Advocate Register_1950-12-15
PEOPLE IN THE NEWS By Anna Morrison Mrs. Maxey of California is visiting he,. brother-in-law, C. B. Maxey and family. She was dinner guest a few days ago of Mr. and Mrs. Cash. * * * Mrs. Birdie Johnson, District Deputy of the Daughter Elks, was a guest of Dahlia Temple 202 Tuesday, Dec. 5, at which time she conducted the annual elec– tion. While here she was the house guest of Dt. A. L. Randolph, Dt. Ruler and Dt. Minnie Payne of the education dept. * * * Mrs. Bertha Johnson home from the hospital, after an operation. * * * Mrs. Lulu Hubbard and her daughter, Mrs. Earleta Williams, returned home last Sunday after spending a month in tte East. They were snowbound in Pitts– burg, Pa., during the record storm last week. * * * Mr. Singleton, president of NAACP Branch of Bremerton, Wash., was the honored guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lillard Evans, 125 N. E. Shaver, at a Gumbo supper Saturday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. Downing, the E. Love's and Mrs. Logan. * * * Mr. and Mrs. A. Daniels of San Fran- cisco, are the proud parents of a 9 pound baby girl. Mrs. Daniels is the sister of Mrs. Schropshire. Mrs. Woods is the proud grandmother. * * * A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ful- ler .nee .J urieta Oliver) was an event of December 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson, 623 N. Moris. A large num– ber of friends were present _to wish the newly weds good luck. In the receiving line were parents of both of the young couple. * * * Mr. Tommy Johnson of 3226 N. E. Rodney, is asking all men interested in the formation or reactivation of a Knights of Pythian lodge in Portland to write the Advocate-Register or call WE. 9795. * * * Oliver E. Smith, editor of the Advo- cate-Register, met Congressman Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., son of the late presi– dent, who was champion to Mr. Smith. Mr. Roosevelt is vice chairman of Presi– dent Truman's committee on Civil Rights . * * * Two isues of the Advocate-Register are out and the comment is very favorable for a long life for the publication. * * * Any Church not listed need only to send their program to the Editor with the Church name, address, and pastor's name, (Editor's Note). A. M. E. ZION CHURCH 2007 N. Williams Ave. Sunday School ------------- ------ __ 9:30 a. m. Morning Service 11:00 a. m. Evening Service _ 8:00 p. m: Wednesday-Prayer Meeting __ 8:00 p. m. Rev. ]. F. Smith, Pastor HUGHES MEMORIAL CHURCH 2809 N. E. Rodney St. Smiths rs cheerie. Pauls Paradise a unique decoration scheme and the name suggests holiday festivities and the lounge is just beautiful. Gay Paree is just as gay as the name implies. Baltzegar rs still taking Xmas pictures and if you will "tune in at 9:30 any Sunday morning on KVAN you will Church School --------- --------------·------- 9:45 a. Morning Service ·-------- ______ 11 :00 a. m. hear the Harmonizing 5 give with those m. m. Christmas songs-every Sunday. Youth Service ---------------- ---------- --- 6:00 p. Evening Service ___ ----- _ ----- __ - 7:30 p. m Rev. Ennis Whaley, Pastor ZION HILL CHURCH OF GOD • IN CHRIST Sunday School __ ________ ------ 9:30 a. m Morning Worship ___ _ . ________ 11 :30 a. m Y. P. W . W . ______ _ ___ ---------------- 6:30 p. m Evening Service _____ ------------ 8:00 p. m Tuesday - Friday-Evening Service 7:30 p. m Wednesday-Prayer & Bible Band .8:00 p. m Thursday-Junior Church ___ ·----- 8:00 p. m Saturday-Prayer Meeting ______ 6:00 p. m Elder W. L. McKinney, Pastor VANCOUVER AVE. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1914 N. Vancouver Ave. Sunday School ___ _ ____ _ _ ___________9:30 a. m Morning Services ____ __ ----- ..11:00 a. m B. T. U. ________ _ _____________ 2 and 4 p. m Sunday-Brothrhood Union _______ 3:30 p. m Evening Service __ __ ----·-------- ___ 7:45 p. m Wednesday-Prayer Meeting _ ... 7:30 p. m Sunday-2-4 ___ __ ___ ---------- ---- 3:30 p. m Elder 0. 13. Williams, Pastor MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH 1734 N. E. 1st Ave. Sunday School -----· ___ --·--- --------- 9:30 a. m Morning Service ___ -------------· _________ 11:00 a. m B. Y. E. ______________ __ __ __ _--,---- __ 6: 15 p. m Evening Service ____ 7:30 p. m Thursday-Prayer Meeting 7:30 p. m Dr. ]. ]. Clow, Pastor BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH 1239 N. Larrabee St. Sunday School ---------------------- ____ .. 9:30 a. m Morning Service __ _ _------- -------- _ 11:00 a. m Christian Endeavor _________ 6:00 p. m Evenin11: Service --------------- ... 8:00 p. m Wednesday-Prayer Meetinl!; 8:00 p. m Elder Justus Ezra Roberts, Pastor ST. PHILIPS EPISCOPAL CHURCH ' 120 Knott Holy Communion _______ ... 7:45 a ...m Sunday School ______ --------- 9:45 a. m Morning Prayer ____ __ 11:00 a . m Holy Communion (Thursday) ... ___ :30 p. m Rev. L. 0. Stone, Vicar Williams Avenue Takes On Christmas Look Lower Williams A venue is beginning to take on the Christmas look, and the spirit of Christmas is showing up around the night spots. Christmas presents are being bought, from that long wished for automobile to that coveted toy the youn_gsters have asked Santa Claus for. The Victory Lunch and Grill is fast putting on a new look and Jimmy Cal– loway says it won't be long before you will be invited to the Grand Opening– So watch their ad in the Advocate Reg ister for the date. The Keystone Cafe and J ackies Cafe have their Merry Christmas signs out now The Spellbinders are still making 1t If you don't have that radio in working order Fred's Radio Shop will fix it for you. Herman Plummer and Ruth Flowers have that home for that gift the loved one wanted for Christmas. The Daughter Elks are giving a Christ– mas party December 22. So are others, but when we do not know. McCLENDON'S Rhythm Room Delicious Chicken Dinners 1500 N. Williams Ave. VErmont 9923 Satisfied Customers Oliver E. Smith NOTARY PUBLIC AT. 2551 3411 S. W. First When in Salem visit Cal's Shoe Shop 1091 Edgewater, West Salem, Ore. Keystone Investment Co. 1453 N. Williams Ave. Keystone Cafe 1461 N. Williams Ave. Jackies Cafe Good Eats MISS ORA LEE MARTIN, Manager 37 N . E. Weidler St. merry for you at McClendons. Billy '-------------------'
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