SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1932 THE ADVOCATE THEARES - SPORTS - SOCIETY & WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES - Miss Preer Takes ·Final Curtain Bow (By Mrs.. Rosalie Holmes) Seattle News Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davis of 612 E. (By "Duck" Jordan, 318 - 23rd Av. N.) 36th street entertained at an elabor· ADVOCATE ON SALE AT BROWN'S ate Thanksgiving dinner Thursday, I BARBERSHOP cor. 23rd & Macjison ECONOMICS DISCUSSED BY YOUNG WRITER h THE WINTER DIET i.e. to insure plenty of vitamins and I table was beautifully laid In Havil· - Seattle, Wash., Nov. 23- To t e November 24th at 7 P. M. The dining ' - - ·-·---·-·-·-·- -·- -·-·-· and china and crystal. Those enjoy- The first A. M. E. Church choir wlll Editor: A heavier type of diet (one which minerals, first of all use larger a1 S CLIMBED TO t Lo An I I 1928 t 1 lead d f mounts of milk, butter and cheese; se- n- -a- • www.-::- YOUNG ACTRES o s gees n ° Pay • Ing the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. give a special program ln honor of How many people ever stoppe or furnishes a large amount of energy) E 1 h th Laf tt Pl I t cond, use liberal amounts of the fresh TOP OP HER ART HER Ing roes wit e aye e ayers • Davis were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P . the Pioneers okSeattle, Sunday, Dec. a minute to really consider the mos may be taken during the winter h LI 1 Th t h I I t vegetables and fruits available, sup. at t e nco n ea er, a new ouse Carr and son Billie; Mr. and Mrs. 11th. at 11 o'clock at the First A. M. elementary economics of our presen months. More fuel ls needed to keep LOS ANGELES, Calif., Nov, 24- just opened In a populous district. C. E. Duncan, Terry and Mary Ellen E. Church. economic and Industrial system? Un· the body warm In winter and because plemented by the use of canned or Evelyn Preer Is dead! Most critics believe Miss Preer to DuncaR. After dinner, the ,party en· -0- der our Industrial system (we will of this, this type of diet Is necessary. dried fruits and vegetables; and third, b th h I hth f h It use more of the whole grain product. That's the sad news reaching Cen- have een at e e g o er career joyed dancing at the Albina hall. The first of a series of Sacred-Sec not stop to consider Its Justice or s However, one thing very apt to be 1 f S di Th I h One of the cheapest of the vegeta· tral avenue Friday morning arter the In the portraya o a e ompson n uliar Concerts was given Sunday Eve. future) clll!)ital and labor are bot es· overlooked In the heavier diet Is that ... , H k I th t 1 k d h d bles Is cabbage, which comes high In famous star of the Lafayette players "Rain' · er wor n a ,p ay mar e Mrs. w. J. Waldron, prominent at 8 P. M. by the choir at the First sential and must work hand In an · the body requires just as much of the ti 1 - f the list tor ,protective value. It Is a· had pased on to the great beyond at her as a peer of great emo ona ac- matron, of Ogden, Utah, who accom- A. M. E. Church under the direction One Is dependent on the other. I cap· protective elements (vitamins and t f th d k I b t vailable to almost everyone and eleven o'Clock last Thursday night at resses o e ay. panted Mrs. Henrietta Marshall to of Prof. L. L. McGruder, Organist and ital is thrown out of wor , a or mus minerals) at this season as during the t should appear often In the winter the General Hospital. After the Layfaette Players finished Portland last week, returned to her I Director of the choir. Mrs. Burton be Idle also. There is not and canno other periods of the year. While there • menu where the green leafy vegetable Only last Friday week Miss Preer their engagement at the Lincoln Thea- home on the 25th. While here she James directress of the Repertory be any antagonism betweent the two. Is a demand by the body for the addi· b · h are especially scarce and high priced. opened the Show Boat, a local ca · ter, Miss Preer went Into moving pie· was the guest of Mrs. Marshall at the playhouse gave a lecture on the "In· It Is not dlfticult to dlstingms a tional fuel value contained In such I A receipt combining cabbage and aret and continued to delight the pub· tures in Ho!Iywood. The last picture home of Mrs. _W. G. Bird, 681 Ganten- fluence of the Negro in Modern Art". man who is working and one who s foods as breads, cereals, fats and milk, which assures high protection, ulc until she was no longer able to In which she was Para• bein street. Mrs. James is now building the play, not, but is sometimes not so easy to sweets, it is equally necessary to build is: stand the strain. She was ill at home mount's "Blonde Venus" In which Mar· "In Abrahams Bosom," with a com· call capital on the. same carpet. But I resistence to disease through a liberal on Thirty· second street for a short Jene Deitrich was starred. Meantime ,The Court of Calanthe, fraternal or· plete Negro cm excepting two whites. we must differentiate between work- 1 use of ttie protective foods-milk fruit time when she was removed to the she became a cabaret favorite at the der, gave a Thanksgiving Dance on This play which won a Pulitzer prize, Ing capital and Idle capital, just as and vegetables. hospital. Cotton Club, Culver City, where she Thursday night at Albina hall. The I will be presented in the near future. we do between a working man and Evidence of a shortage of vitamins The beloved Evelyn passed away starred for three years. affair was largely attended and a bril· Assisting on the ,program was the one who is idle. 1 over the winter months are the com· last Thursday at eleven o'clock. She Miss Preer was married to Edward liant success. youthful pianl$t, Betty Marshall, ,pupil An industrial plant built fiTe years mon symptoms that many experience aroused from consciousness long e Thompson, himself a member of the of Prof. Mc Gruder. Mr. John Gayton ago at a cost of a million dollars Is in the spring of the year. A tired feel nough to say three words: "How's my Lafayette Players In 1921. From the Mrs. Clara Williams of Dallas, Tex. Jr., Seattle's foremost tenor sang "O worth today, due to the increased pur Ing, poor apatite and digestion, and baby." union was born one child, Edeve, who ts visiting relatives in the city in the Divine Redeemer" by Gounod. .The chasing power of the dollar, not more decreased vigor used to be considered is now about seven months old. person of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Caston Church was crowded to capacity. ReT. than half that sum. If this factory ls I natural and necessary to the advent Funeral arrangements for the dead of North Lincoln street. Geo. Martin, pastor. running only one-half capacity In half of spring, but we now know that the Born In Mlnlaslppi Cabbage Scalloped with Cheese 1 large head cabbage 1 pint ·mnk 4 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons flour One third to 'h pound cheese cut in small pieces % teaspoon salt Pepper 1 cul) bread crumbs Evelyn Preer was born in Vicks· actress are tentatively set for next I -0- and If the same plant is Idle for six season and weather have nothing to burg, Miss., July 26 1896, She moved Monday, from the mortuary of the An· Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Dawson and I The First A. M. E. Church choir months of the year thP "'C'tual em, do with them. These symptoms are After cabbage is washed and trimm• to Chicago with her parents when still gelus Funeral Home. The body will family of 1196 Long avenue and Mrs. will give Its second of a series of con- ployed capital must again be reduc· more apt to be caused by lack of the ed, cut the bread into sixths or eights, a little girl. There In her adopted be cremated. L. K. Weeks were guests at dinner on certs Christmas Eve. at midnight. On ed. So we have only $125,000 of full right variety of foods in the winter leaving part of the heart to hold the home her stage and career was start· Mrs. Thompson.' mother of Edward Thanksgiving Day, of Mr. and Mrs. E. this occasion the two choirs of the time working capital and dividends menu. leaves together. Cook In bolling salted ed. She first attracted attention In Thompson Is enroute to this city by J,. Jamison at their home on 868 Gar· church will sing, the Junior choir should be paid only on this sum. Al Lack of this variety in the diet It water about 20 minutes, or until just 1917 In a role In Oscar Mlscheaux'11 airplane and Is expected to arrive in field avenue. The hostess served a leading the Senior choir. Program lowing 6 tier cent d,lvldends, our cap- often due to the scarcity and likewise tender. Put cabbage In buttered bak· picture "The Homesteader." Two time for the services. turkey dinner. 1 begins at 11:30 Dec. 24th ending 12:45 ital Invested should earn $7,500 and higher prices, of the fruits and vege- Ing dish. Make a sauce of the mllk, years later she joined the Lafayette• Edleve, Infant daughter of the late Christmas morning. "Sanctus" from not $60,000 as under the original val- tables to which we have accustomed butter and flour. Add the seasoning Players In Chicago, :playing with them Evelyn Preer, takes the name from Mrs. L. B. Whitfield, one of the the Mass Saint Cecelia, also "Benedic· nation. ourselves. It becomes the task of the and the cheese, and stir until cheese there untll they took the road, going the first part of that of her mother !faithful members of Mount Olivet tus" by Gounod; Inflamatus from Sta· It ls'hard to make the investor see housewife to find substitutions for is melted. Pour the cheese sauce over to New York, where she attracted the and father, Evelyn and Edward, Her . Baptist church was awarded a very bot Mater by Rossini will be sung. It In this way, but I think if capital these, equal In mineral and vitamin the cabbage and cover with a layer of attention of the the theatrical critics name is Edeve, and she will be seven , 1 handsome quilt Tuesday night, Nov. Soloists on this occasion will be, Mrs. and labor are to play the same game, content. crumbs. Bake In a moderate oven who gave her great ,praise. She came months old by November 29th. 21st In a popularity contest given by Emma Hancock, Miss Pauline White, they should play under the same To 'protect' the winter diet then, until the crumbs are brown. the Missionary society of the church. and Mr. John Gayton, tenor. rules. NESS", a Columbia Picture, Plus se- I -0- 111111~111muuu111nmm,mm111n1111uum,111,m11111111m11111 Selected Featurettes. Fri, Sat, Dec. George Cannady came home on Funeral Services were held at tbe : 2 , 3 , Douglas Fairbanks in "Around las~ Wedn~sday to pass the Thanks· First A. M. E. Church for Mr. Henry The World In Eighty Minutes", A I glvmg hohdays with his family and Mables, an old resident of Seattle. United Artist Picture; Sun., Mon., I friends. H.e will return to Wlllamette Mr. Mabels was one of Seattle's lead· D 4 5 Edward Nugent and Doro· Sunday mght. ing citizens. Mrs. Estelle Jackson and ec. , ' I . t """'""'"""'"'"'"""""'""""'"'"'"'"""'"""""'""' thy Gulliver In "Honor of the Press". the Mr. John Gayton were so 01s s. Los Angeles, California, Nov. 23- The First A. M. E. Choir assisted in Theaters ROGER ROBINSON Misses Geraldine and Harriet Bird, accompanied by their mother spent Thanksgiving Day in Portland visit· Ing relatives and friends. Subscribe for The Advocate and Locals Henry Harrison, of Trenton, N. J., and wife, are ,planning to reside In Portland. They accompanied their em· ployer here.on Friday, Nov. 25th. ALDER - Sun. Mon., Nov. 27 28 Edmund Lowe, Claudette Colbert and Stuart Erwin In "Misleading Lady". Elaborate plans have been made rendering the music and Rev. Geo. F. learn what's going on in Seattle TWELVE NEGROES ELECTED T·o LAW MAKING BODIES for the Liberty Musical Tea to be Martin officiated. John Baker, of Oakland, California Is In the city and like many others, Miss Ozie Mott Is suffering with a he Is looking for a job. cold this week and has had to remain Nov. 29-30-Dec. 1, Adolph Menjou, Lily Damita and Eric Von Strohelm In "Friends and Lovers", 11n RKO picture plus Zasu Pitts and Thelma Todd comedy; Fri. Sat., Dec. 2-3 Ja· held at the beautiful residence of Mrs. T. Smith and Mrs. Myrtle Among Them Are Nine Republicans Mrs. Minnie E. Boring, 812 East 28th Thomas of St. Joseph are daughters And Three Democrats. They Are I street, Sunday afternoon, November of the deceased. Calle~ "Children Of Fortune" 27 , form 3 to 7. I -0- New York Nov. 23-During the re- An afternoon of unusual ,pleasure Mr. Buddie Stafford one of Taco cent election in which the democrats and interest Is assured all those who ma's well known young men passed mes Cagney, Loretta Young in "Taxi" I t d A 1 1 h f · th h f hi d other swept the country, Negro republicans ,a ten . av s program o music away at e ome o s gran m a Warner picture plus Metrotone seem to be the "children of fortune" I has. been arranged which will inclu~e after an illness of several months. News and other shorts. F Sh M d G o for In most cases they retained their rieta aw, es ames eorgia - - There is no charges made for the out of school on that account. Friencls James Winters, a very likable publication of your news, so send or are hoping she will soon recover com- young man from Omaha, Neb., passed phone It in to the editor early each pletely. two days here this week on business. week at 318 · 23rd Avenue North. Mrs. Helen Leftridge of 1621 . 14th Avenue South, had as her guest on Thanksgiving Day, Mrs. Laura Laps– ley, of Victoria, B. C. Mrs.' Lapsley was en route to Portland, Oregon. The local branch of the N. A. A. C. Lillard Evans left today for Wlchl· P. at its metlni Sunday, November ta, Kansas to attend the bedside of 20th elected th followlng pfficeni: his dying mother. C. E. Ivey, pre !dent; E. J. Minor, JUBILEE SINGERS COMING WED. Any seat 15 Cents any time. offices of whatever rank they held. Brown, Alvia Fobbs and Miss Violet ! Mrs. S. H . Parks of Topeka, Kansas There were twelve Negroes return- Aldridge, Miss Betty Hill!llandl M~. is visiting her nelceS,hMer:1i· :au;:s:e~ We wish to call the attention of MUSIC BOX - Sun, Mon, Tues, Nov. 27-28-29, Paul Muni, Ann Dvorak In ed or elected to the law making bod· Mattie Mae Stafford w a so e at 1811 Lane St. the readers of the Seattle department vice president; Dolores Burdine, sec· retary; T. Ingersoll, assistant, sec\3· tary; L. A. Ashford, treasurer; The executive committee Is composed of the officers and the following mem- The Hall Johnson Jubilee Stngers "SCARFACE", a United Artist pie- !es of the land; nine of whom were ture. A picture sensation that stirred republicans and three democrats. A· the country. Wed., Thurs., Nov. 30· mong them were: Oscar DePriest, re– Dec. 1, Joe E. Brown, Evalyn Knapp tained his seat in the United tSates in, "FIREMAN, SAVE MY CHILD", a House of Representatives in Cong– First National Picture plus: Eddie ress from the first Illinois district; Quillan, "The BIG SHOT". Fri., Sat., also W. E. King, running from the Dec. 2-3, Regis Toomey, Sue Carrol j Fourth district; Charles B. Jenkins in "GRAFT", a Universal picture plus from the 4th district; Wm. J. War– "STREET O WOMEN". field, 5th district and Harris B. Gal· MUSIC BOX - Sun, Mon, Tues, Dec. nes, first district. Republicans were 4, 5, 6, Slim Summerville, Zasu Pitts returned to the state legislature. Dr. in "THE UNEXPECTED FATHER" a William Blount, republican, was elect· Universal picture. Wed., Thurs., Dec., ed to the Kansas Legislature from 7, 8, Barbara Stanwyck In "SO BIG", I the eighth district Wy~ndote Cou'?ty; a First N11.tional Picture- one of the Fred Roberts, repubhcan, retamed year's truly worth while pictures. j his seat In the California legislature; Fri., Sat., Dec. 9, 10, Boris Karloff, Chester K. Gi!li!!ipie, republican of May Clark In "RANKENSTEIN", a Cleveland was elected to the Ohio Universal Picture. state legislature; . Stewart A Calhoun, republican, was returned to the legis– lature of Virginia; John Harris, re· publican, of Philadelphia was elected to the Pennsylvania legislature; Jas. Stephens, democrat of New York was featured. attle Indefinitely. There will be neither an offering I -0- nor a donation of any kind. The Falcon Club gave a Spaghetti Note: The above social item will be supper In honor of the football boys of Interest to Portlanders as Miss at the home of Mrs. Candance Black. Shaw formerly resided in this city. I Their guest were Homer Harris, Dan· ny Allen, Brennan King, and George Mrs. Charles Morgan was the guest Height. of Mrs. Jerome Franklin .at the Port I -O- land Symphony Orchestra Concert last Mr. and Mrs. Louis Chapman are Monday night. Albert Spalding was the proud parents of a baby boy born the guest artist. Brahm's compositions Monday morning (formerly Ernestine were featured and a large audience Jordan). greeted the performers. I -0- --- The Misses Alice and Inga Wilson The Adventurers club met at the of Tacoma were the week-end guests ,parsonage Friday night. Cakes were ' of Mrs. E. Davis. baked "while you wait" and eaten at I -0- the close of the busines meeting. Joe Staton's Jug Band is composed --- of the following members: Joe Staton, Miss Sadie Jackson, guest of Mr. Gene Holmes, Julian Henson, "Duck" and Mrs. J. H. Simpson of North Jef· Jordan, "Chink" Winslow, and Charles ferson street, a newcomer to the city, Harris. They have been playing in a will soon leave for her home In Los· number of places the last month and Angeles, California. 1 are all well known young men of Se· attle. to the ad which appears in this issue. Kindly patronize our advertisers as much depends on their support as to the success of our venture In the bers: V. E. Keene, Ralf Flowers, C. L. Ingersoll Edgar Williams and Miss C. Maxwell. journalistic field. Mrs. Fredonia Armstrong, the mo· Miss Bernice Black has gone to ther of Rev. J. Magruder, died Mon California for the winter. Miss Black day night, Nov. 14th at Allensworth, is a popular member of the younger l California. Rev. Mcgruder formerly social set. We wish her a happy so· .pastored the local • Zion A. M. E. journ down south. / Church. His friends here extend the To our subscribers: Please se.nd ·Reverend their deepest sympathy. or phone your news In to my office I early each week, 318 · 23 rd Avenue N. Richard Stanton, the son of Mr. 1'"111111111m111111111111111m11111111m,11,11111111111111um•111•;i J and ?\.irs. Charles Stanton, is at home E Low lr'o~t a=uel E with a sprained ankle which he SUS• ~-- ~ 3 §: tained .while playing football. COAL ~ Per ton ........ $6.00~ A CARD OF THANKS And UP a To all the friends for their, letters, We Handle All Kinds of Coal a I telegrams, flowers and other evlden WOOD Ices of love and sympathy during the Load. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3, 7 5 j illness and death M our beloved mo– Our wood is dry and I ther, Mrs. Ida Schwe1sch, we are deep- will pleaes you. . lY and overwhelmingly grateful and will arrive In Portland on Wedneaday the 30th bus stage from SaDFrancls· co, California. This agregatlon of sin– gers is one of the most noted In the country and It is to be hoped Port· landers wl11 have the opportunity ol: hearing them. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams were the guests at dinner Thanksgiving Day of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Frank lln. A delicious turkey dinner was served by the hostess. BLUE MOUSE - Sun., Mon., Nov. 27, 28, Betty Compson, Ivan Lebedeff and Anita Louise In "GAY DIPLO· MAT", an RKO Pathe Feature; also Mack Sennett comedy and other shorts. Tu ., Wed., Th., Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1, Zasu Pitts, Wm. Collier, Jr., and Una Merkel in "THE SECRET reelected to the New York legislature Miss Evelyn Freeman Invited in a from the 19th assembly district; Chas. coterie of her friends on Friday night We want to thank Roger Robinson for his letters to these columns and we welcome letters from otbers of our readers upon any timely subject. PROMPT DELIVERY :appreciative. Phone EAst 4282 I Signed: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Crosswhite CHANDLER 1 1037 Division street, Portland, Ore. Mahoney, republican of Detroit was to enjoy dancing at the home of her parents on Union avenue north. FUEL&. TRANSFER 1818 · 23rd Ave Seattle, Wn., Robert St. Clair, son of the late fa· Dr. and Mrs. DeNorval Unthank and No charge for your letters. = mous "Dollar Bill" who was a Port· m.."............................... ,1,11,111,,,,.1,,,................. 1159 I . ...aglow in the fireplace! The whole family responds to the good cheer of an open fire - The slow-burning qualities of Gasco Briquets provide hours of glowing, even heat in your Fireplace, Heater or Furnace All Heat-No Ash Sixth & Salmon BRoadway 7611 son, were the guests at Thanksgiving eve. dinner of Mr. and Mrs. U. S.. Reed and family on Wednesda y. Mrs. I· Reed served a delicious four-course turkey dinner. Mr. Reed, who is a rail- · way mail clerk, was not in the city Thanksgiving Day. The Card Party and Supper given by the Ladies of the Sergeant Jos. White Camp of the Spanish American War Veterans at t~ Court house on last Saturday night was a decided success. The Ladies as well as the Camp have decided to make one of their two monthly meetings a social meet· ing. The Idea is meting with great res,ponse. elected to the · Michigan state legisla– ture and Henry Richardson and Dr. l Robert L. Stanton, democrats were swept Into office by the democratlc , landslide as representatives to the I ; Indiana state legislature; John Ryan, 1 of Tacoma, Washington was elected ) I to the senate of the Washington state legislature. l ~~ AUSPLUND DRUG STORE [ SIXTH & GLISAN S'l'RE.ETS PORTLAND, ORE. ~~~~~~~~~~• land citizen, was one of the victims F .._ - = - '\ stabbed to death by the crazed Fill!· ! pino in Seattle last week when he No matter what distance between To REACH for the telephone and hold direct conversation with per– sons . in other cities-nothing, ex– cept a visit in person, so vividly brings personalities together. The inter-city telephone is the greatest time and travel-saver known to business. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TPLF.r.RAPH COMPANY Business Office, 352 Oak Street Telephone: ATwater 6261 1 I killed six people and wounded many others. •!•~-o- - ~-~-~--~ •;• ; THE DUNCAN ONE OF WALKOVER'S HEAVY GRAIN OXFORDS $6.50 MANY STYLES IN PLAIN LEATHER AT $6.00 HERE IS ONE OF WALKOVER'S MANY STYLES THE DRESSY TIE. IN BLACK KID $6.50 Walk Over Shoe Store 123 BROADWAY ' •:·------------- .... ------------- .... -~.;.
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