Advocate Register_1950-12-15
.fflerrp C!Cbrtstmas anb a J!)appp ~etu ~ear WE WISH TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNI1Y ALONG WITH THE ADVOCATE REGISTER TO WISH OUR PATRONS AND MANY FRIENDS THE BEST OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON Home Portraits Public Engagements TU. 9126 36 N. Russell Films For Sale Films Developed - GAY PAREE TAVERN Baltzegar's Photos 9 N . E. Halsey St. EM. 0979 Specializing in MANLY M. BALTZEGAR, Prop. T.-Bone Steaks Radio and Stage Appearances Southern Fried Chicken The Harmonizing 5 1-Iamburgers, Chili, Etc. Gospel Singers L. C. Ellison, Director and Manager 938 N . Cook St. TR. 8162 Herman C. Plummer & Co. Herman Plummer, Helene Jackson, Lonnetta Plummer, L. R. Blackburn Otto Rutherford. RUTH FLOWERS 2101 N . Williams GA. 7763 Real Estate We Give S&H Green Stamps 3300 N . Williams Ave. PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE TR. 6553 GLENN'S TEXACO SERVICE MarFak Lubrication Firestone Tires Fred's Radio Shop - N. E. Broadway and Williams RADIOS - ACCESSORIES and REPAIRING MUrdock 9983 17 N. Broadway TV. 2388 YOUR PERSONAL ITEMS WELCOME Vacationers and Visitors, the Advocate-Register wel– comes and is glad to print without charge the "Personal Items" of its readers such as the following: Visits to town, entertainment of visitors in' the home or elsewhere, Birthday recognitions, entertainment of friends at meals or on other occasions, anniversary celebrations, honors to the children or others in the family, sicknesses, deaths, births, marriages, special church activities of members of the family, hunting• and fishing trips and other such items including good pictures of the above. ' Paul's Paradise LOUNGE and BILLARDS PAUL STEWART, Owner 19 N . Russell St. MU. 9109 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Perkins PERKIN'S CLEANERS TWO LOCATIONS 1439 N. Benton 11 N. Rpssell MU. 9816 TR. 2532 VICTORY LUNCH AND GRILL - Home of Best Pastry in Town Watch for Grand Opening ROBERT SEEGER, Owner 1466 N. E. Williams Ct. VE. 9483
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