~ - -r THE ADVOCATE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1932 •••••••••• ,,,,.,,,,111,11111•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1#1111111111111111111111111111111c•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••#••••••••••••••••c••••••••••••••••••••••_,..,,,,,,,.,..,,1,111111111111111,•••••••••• f / aforesaid dictator can line his pockets I .. A T I out of the cost or war supplies. Just 1'1'R'RQW J'PS 1watch this congressman's vote-dont heed his promises-I did at his first BY KITS RIED I election and upon his assurance that --------------- he was a pacifist, I voted for him, but never again! But I wm watch his VERBAL MURDER CASES SUBMITTED TO rUSE OF WORD 'PICKANINIES' JURY SESSION DRAWS VIGOROUS PROTEST SNAPSHOTS I KLAM_ATH FALLS, Ore., Nov. 23- Spok~ne, wash., Nov. 23-The en– ~ WWJIW;QW ~ BOOK R'VIEW Dr. Work's efforts as evidenced In the many issues of the Negro Year Book which he has compiled, 1publlshed and distributed-never forgetting to send me a copy as soon as It comes from the press. • • • The AdYocate wishes its readers to know that the opinion expressed by the writer of this column Is not nec– eSBarlly The Advocate's opinion. -Ed vote-also Stelwers on these measures that forge new links In the workers chains. You will see ln this column, f Two first degree murder cases, one tire officials families of Bethel A. M. BY w. J. WHEATON , secret Indictment, one assult case with IE. and Cavatry Baptist churches here rnifTI 1 intent to kill, a conceali:n_ent of stolen joined with the N. A. A. C. P. In ad- ~ nnntmlll l1tmtJl The "High Lights of Negro History" ~ ~ in short, Is a minature edition of the as measures come to vote In Congress, Just how men who were elected by your votes, Oregon delegation, voted on measures. I predict that before a– nother election time rolls around, there will be a stampede to a "new property case and a charge of burning dressing a letter to the Spokesman The Advoc_ate wishes Its readers to with Intent to Injure the Insured were Review, Spokane's largest news.paiper, "HIGH know that tne opinion expressed by t ti I t th f th / Negro Year Book, filled with ready LIGHTS OF reference Information concerning the "It a man loves folks the while he hates Injustice and inhumanity, he has a fulcrum by which he can lift the world"-Argow May I suggest to those vot-,rs who •third party." are not satisfied with either the Re· In last week's column, the misprint publican or Democratis parties that In the last lines of the poem to "The there Is In ,progress of building a new Unknown Soldier" changed the entire party. And tor those who are so a- meaning of those lines. They should trald of the word Socialist that they I have read: the writer of this column Is not nee· 1 submitted to the Klamath county I pro es ng aga ns e use o e essarlly The Advocate's opinion. -Ed / grand jury at Its first day session word "plckannies' in describing a Tuesday. float which Bethel church had In a Theodore Jordan, Negro is charged white parade last week. The letter, For years In the past the ,police de- with the murder In the first degree which was signed by Rev. E. B. Reed, partment of SanFranclsco has been ea M Ch E In connection with the death of F. T. pastor of valry, rs. as. vane, noted for intelligence and courtesy. s s s t R T A p tt Sullivan, Southern Pacific dining car . . 1;p ., ev. . . a erson, pas- When ever a visitor to the city has steward. tor of Bethel and F. A. Stokes S. S. had cause to comment after citing "Hot Shot" Joe Daniels' case in Supt., also criticised the use of a the various places of interest and the I N d th which he Is charged wifh first degree small "n" in spelling egro, an e hospitality of th!) people, it would end I f h d N · f · murder in connection with the death I use o t e wor egress m re errmg by a favorable expression of police I d of T. C. Williams, another Negro, was to co ore women. NEGRO HISTORY" Negro: small enough to be carried in By Nelsoa W. Love the pocket, and priced cheap enough (fifty cents) for those who can not, or do not care to pay $2 for a more (Distributed by Joseph S. Kllnepeter) complete comprehensive reference 654 Avendale Avenue-Toleda, Ohio work. Reviewed for The Advocate by CLIFFORD C. MITCHELL • • • In many places In the volume, Mr. Love, has acknowledged the Negro Studiously I digested and checked Year Book as his source of informa– up on each_ fact contained In this , tlon, but even without such acknow little volume. Having previously read ledgement, particularly to one who has efficiency. All of these have received a big demerit mark through the action resubmitted to the gra..nd jury. Dr. Monroe N. Work's Negro Year read the Negro Year Book, one will of two plain clothes men-one who Book I can't say that I have added readily appreciate that Mr. Love is will not even Inquire as to its policies. I "And they cry me down with a great Especially is It Important that the vo- cry shoutlng- ters at least study the hope that Is "Greater Love hath no man than this thus held before them.. I wonder If That he murdered his friend to get HUNGRY WILL MARCH ON k Id b h in d .... d I i d b d W boasted southern parentage, arrested PORTER SAVES EMPLOYER any now e ge Y av g rea ""· eep Y n e te to Dr. ork, for out- two ladles who were being driven in LARGE SUM OF MONEY WASHINGTON; NEGROES IN Love's, "High Llghtes of Negro His· side of typographical errors and om!s· the Negroes can e)apect anything from his master's gold." either of the old parties while they survey the wreck that has been made of the Constitution of the United States by these Tweedledums and a small car by their Negro chaufteur. / THE FRONT RANKS tory. sions the "High Lights of Negro His- Th h ii d I ,/, ' • • • tory" is but a brief copied compilation 932 h U It d St t h P nt ey were a e to the Hall of Jus- Brooklyn N. Y. Nov. -Archie Grant In 1 t 2 e I n eillt a es as 5 el tice, lnte;ogated and finally dismissed. a porter, 38 years old aved his em· ~ In fact the more I think of the from the more rellable, and better $836 940 30 n m ary expenses. s ' I little volume the more I can respect known, "Negro Year Book". ' ' d h The chauffeur was fingerprinted in I ployers, Kaspar & Esh a large jewel 1, WASHINGTON D. C. -Les than Tweedledees? This new party has no name as yet, but its leaders are some of the finest men in the country. Dr. John Dewy, John Haynes Holmes, Al– exander Micklejohn, James H. Man rer, Stuart Chase, Harry Laidler, Nor man Thomas, Paul Blanshard. Among it any wonder we are poor an un- . ' ' 1 1 N ? order to learn whether or not he had ry store here $150,000 Thursday, when one-fourth of the popu ation s e_gro; gry · a prison record. F ." , g none. he ril '" a bandit gang held up the place. Grant but one-third of the ~nemployed are . . . . Negroes. Negroes receive at all times • NEGRO, 113, WEARS COPPER BRACELET TO KEEP THE "as 1 eleased. Now 1t happens I unnoticed at first by the robbers, eas- at least one-third less than white, ,par• the ladies arrested were socially pro- ied out of the back door and gave a 1 t1cularly at the John Marshall place, minent and the Indignant protests IPOlice alarm. The robbers seeing him one of the chief relief stations. Jim• from womens clubs and various civic I as he closea the door fired at him, Crow_i~m prevails at ~he Associated bodies so alarmed the police depart- j then fl d P r t d th f Charities and Commumty Chest. It . e · 0 ice ca.p ure ree o work ls given Negroes get less, also the women, we find Mary Sanford and until her death Florence Kelley, Helen Phelps Stokes. Mary Hillyer is a lee· turer as Is Paul Blanshard. RHEUMATICS AWAY -ment that the two offending officers the band of five. They were Salvatore less food. No rent is paid for the Ne- --- wrote and apology regreting the in I Selazzo, himself a jeweler; Samuel groes, and no clothes are given them. I cident as far as the ladles were con- i Cook and Max Nathan, all white. !Negro and white are waited on in di!· Kansas City Mo. Nov. 19,-"Rheu- cerned but they made no mention of I ferent ,rooms. No lunches are distr1- ' ' · I , . 1 t,..,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,..,.,,,,,,.,.,,,._,,., buted 1n the Negro schools. A white Many of these people are considered matiz" is the least of the worries of the ind1gmty placed on the Chaufeur 1 _ worker will get three or four days' as almost every thinker of today who Green Burks, who claims to be 113 I for the Inferred criminality of the fin- ' work a week from the relief stations: really thinks and Is not tied to an al- years old. It's all on account of the gerpr!nt. The apology Is so worded -BAPTIST~ a Negro worker with the same number legiance to either of the rotton old I copper bracelet he has worn on bis that it still assumes the right of pre- lof dependents, will get two or three. I . , CHICAGO.- Threre are three cha• parties which have ex.posed their ow- arm since early childhood. judiced officers to arrest any woman Mt. OLIVET BAPTIST CH URCH rlty organizations supposed to be func- nershlp the same groups of rich men I Proudly displaying the bracelet to v-bo may be seen riding with he'!" East First and Schu.vler Sts. tloning in Chicago. - The United who swell their bank accounts ot the. visitors, he declared: "It's kept me chauffeur. It does not decry the righ;. Rev. J. D. WIison, Pastor Charities, the Emergency Relief, and expense of the workingmen. If you I free from rheumatiz all my l!fe." of the "gentleman from Texas" c,1 : SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH the Cook County Relief. All of these are Interested In breaking your chains, But it did not guard him against Rome other Jim Crow state f ·it·' East 7th and Everett Sts. follow. th~ same.policy of Jim-Crowlsm • t d d f 1 1 to h L th .. 1 h" rom WI J Rev. G. G. Garder;ier, Pastor and d1scr1minat1on. ,us rop a car o nqu ry t e ea- , the ravages of old age, and e age..._ ng 1s personal intoleration into< J I Unemployed workers in the North gue, 112 East 19th St, New York City. Negro lies in a ward at general hos- statutes of California. But we are ot I Side sections get $6 grocery orders I venture to give this address-this pita! "kinda run down", as he puts tte opinion that the apology was ll'lt 1 -EPISCOPALIAN- and have their rent, gas, electricity paragraph Is not an advert!sement,lt t. Attendants expect him to recover. the mental composition of the two of. St. Phillips Miuion and wat~r paid. Unemployed workers is an -,ffort to stir acti·on Into those I r· th di I in mixed sections g~t $6 worth of r. ,cers, e wor ng s too evasive and Knott llnd Rodney Ste. groceries and free water, but no gas, who are disgusted (as many of us d'plomatlc. No man or men who show- Blaine l.oles, Lay Reader rent or electricity. Unemployed work- are)) with the mess the republicans CANDIDATE GRATEFUL TO ed such density of grey matter could ers in the South Side (Negro) sec· and democrats have made of this coun-1 have phrased such. -HOU:5E OF PRAYER- tlons get $2.69 worth of relief. No gas, try. ~ COLOIRED ELECTORS rent, electricity or water. Houae of Prayer I DETROIT, Mich. -The Negro popu- -0- I There appears to be a concerted et- East 10th and Graut Sts lation of Detroit is 12,000, or 7 ,percent This Is what Stuart Chase, one or I fort by the ,police to incite a race feel- J Robert Searcie. Pa.tor of the total. But 30 perectn of those the leading economists in the world,\ City Editor, ing in the city. It has been stated that I cared for by the relief stations are says. "And now look at !ft!. At least a certain captain refused a dance per- -1\IETHODIST.-- Negroes. (If 30 percent are "cared for" 6,000,0--00 of men out of work. Un 1 Advocate then the percentage of Negro unem· 6 h A mit to an organization which Includes ployed Is much higher, ss the relief known millions of dollars being raised 2 5 16 N. E. 2 t ve. l It b hi u d Bethel A. II. E. Church C"t i':~t\_ n s mem ere P a races an na Rn. Daniel G. Hill Jr.. Minister stations everywhere do their best to by Relief Committees; and unheard I y. tlonalit!es. It Is alleged that the cap- discourage Negro registration.) of bad feeling between the President Dear Sir: ta.In in refusing the permit asked the I JACKSONVILLE, Fla., - Negro Fint A. M. E. Zloe Cburcb workers are forced to labor for the the Congress and the Red Cross as to Permit me to express to you petitioner: How would you like to see , 11 IVillhm• 'lvr Red Cross flour which the white un- who should hand out the sandwiches your sister dancing with a 'nigger?' Rev. Lee Roy Kinard, Pastor employed get free. (Similar comvlalnt while thousands starve. We must re- my sincere appreciation tor your gen- The ,petitioner is said to have replied, has been heard from many other of member that prosperity, means one erosity In giving me space in your pa- "that the organization which he repre- the southern cities). thing to bankers and business men per during my recent campaign fm,,, sented knew nothing of 'niggers' that, ................................................................; 1 ATLANTA, GA.,- The Negro popu- d h hi d F C ity Commlsioner. It was most kind ' lation is about one-third of the total, an anot er t ng to you an me. or f 1 they were all men and women." In !ETHEL A. M. E. CHU~CH NOTES but about 40 or 45 percent of the job- ROLAND HAYES orchestra. Recently In North Clll'OII- Instance at the top of the list we have of you a~d I ~m deepty grate u · the years that hn-ve paseed, SanFran- - l!ess are Negroes. 10 citizens whef average Incomes of Sinterely yours cisco has never known any racial At 11:00 Sunday morning the ser- BIRMINGHAM, Ala., -In Binning- Roland Hayes, the worl!f famous tenor na where Mr. Hayes concertl..d, the $9,000,000 a year while at the bottom troubles. Being one of the most cos-, mon subject "I heard of a City Called ham and Jefferson counties, 66 per who sang on November 25th at Minn- colored citizens were roundly crltlels- • th 11 t fl d bo t th 1111 i H " Ch . 1 i d 1 1 cent of those cared· for at relief sta· eapolla, Minn. He was the guest ar- ed by the Negro editors for non-at- 0• e s, we n a u ree m on EDWARD L. KROPP mopollte of cities, has never entered 1, eaven. o,r s ng ng an spec a her of families cared for by the Fam- k h $637 " th I d t I I I ! f II d b J I ff ! tist for the Minneapolis Symphony tendance upon his recitals. wor ere w o average a year, - e m n s o ts c t zens. During the I mus c o owe y a spec a o er ng, Uy Welfare Association. and 6,000,MO out of work, with no In· two years gone by there has been a lwlll complete the morning program. \tlons are Negroes. come. · big influx of residents from other At 7:00, the Christian Endeavor BALTIMORE, Md.,-Negroes repre- -0- "NOW J F££L states mostly South. They have not welcomes all members and friends to sent 18 per cent of the population of ___ • I Baltimore but 54 per cent of the num- Dont forget that polltlca-nlce re· Of PEP" been of the F. Fs. that class, llke the join In the discussion of the subject, I publican and democratic politics have FULL better class of Negroes are attached "To What Extent is our Church the ________ ""!"_______ made all this possible. The laws have to their homes. It Is the class repres- Result of Missionary Efforts." Good seasontickets are avail- been so framed that manipulation by lt-aders have made ;possible the accu– mulation of such outrageous prosper! ty. Also do not forget that such dumb voters as you and I have made such law making possible to Illustrate the stupidity-Oregon sent to Congress at the last election a military puppet who wlll of course bow to the dictates of whatever power says war so that the ,." •-1.1-- L...U• E. Pink - able In all locations • • • A&ter uaaaue ·3- • ented by such mentally equipped as At 8:00 the regular monthly Sacred BUY A SEASON TICKKET ham'• Vegetable CompouDd the officer who boasted of his nativity Concert featuring the full choir under • • • 11iat'• what bundreda of women and the racial prejudices engendered the direction of Mr. E. C. Bartlet! will po RTL A N D -,. It stNdlea die nena · • • malrel by a perverted mentality. Men of such be heard. - 8 Y MP H O N Y JOU eat better . , , aleep belts • • • I O R C H E S T R A relln'ea periodic belldadae 1111d limited acumen haJ,e no place among The Knights are ,putting on a Clean • • • backache , , . makea u,lq da,9 such men as com,pose the police force Up campaign this week at the church. Willem van Hoogstraten, endurable. of SanFranclsco. A body of men, na- Bethel was happy to cooperate In Conductor w!t":: n;: ~ w.:°e11:.r.-! tlonally and internationally famed for 1the Union Thanksgiving Service with 8 Monday 6 Sunday chance to bJ! you. Get a bottle Intelligent efficiency. Prejudice of any Zion A. M. E. at the Mt. Ollvett Bap. Evenings Matinees from J'OUI' druUlat todaJ'. kind !II becomes an officer of the law tlst Church Thanksgiving morning. $ 4 to '1 2 $1.60 to $5 who is sworn to maintain and uphold Adventurers' Club announces a Mar- Tickets now on sale the law as enacted by the legislative !di Gras for Friday Evening, December SYMPHONY Be Kind To Your FEET Vltallt¥ • A.l"Ch • iUPPOl"t FOOTWEAR bodies or the municipality, state ,and 2 In the lecture room of the church. nation. There Is no precedent for any j officer or the law to enact laws of his I national government. But nothing will own. It is only the densest of minds, a •deter him from the upward march. cavity devoid of the brain essential Out of this travail he will emerge with that will arrogate a law unto itself. I added strength. We are turning out Such, we repeat, has no place in the from the schools as fine a lot ot young ranks of the police force of SanFran- men and women as that of any other cisco. <people. We are learning that there must be more dependence placed on The Negro today Is facing the great· ,what we may and can accomplish. est ,problem in the career of the Race. We must remember that fine speeches He is challenged on all sides. Never are not always the prelude to action. HEADQUARTERS 126 Sixth St., AT. 1627 ----··- ..... --··· .. ·------· THE BEST SHINE IN TOWN 5c DE LUXE SHINE PARLOR C. S. Tribble, proprietor Next door to GRAND AVE. NEW LOW PRICES before has he been so placed in the We must keep in mind that the times ANEST CAFE Nr. Burnside WOMEN'S .......... @ $4 and $5 Pr. position where he must either swim or call for DOERS and not SPEECH MEN'S .............. @ $5 and $6 Pr. MISSES'......•............ @ $4 Pr. Children's ........ @ $1.75 to $3.50 Pr. BOY'S ........... @ $3,50 to $4.00 Pr. sink. He is obliged to fight for his industrial life. Jobs, formrely spurned I by the more fortunate of communities have been seized with avidity. Even l murder has been resorted to in order • I that Negroes make place for whites. j 0 ' ! killed) Whenever it has been possi- 1 1 vJ")04, ble to displace a Negro worker on any J ;:Z.IEt,J -....... contract project, it has been done. Ef· , • ~ =- J forts to enslave him through peonage Superior Hand Laundry 288 EAST 1st STREET (near Clackamas ) Telephone: - EAst 6092 WORK G,UARANTEED PRICES REASONABLE - Give Us A Trial - 1 I t · l , ii!::a~,·:: :~~1::;: :::: :h::e:~~ ~I, l is now under the Investigation of the ,,.,,, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,,.;,.,,,,,,,,••#.,j ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.a MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service MRS. BEATRICE REED Lady Attendant -at- M!LLER & TRACEY MORTUARY May be reached by calling the Fu– neral Parlors or her home. Selwood 6475. She will be pelased to serve you, relieving you of much anxiety and worry In your hour of bereavement. MRS. REED has proven such a. help, not only to her tJmployers, but to the Colored Patrons in gen– eral, that during the past two years MILLER & TRACEY have han<lled 90 per cent of the Colorad Funerals. WASHINGTON STREET Between 20th and 21st The Oldest Negro Business In Portland Is • • • . The Advocate Publishing Co· BEATRICE CANNADY-FRANKLIN, Editor P11blishers of "The Advocate"-A 16-Pagl' Newspaper Published every Saturday for the past 28 years In Two Sections! Holliday & Holliday T onsorio.l Parlors 12S NORTH SIXTH STREET . . PORTLAND, OREGON Equipped with the Very Latest, We Are Tu a Position to Care for Men. Women and Ouldren Comtt-Let Us Se,~ You! . ..and LOVE came to SUSAN! Susan used to feel sorry for herself be– cause she wasn't popular! Her skin was so harsh-her bands rough and red. But that was before she discovered Camay– the Soap of Beautiful Women. Now– well, Susan's not only popular, but she's wearing a lovely engagement ring! She says Camay did it! It certainly brought soft, fresh beauty to her skin! Write to Procter &: Gamble, Dept. B, Cincinnati, for free cake of Camay, (Only one cake to a family.) CAMAY '11u111un11111d111111111111111u11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r111111111111111111111111111111,11u1111111111111111tu11u1111111 : : : ! E 5 We wish the Coored voters to know that their votes were high- ly appreciated In the recent general election and that we not only appreclat.e thelr recent vote, but we welcome them lnto the ranks of the Democratlc Party. Signed: ! Molt. Count-,, l)emocr-atic I Centr-al C()mmitte ! t!J•111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n11u1111111111n11uu11111u111111111u11111111111111111111111111u,11111u,n1111•u1uuu1uul:J IP IIIIIIIIHtttlttllltlllUIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUIIIHllllftttllllUIIIIIIIHIUllllttllllUIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUllll:'.J ti nnnouncing Tt-JE Q?E]'!l~G QF 13enninahoff <I.: t;addle I Visitors are welcome and FV~E"RAL ?Al:;,L~"R5 + will be shown through the modern home 335 SIXTH STREET [El,111111111111n111111111111111111111u1111111111111111111u111,111111111111111111u111111111111111111t11tn11111u11111,1111u111111111111111111n1u1118 Without a doubt. the hest article or Its kind - a com- bination HAIR GROWER and HAIR STRAIGH- TENER. Gives the hair a nat:1ral sott and ollky appearance, sliruuiatlng hair growth in the most hr,peiess case. Our High Brown Hair Grower achievements - It ls a prepar– ation we look upon with pride '.\fakes the hair soft and lux– urious.- stlmulatlng a healthy growth. Distributed by The Broadwill Drug Store Broadway &. WllliAs Ave Portland, Oregon The Soap of Beaaliful W Offlell j ,. ROT.LIDAY & R'OLJ.IDAY El a111u1n11111111111n1111111u111u,1111uu111n1u1u11u1n1111n1111u1111111111n,nttuunnnnnnunut111111unoo1n,ntt1n1111nu1uEJ , ________________________ .,.
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