pre-nursing program at Vanport College. John S. Holley, Neighborhood Secre– tary of the Urban League, states that the response from the various nursing schools shows a desire to enroll more students of good nursing potentiality, regardless of race. Also, there i no indication of dis– crimination in the placing of graduate nurses in Portland hospitals. "Nursing is one of the professions in which Negro workers are rapidly gaining acceptance on a basis of equality", Holley points out, "and there is an acute shortage of t!'ained nurses in Oregon, as elsewhere throughout the United States. The several trained Negro nurses in Portland have made outstanding records, and there ts opportunity for many more. Nurse training in Oregon is offered at Emanuel Hospital, St. Vincents, Good Sa– maritan Hospital, Providence Hospital, the University of Oregon Medical School and the University of Portland College of Nursing, in Portland, at Sacred Heart General Hospital in Eugene and St. An– theny Hospital in Pendleton. Degrees in nn rcing are obtained only through the University of Oregon and the University of Portland. Keystone !~vestment Co. 1453 N. Williams Ave. Keystone Cafe 1461 N. Williams Ave. Good Eats A. M. E. ZION CHURCH 2007 N. Williams Ave. Sunday School ------------------------- ~ 9: 30 a. m. Morning Service ----------------------- 11 :00 a. m. Evening Service _____ __ __ _ _____ _ _ 8:00 p. m: Wednesday-Prayer Meeting .. 8:00 p. m. Rev. J. F. Smith, Pastor HUGHES MEMORIAL CHURCH 2809 N. E. Rodney St. Church School ________ ------------------ ____ 9:45 a. m. Morning Service --··--. ________________ 11:00 a. m. Youth Service ---------------------------------- 6:00 p. m. Evening Service ---------- ____ --------- _____ 7:30 p. m. Rev. Ennis Whaley, Pastor ZION HILL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Sunday School --------· ______ ---------------- 9: 30 a. m. Morning Worship ---------------------------- 11:30 a. m. Y. P. W. W. ----------------- ----------------- 6:30 p. m. Evening Service ------------------------------ 8:00 p. m. Tuesday - Friday-Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Wednesday-Prayer & Bible Band .8:00 p. m Thursday-Junior Church ... ···----- 8:00 p. m. Saturday-Prayer Meeting ___ __ 6:00 p. m. Elder W. L. McKinney, Putor VANCOUVER AVE. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1914 N. Vancouver Ave. Sunday School ---------------------------------9:30 a. m. Morning Services __________________________11:00 a. m. B. T. U·---~-------------------------------------- 2 and 4 p.m. Sunday-Brothrhood Union ________ 3:30 p. m. Evening Service ________ --------------------- 7:45 p. m. Wednesday-Prayer Meeting _____ 7:30 p. m. Sunday-2-4 ----------------- ·---------------- 3:30p.m. Elder 0. B. Williams, Pastor MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH 1734 N. E. 1st Ave. Sunday School ------------------------------- 9:30 a. m. Morning Service ----------------------- _____ 11:00 a. m. B. Y. E. -------------------------------------- __ 6:15 p. m. Evening Service -------------· _ ------- ___ 7:30 p . m. Thursday-Prayer Meeting . _____ 7:30 p. m. Dr. }. ]. Clow, Pastor BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH 1239 N. Larrabee St. Sunday School ·------------·-·------------- 9:30 a. m. Morning Service ----------· __ ______ _ ___ 11 :00 a. m. Christian Endeavor .... .. ·---------- 6:00 p. m. Evening Service ------------ --· ___ .. ____ 8:00 p. m. Wednesday-Prayer Meeting _ 8:00 p. m. Elder Justus Ezra Roberts, Pastor ST. PHILIPS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 120 Knott Holy Communion ___ ---··----------------7:45 a ...m. Sunday School _ ------· --------------------- 9:45 a . m. Morning Prayer __ _ _____ 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion (Thursday) 8:30 p. m. Rev. L. 0. Stone, Vicar ALLEN TEMPLE C. M. E. CHURCH 1911 N. E. 9th Ave. Sunday School ______________ 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship __________ 11:00 a.m. Epworth League 6:00 p. m. Evening Service _______ 7:30 p. m. Mid Week Service Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:45 p . m. Rev. L. R. Kibler, Pastor Any Church not listed need only to send their program to the Editor with the Church name, address, and pastor's name. (Editor's Note). Drop In At the RED FRONT CAFE Under Personal Supervision of SIMON HOLLOWAY EPPS 1813 N. Williams MUrdock 9673 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS North Central 'Y' Opens Drive Edgar Lee, chairman of the North Cen– tral 'Y' ( 120 N. E. Russell St.) Annual Membership's Campaign, announces that this organization, last Monday, had their campaign Kick-Off meeting. The men and women working on this campaign a.:e out to sign up 650 adult supporting members of the 'Y' before February 19. The mem– berships are considered "supporting" memberships in that all of the activities at the North Central 'Y' are for boys. Funds collected go to the maintenance and supervision of the 'Y' center and boys' clubs. , Mr. Edgar Lee, Mr. Clarence Ivey, and Dr. Miner T. Patton are Division Guides. Squad Leaders are: Anthony Smith, U. G. Plummer, E. Shelton Hill, Robert Fritsch, Mrs. Otto Rutherford, Bennie Hamilton, Rev. L. 0. Stone, Dr. DeNorval Unthank, George Reynolds, Mrs. E. Riley, Mrs. Al– ice Lee, Harold Gaskin, and Henry Nel– son. The workers are simulating a race to the top of Mt. Hood. The top man will be honored by a trip to Timberline Lodge on the new Skiway and Dinner at the Lodge. * * * Headliners William (Bill) McCoy has appeared on the front page of the Advocate-Register more times than any other person, in first ten issues, he nosed out Chesley E. Cor– bett by one and was two ahead of U. G. Plummer and Charles Maxey. Herman Plummer has already begun to edge up on the big 4 since assuming the NAACP presidency. The score so far: McCoy, 6; Corbett, 5; U. G. Plummer and C. Maxey, 4; Herman Plummer, 3. Radio and Stage Appearances The Harmonizing 5 Gospel Singers L. C. Ellison, Director and. Manager 938 N . Cook St. TR. 8162
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