Saturday, May 2, 1936 J.R.Callahan In Race For District Bench :aarnes Circus Coming The Al G. Barne's Circus, the world's largest traveling on trains The Advocate IJohn Kavanaugh Rico's + Former Judge Column Seeks Reelection mco SAYS: + + +IWorldFair is + : AssuredCity By~ayor Get your buckets ready for tnE> weekly diggln's. J.\Iy spade is go- Adequate parks and playgrounds Judge John P. Kavanaugh who Ing to work overtime--just a few for every neighborhood and the encouragement of home ownership A new name in the political ar– ena in the current campaign is that or J. R . Callahan, who as candi– date for District Judge, Department Number 1, Is gaining support. of double length steel railroad cars, is seeking election as circuit judge graves– with elephants, horses -and menag- department No. 8, was formerly a Callahan has been a resident of erie animals will exhibit In Port- circuit Judge of Multnomii.h Coun– -oOo-- throughout the city are among the Although new in politics, Mr. News Flash: The :'.\t:ii<ses V. T. plans which Mayor Carson has in Multnomah County for many years land May l2 and 12 , at 2 and 8 ty for 12 years. Prior to that time, and V. L. went a few rounds over crnnlng here Immediately after fin- P. M. he served as City attorney for eight S. E. It was a great fight, foll<s. lshlng 111s legal education at the Always bigger and better, t he years. S'funny but S. E. received all the UniversiUes of Mlchi:gan and Min- big shown now on its 28 annual Judge Kavanaugh's friends say bruises at the gong. Howere, love in speaking of his candidacy: "A was immune to !!Uch tr~atment be– judge should be open-minded and cause it was elseiwhere. mind }11 anticipation of his re-elec– tion at the Primar3r, May 16. :\1ayor Carscon's friends are urg– ini,;1 citizens to give the Mayor a decisive vote at the Primary in- nesota In 1913. He was admitted to practice in the State and Fed– eral Courts In 1914, but for t h e past decade has been active and always anxious to learn and to be informed upon new questions and -oOo- The' high and mighty .Tan!rtte , s\ead of forcing him through an- tour, is a vast mouu ment to lt.<3 founder, who started the circus with six wagons, a few horses, ani– mal!! and u nlimited courage. prominent In the business field. new laws as they ari~. Above all, Strawder was In her blue heaven o.!her campaign for the general! ;l1ection, so that he may devote ,nil his time to City business, to ef– forts to bring more Industries and bigger payrolls to the city, to the promotion of an electrical Exposi– tion In 1938 in celebration of the Though lbut 47 of age, Everyb ody wish es to see the new he .should have broad tolerance watching her Jimmy dance. If al>·e Mr. Callahan has had a wide and Al. G. Barnes Circu s this year and and r egard every litigant with ab- only knew that he was dancing for varied experience, having been In turn a school teacher, railway em– ployee, business executive and J;iw– yer. His experience covers a wide range of human activity, whic'h should be of considerable advan– tage in solving the many different problems coming before the Dis– trict Court. l\Ir. Callahan says: "The Dl!:itrict Court Is the poor man's court. It Is a court that deals largely with the ·problems of the wage earner, the worker and the small business man. A judge of the court should be more than a lawyer-he should have experi– ence in, and knowledge of the pro– blems of all classes of peole and his court should be governed more by the equitable ruling of c-ommon sense justice, than by hair-splitting technicalities.'' "As District Judge, I shall at all times try to hold in even balance, the scales of justice, uninfluenced by pol'Ucs or favoritl!'IITI, and to conduct my court in a manner de– serving of the full oonfi<lence of both lawYers and llqigantl'.' 1 W. E. HOSSNER SHERIFF· it is a forego ne conclu sion that the world's largeet tent, seating 10,-000 persons, will be tilled to the It-St ehair afternoon and night. Six solu te Impartiality, whatever his her! station In life may be. If the peo- ---oOo-- / pie desire their important afafirs Eddie collins is now engaged in completion of the Bonneville Dam. o! life, liberty or property to be a new but old love affair. What will and to the consequent throng 01 , l'ings, arena, stages and hi.ppo- committed to a judi;-e who will hear happen at the gong, BobbJe? tour:sts who will be attracted to drom track wiU be filled to the before he determines, and who will --oOo-- 1 • Portland and Oregon as a result with performers. Bert Nelson , dar- exert his best efforts to arrive at Jimmy Drown is ·ltruokin' ,, of the propo!:;ed "\Vorld'e Fair. Ing and youthful wild animal train- a j ust and final conclusion; who backwards - maklng a/'cOIIIle,baok er, wUI oottle 26 ferociou s man- will decide cases with a trained and with his once called "my old ownership are major item~ In May. eating lions and tlgors a long with matured j udgment, they oannot do flame." or Carson's plans. In this respect Parks, IJ)laygrounds and home Terrel Jacobs and Mabel Stark In better than to elect Judge Kava- 0001: it Is said that he is not eyeing any other thrilling displays. naug'h again to the judiciary which Eunice ::\fott has dead hinkty particular district but is taking in he will conscie,ntlousl}· and ably with the cats. Oh Y, wha,t are the entire city. discharge as a sacred trust.'' you going to do in i"- case like that? "We must take care of the youth 1.;·~~ Truck lightly, )l>!lbes. \;ti __J ,.,. ~oOo-- t'\ G•lb r S A certain/Portland Romeo has of our city in the recreational needs," said the Mayor just before he left"- for the Regional Mayors' Convention at S a n FranC"isc-o "These boys and girJ.s should ha,·e From across I ert s uccess gone to L. A. to give the girls there . a treat./ood luck, I. C. Is Recognized By ~ ..... --oOo-- everything desirable for the full / John Scruggs and Misses were development of their minds and•onal w •t ,- seen walking in a so-called heaven bodies, and I believe wholesome f"IIIII I rJ. eT -maybe a rog. play to be Just as important a rac- --- ., / --oOo- tor as school work. A view of our Go, existing parl,s and playgrounds on Saturdays, Sundays ond other holi- f' Judge Gllbe~S/,ltfocess as judge "Here comes the bride!" of the Dep i.ii .'ment of Domestic Re- Terrell, go! -oOo-- days giYes one an idea of what lctlon of children's c es, gnized in 1931. At that Lula's back In town. The air is such facilitles mean to both pllr- heavy with something. ents ancl children. the court American r, In the NovPn-1,ber, 1931, is– sur of the Pictorial Review, wrote: " T he most suce,ssful children's judges, ltke Judge )Iary Barthelme --000-- Vincen !toss, the well-known vi– per, was sef·n heating out his chop~ 11.ghtly in ome ribs tn Taylor's. Spare? YEJs. ! 1 --000-- j Taylo~'s little southern Bar B O I in Chicago, Judge Hoff'man In Cln- Is overflowing with amnzing hos· ,cinnatl, Judge Gilhcrt in Portland. pltal)ty and colorecl gentry. Let's Ore., and Judge F'redt>rick • Cabot all t1Carf thPre when you·re beat. of the Boston court, oombine the --oOo-.-- ddle Dinforcl wa,s ~£'en cooJ,ing- p,....-,..,..ic:ular 1mrt of the riirht– porl, kno~n ris i-ihs-,-soorf 1 --oOo-- I Rulilf ~riton a i<C'lf-~-tyled mndel I f&r thi, new girl!< of Bethel was • seen "aljlign.l or tearin,,:-" it when a i;irl the1' >'lli<I, "Don·t lay your I hands on me!" ..---oOo-- Xhe walt 1 ,·'s dance was a kil!Pr. A certain ~ung man let his <'on– ceptlon of JSlrl ,:o to his cranium. r wond• iow Russ is. --000-- A Qer'u,/n llheik say. "I fell down the ll'B" when a.'!ked how he manpa)to get the bloody-looldng spot on bis arm- Page .Alibi Mike'! --oOo- ELECT JOHN P. KAVANAUGH Page Four U.S.Burt Democratic C and id ate for State Treasurer Hel11 build Ot•C'gon wit11 Roo,;c– ,dt. Harmon)·, l'fficiency on Board or Control. Gruugc1·, ,-Ne1•m1. Adcquu tc Old Age Pe:tslon<s without Paup<>r''< Oath. Donne, illc J'or all tlle Pco11lc. Vote [X] 46 -Paid Adv. Winters Should Be Reelected~ : Say Associates Ind icative of the re~arrl and es– teem in. which Circuit Judge John P. "Winter Is held by fellow m~- 1 her,s of llw leg-al profrssion i~' , following ll'tt<'r, only one' o! in- I ' 1 numerable com,munications in the ' same vein re.ported :iclrlres~d to him, who is seeking t o succeed I himself on the hc·nch : I "Dear Judgf! \Vinter: Jt i.s my : belief that when a man has I.wen selected to a judicial office in Ore– gon and has fulfilled the duties of the office conscientiously and cap– ably that he should be retained In that office. I believe that you have fulfilled th<> duties of a cir– cuit Court judge in this manner and should be retained in the of– fice which you now hnld. If I can be of any agslstance to you, please let me know. (Sig1wd) Allan G . Frisbie.'' Multnomah County More Drastic Cristian! Troupe of seven Italian h:Hc,,bacl, riders. chamuions of E u – rope; the Angelo family, acrobats, the Imperial ,valtleri<, aerialists; the Canestrelli sextett1"', equilibrtsts and a Yast formation of ~O trained horses disph1yerl in a single ring are high lights.. CloWll.8 will be on hand to provide mirth for the lit– tle folks. An entirely new version of the "Fie.sta of the Rio Grande" wlll serve as a prelu de to the main performance. It is a vast spectacle participated in by upwards of 1.000 men, women, horses, elephants, camels, yaks and other boosts of the forest and desert. Great orches– tras, Immense ohoru sses, golden toned pipe organs, cymbals and lutes are harmonized in a never– to-be-for,gotten extravaganza. Ricco sa.ys "watch your step, Yf"n&'um"-he Is out to find you oat!( --oOo-- "t NMer Knew \Vhat Love Could CIRCUIT JUDCE Department No. 8 1,aid Judge \Vinter at this writing is presiding over the Al<in murder trial, in which Jack Justice is the Ad\. defendant. Protection Against Criminals REPUBLICAN Primaries-May 15th (Paid Adv.) Vote 125 [X] Wm. B. Creitz Republican Candidate for COUNTY TREASURER A Grandson of a great Civil War hero and a friend of Lincoln. An outstanding lawyer for an important pQSition. (PaJd Adv. by Creitz for Coun ty Trt-asurer Committee. 550 Sherlock B ldg., Sr d 1111d Oalc St.) - Everything in the Drug Line– at Ausplund Drug Store Sixth and Glisan Portland, Oregan ELECT ; CLAREN~E E. YEACER An experienced lawyer and a good citizen In Repub!icc:n Primaries STATE LEGISLATURE VOTE X 112 (Pairl Adv) Get By" from Donald to Vote X 59 Re-Eled HARRY L. CORBETT Republican Candidate for STATE I ,SENATOR 1 • - Paid Ad\". I Assuuuuuuuu" ............. .. ... .. ............ You Ca'n't Fool the Boy You Want! LARI EUSE Gives Dull, Dingy. i Iron-Burnt Hair New Brilli- l .. I'"' ance and Blackness as Noth- ri:..ill: ing Else Can! . N OWADAYS it i5 the girl with soft. silky, gleaming jet black hair that gets the best looking boy friends - has the most dates -the most fun and en– joyment. She really gets to go places and do things. Why? Because she STAYS popular, young and beautiful - by using Godefroy's Larieuse French Hair Coloring. GODEFROY'S Keeps You Young Stage and screen st.:rs have been using Godefroy's for more than forty years. So have people high in society, and in busi– ness. Godefroy's will make YOUR HAIR 1ust as lovely as theirs. Then, no longer will you be a stay-at-home - forgotten, and lonely. Then you can hold the boy you want-enjoy love and romance again Results Are Quick lt is easy to apply - no more trouble than ordinary shampoo - and in just a few minutes your hair will have that radiant coal black lustre everybody ad mires. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Get a bottle - TODAY. Your Dealer Has CODEFROY'S LARIEUSE l=r ench .H,A IR co loring If he does not have it Send $1 25 Direct GODEFROY MFG. CO. 3S06 OLIVE ST. ST. LOUIS, MO conn one nn t eve oe yeo n,..,,e,e e1nnnnoeonnnone
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