Advocate Register_1951-02-23
~~wHAT WOULD JESUS DO CONCERNING SOCIAL ISSUES?" Reasons for the Civil Rights Ordinance winning in the Lents area. Suggestions given by Rev. Sherman W. Burgoyne, minister of Lents Methodist Church. 1. Certain tolerance already existing in Lents .area 111 that colored families are moving there and making their homes there. 2. Colored people interested 111 the church because the church is interested in them. WOMEN'S GROUP SAYS NO TAX FOR WAR Tax protest sticker: "That every citizen in a Christian de– mocracy such as ours should be allowed to choose, according to the dictates of his own conscience, whether his tax money goes to war or to peace. "That labor and money spent for war would be more effective for relieving world tensions if spent, instead, for civil– tan rehabititation on both sides of the conflct. "To see Congress pass legi.slation pro– viding that the part of my income tax at present allocated to military uses be di– verted to civilian relief and rehabilitation 3. Personal letters were mailed to church members concerning the Civil Rights Or– dinance, at least four letters were mailed from the time of the hearing on Civil Rights until the election in November. under agencies of the United Nations. 4. Serinons on the Civil Rights Issue This money should be in additon to what were presented from the pulpit. 5. There was a constant awareness of the problem in the congregation. This was accomplished through preaching the so– cial gospel all the time and not occa– sionally. 6. Weekly statements were printed in the Church Bulletin. ' 7. Materials from the Urban League, National Association for the Advance– ment of Colored People and the Portland Council of Churches were distributed through the children enrolled m the church school. 8. Civil Rights literature was always available. 9. Sunday School Superintendent took time to present the sample ballot. 10. Women's groups sent letters to the Mayor. 11. 'youth Fellowship sponsored inter– racial activities. 12. One Negro family had a :Jabr bap– tized in the Lents Methodist Church dur– ing this period. Baptismal certificate was signed by members of three races in that a Chinese girl was present at the servtce. The Special Committee of the Race Re– lations Commission suggests that a pamph– let be prepared on "What To Do In The Church To Attain Brotherhood''. Home Portraits Films For Sale Public Engagements Films Developed Baltzegar's Photos 9 N. E. Halsey St. EM. 0979 MANLY M. BALTZEGAR, Prop. the government otherwise contributes to such agencies. "I protest: The use of any of my tax money for future wars." * * "If you agree with the sentiments ex– pressed above, perhaps you would like to do the following things (not as ::t member of any organization, but as an individual RUTH FLOWERS Real Estate 3300 N. Williams Ave. TR. 6553 Advertise in The ADVOCATE REGISTER Easy to Read DESIGNED TO READ All Readers Take Time To Read Direct Mail to Your New Customers RATES ON APPLICATION AT. 2551 ADVOCATE • REGISTER 3411 S. W. First Avenue ctttzen, and by all means in your own words): 1. Make a list of worthwhile agencies in the United Nations which you would be glad to substitute for war uses. 2.2 Attach such a statement to your in– come tax return. 3. File such a statement with the em– ployer who collects your withholding tax. 4. Write to your newspaper ahout it in February, or early March. 5. Let Truman, Acheson, Marsh:tll, Aus– tin, etc. know. 6. Let your members of Congress know. 7. Get your friends over the United States (neighborhood, church, lodge, club) to do likewise. (Extra copies of this letter are available at cost, to all who wish to pass the idea on to others. See address at bottom.) A few thousand citizens, writing a dozen or so· such letters apiece might start the ball rolling. As the little boy said, "Some day they'll put on a war, and nobodv will come to the show". -Mabel Downs, 1428 N. E. Stanton Portland 12,2 Ore. VICTORY LUNCH AND .GRILL Home of Bat Putty in Town Watch for Grand Opening ROBERT SEEGER, Owner 1466 N. E. Williams Ct. VE. 9483 The Wright Night is Every TUESDAY at McClendon's Rhythm Room 1500N. Williams Ave. featurin.~~; HARRY KENNY at the Piano EARL M. WRIGHT, M. C. Everyone with Talent Welcome!
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