
• THE ·ADVOCATE An lndepend~nt Paper De.voted to the lntere•t• oL the People Vol. 33 No. 38 Selassie Flees Wrath of Italy's Fascist Hordes LONDON, l\fay.-An authorlta.• tlve source disclosed that Haile Sel~le, fugitive emperor of Ethio– pia, boarded the l3rltish cruiser Enterprise at Djibouti Monday. Shortly before thl9 disclosure w:ui made Foreign Secretary An– thony Eden told the house of Com– mons that H.M.S. Enterprise had been placed at +he disposal of the kings of kh1gs. , Eden disclosed that Halle Sel- assie would go to Haifa, Palesti=. Colored Sl'ar Triumphs on Scottish Stage Star Drawing Rm·e Notlc~ the Scotch Press; S<-ts New R erords at Every Pcr!ormnncc By DAVID KANE (Foreign Correspondent for national Negro Press) LONDON, Eng., May 4, ( By Ca· ble)-N!na Mae McKinney, dlmln– utiv~ American stai;e and 1-1c1·een star, re.cel\·ed a tremenLlous wel– come at her opening performance 11.t the Royal Theatre, Edinburgh, The emperor and his entourage Scotland. It has been proven be-· were stated actually to have been yond all doubt that the tiny star is a.board the fllst warship when Eden as weH ll11e<I In Scotland 1c~ she h• spoke. in England. During the n1<1nth that It was said the foreign secreuu·y she has heen In Scotland l"!u• h as held up the announcement of the set new houl!e records at ev<c>ry per– actual embarkation until the em- formance. It Is seldom a !lay p a r,s. peror'9 safety on the cruiser was - that one or two of the da ily assured. papers fail to wrry a l'1tve notiC'e Informed sources said all pre- lllbout her. cautions had been taken tor a The Scotth•!1 Dally T!:xt>ress, l'Jd· safe voyage. The precautions ,..,.ere inhurgh, ~aid : ".N'ina 1Iae 1LcKin– belleved to lnclu de an escort for ney was given a tumultous WPlcome the Enterprl!ie. upon the occasion of her first per- (H.M.S. Enterprise Is. a cruiser Cormance at tho Theatre Royal. of 7580 tons and carries an air- Her singing of "Why Am I So plane in addition to other modern Black and Blue'' was pa><i-lonately fighting equipment. This latter in- realistic, ancl i<he has certainly elude.'! seven six-inch guns and found a new way of " the torpedo tubes. It Is oil burning and music go around and around." will do 33 knots.} The Evening News, Gia!'gnw, i,ta- Eden said the Negus had made it ted: "Nina Mae !V[cKinney attract– clear that he wished to proceed ed me to the pavilion Theatre la3t with his family to Palestine. night. I went to the 1<how with pleasurable antlcipationi;. Three or ANTI-WAR GROUP TO ENLIST A ID OF HEGR O COLLEGES PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1936 NegroArtWeek l~t:a.l .and ' Is Proclaimed· By Governor I Social 'Ywi,,,1, I - -- ' J I :\lr. , 1 nd !-trs. Ralph Flowers and I 1\lr..J~lrn Scruggs went to Ocean Lal, e for the wee k end. They left 011 Fl'l1\11y and " '.ere joined on Sat– urday t,y :\Lr. and ~frs. .James Hr:tg ;.;,; and !\Jr. and :\11'$. J<'}rvln \<'lowcn,. The party r ~turned to l'ort\aul Sunday evening. Re\'.•\ . Cloe and' ,vif~ of Atlanta. Ga., the new pastol· of ~rt. Olivet Havt!st c hurch are expe<:tt>!l to tu·- th£' city on '\Vednesd~iy. 'Judge Lynch' Claims Another Negro Victim Price Five Cents CHURCHES UNITED Obje<.'tiOJlS of Xetr•·o Del(•A-:tlffi .\l't> Remo,·cd PAVO, Ga, , l\la,y.-Judge W. E.1 COLUMBUS, Ohl!.>, :\la y.-The Thom:is of Thom...'1.5 c o1111ty ,rup£'rlo1· ~Iethodist Epls eop al l'hu rch t otlay court today pn;ssed :rn ln\'e:,t!ga t lon a ccepted thE' plan of union w"ith the into the mob ly n c h in g lru;t nig-ht nf Me thodist Epl~copal c h urch, S ou t h . John Rushin, ;,5-yea r-olcl N P!-(rn :rnd the 1\lethodi~t · Prot estan t accmied <Yf fatally stabbing- yc<lL·r - church. day of Marion Pate, 25. and \VIII The vote w as 4 70 t u 83. Geary. Pn.te died : ThP plan o f un ion wh ich h a " Rushin was tal,e n from De puty Sheriff Herbert Kenne oy a ~ h e started to tn.l<e the Ne.,;-rn to 'L'hom – asvme, set of Thomas county, ·in h,•1·11 proposed h y :t Joint e-0mmis– :1in11 0 11 In terdeno m ina tiona l rela – tions and c hureh unio n of the t hree c hurches was subm itted for a: vote 'l'lw ,\lln· c.ha, '\Vashii1gton Home- South Georgia. A ·m o b o f 200 a rmed ma.kin!,{ ,,lub met with ~Irs. no- · men made the selzun•. Kenn<'tlY a fter more than three h ours deb a t e on the f lonr of the 32d g enera l conferl'nce of the e. lthoclist Epls· In view of the !aet mon 1roundation of collection of Negt·o will be shown in I 'ortla.nd o t the Art :Uu– !<CUm, May 1 7 to 24, it Is mr desire. that the pnople of Oreg·un shoul'd on 'l'hm·Hclay. The Negro w a !' ta kMl to :i near. coval church here. "\h·. tmd :l,frs. Eltntff Flowe,·i-, by creek and shot to cll'ath. A c- l nder the p la.11, the t hree prin- :\lr. :uul :\frs. L«aclorP Mane)· and cording to Kenned)·, nu.!< h in con c-ipal Methodist bod ies n f the w orld Mrs. T:E>atri<'C Re,,,t en joyed a d<•· feAAe!l t o the nrnh tha t h e U ll£'<l would be united w ith a total m em– lli.:htful driYe ~o Oregon City 8un- Pnte :.rncl wounded Geary . hership of a b out 8.000,000 . 'l'he the former·,: car. 1frll. Thelma was )l(lst,·s< Tue1:1day night at a drl!ghtful birth – In honor uf her hu!4banll. •ew Golden V\Test Hot<•I h:.tie re.opened 'Jnder new ma na.g-ement wJth E. D . C~nnndy, ,oniPf l'1('1·k. ~hlngs are bu8tlh~g aroi.', d th• olrl hostel once ~'llin. A, coroner's .iur)· decicl£'d tlw :\",·- n ew ch111·ch w ou ld bt> known s imµly gro r·a me .to h i~ < h)· "hulle tl'I a s \he Meth odist c hurch . fil'e<l hr persons unknown.'' Kalina In ,Race For Sheriff Job B eforf' the J)lan b ecomes t>ffec- Uve, it must hp adoptetl hy three– fourths of the 11nnual conference,; of the Methodist Episcopa l chur<'h. and hr the government u orl ies o f the other two <'httrches. It was be· lleved final a c ti on w ould n ot b e• Frank c. Ka lina h a >< h is hat i n ta.ken for two or t hree years. the ring fol' the Demo('rO.tic nom- Stubborn o p position to the nPg"l'O in:ition •for Shet·iff o f · Uultnomah was voiced by a minority group, ob~nrve the wnek as "Npgrn Art Onn of Ure gayel<t dt1noini:; \Veek" in Oregon in ordt' r that they of tho see.son WlIB given h) • County at tlJP ~Jay 15th. e lt·(·tinn, whi<'h ineluded !'le\·ernl XC'g1·0 d;,J p. gates. !\Ir. Kali na is married a n<! i:,; t he Objection n f Neg l'o 1lelei;a te,,; was may h a ve a greater under>-trmding \Yalfrri< C'lub at the Itnli:rn ed · and app1·eciation of the fine, cul· tion hall May 1 st. Torrid mu'fic rathN• of twn (·hildre n. ne rr•s icJ es based p rin d pn lly on lh <' ('flnt r>ntlon wit', h is f:tmily a t 15l7 X. K ~th that t h e N'e~ro would l,r "se!!'r€'1-(at– AVenuf'. Mr. Katina i" l h<' proud <'d" under the ))Ian 1.>f unifi<'a tion . tured work helng <lone hy the Xe- furnished by 8 special feature !lancing hy a ,.. 1 in holder of. an ex<'ell<•nt G. s . army Dr. :'.l a ttht>w S. Davagt>, Negro. pr<'sirlent of Clark university, A t - groes of the na,tlon. COLUMBIA STUDENTS UNITE OPPOSING RACE DISCRIMINATION henuty from Lo" Angeh•s :ind t: :: popular m .c. Charles Olcl<·n ,1,,li,;ht - Pd wlt!I his sln"1ng, lntermlf<,.inn 'numbe1·s w~re also !!'i\'C•n hy Julian Hen.son at the piano, J. D . .Jamit'– HOn, hanjo, et al. All in all, It wa" ~1 b'T:tnd , !fair und Ja."1<'<1 to th,• ln~t rn<'O)<l . ffp i-+'l'H'<l in the !Slh T;. R lnrantr.v in .\ I,·:1u·a :-. J;,la •Hl in charge of pri>'(J1wr, 1901-0'.!: l'hil– 'l, lnett. 1 !lOG-OS: ;\ll'Xinnn l1nr,lt•1·. 1 !I:" 2-1;: Sc•r )!NLnt qu,1rt,,rnw ,ter f'. 0 ~ • nnd• f\AS h£'t•n ,ofTIO\' ,.,,r). II.I"· la n la . lwwl'Vl'r, cn ll<'<l the i,ro JJ0"3.l "n. step forwar d .'' Jlp ,-;,.'J.h.l · th e N~o wouJ,J he g!1·r>n " n Pw lcadc·r – "'hl p " un rlP1· tht' 11lan, ery Negro "ollege of any .,.__~ &=,.._.-..,,ble size wlll be contacted four years have passed sine·,, I first !law that 8pell-hind!ng colort>d sin· g~r In a London thea1re. her i;tran– gely expressiv~ face caught in :i spotlight, singing "Stormy \\ 7 Path– er." It was a memora ble pprfortn · ance. Yet what did !S'he do ln"t night? She merely 0<a n g .tw<> num– ue',s anu dirnce7l. i hm;_ ,. .-t.J11s. :--he ls still the same vivid persona J'ity. My complaint isn't that she htt" J KEW YORK c1•rv, 111. ~-. (INP) - :\Jany stud <' nL~ an,! ~tudcnt or- lnlr,u · I A.mong out of town :.:i ill "h II .,l . 1<.al!n;i, 11l thou •h a 1na.n I 'lion;.:· In y ..,u·, is n.lways a , •111lcnt. ,::1n,·,• I~ ~!J h,· h :is ('Oll)))IP.t,,,1 a •·01tr:s,• in Ja w :1n·,1 "'ill hring t,, h is n f f i1•1• Jllll 11111~· a \\'ol'i<l of l'XJH'l'· t,y the workers of the Emergency lost any of her ,magnetis m : my Peace campaign during the months of :\lay and June, according to an complaint ti; that )She 'restrictPd :\nnouncement made herP herself to two ,song s when WP all this woulrl h a \'e e njoyed nt lea st a half week by Harold Chance, dlre<'tor of the Youth Division ot the drive dozen. · IL H. C.'' which ls being put on under the aui;plcee ot the American Friends Service Committee. In announcing the lntensil·e w,,r k which will be done among l'\egro students Harold Chance said : ------~ WM. C. HANDY, WRITER 'ST. LOUIS BLUES' STILL DO ING 'FOUR-A-DAY' XEW YORK CITY, l\I:a y. ( INP) ganiimtions nt C olumbia rniver– sity lutl'e un itP,l !•1 a. <lete r,nined fig ht aguins t · ,li•I' i111inatiun. A~– t entio n tn this h a ~ comp about throui,:h publicity g-h·<'n l'N:ent1y in thr Columbia SpeC'talor, official stude nt puhlic:ttTon, to th£' refusal of a barl,er ship In the \'icinity or the un!Vt'l'!my t n 1-<en-e Frank a.t the }[ay 1st dancl.! were .\ll's. Yvonne Chatters-Holmes an,l .~lls, Vl\'IHn .Jorclfl.n. Thf' fornwr is 1·i'-lt – lng hi>r !!biter-in-law, }1rs. Ti ns.'1 TRe Holme" In Gnnte nlwin .\1P. Ivan Cannady, after havinµ 11·,s.~– ed several months at his h o nw in Portland left on the 30th ,·ia .-all Bourne, a :N'egro 1<tuuenl. Sai!l the on his retm·n to Los An.!!elN,. Cn 1. Columbia Speetiltor: "StuflentR: re:rarrllf>ss of their p oliticxtl, raela.l o·r s ectional differ!'nce« en.nnot af– forrl t o advocate a d ouble ~ta-nil- "'ll('t\ a ;:o otl n1c•1n r>1·;,. li u t J,•1,:ally ln l in,,,1 min,!. Hls hallot numhl'l" i~ :,~. :1lso :1 • • • Art Museum May 17to 24 ]lwi J)A- nu,L 'lJr,ML By TED YATES (Calvin Service Night Life Expert) "One of the main obj,•,,ts of the E>mergency PeaC(l Cam:11ai,;n will b e to strengthen the support or peace in the United States by students. No program which has this as an object can do !ts job well unless it seeks to include all the student;, In this country; especial)~· ls this true when It comes to Inc luding Negro student who In times of war Is always called upon to do the dirtiest work and r e <'eive the lea..'>t reward. As future leaders of the ir - \Villiam C. Handy says that life arr! betw-een right uncl wrong.'' 1\fr.s. .Tohn D . Wong [IIJd rla u ~h– ters entPrtained 1\fr. nn,l . "r>hs. Jerome Franklin at the Girls I'oly during open houi;e on ltu•t Frida) evening. w.•,ls :'lla1·ion Lt•<'. n f Ynn l,Pr s, in foi·tnl,;-h t. b egins at s ixt;i; and th e famed "Fath er of the Blues" iH <·t-lt•brat– ing this week the SUC<"e!<S o( his r e turn to the footlig hts. For the past w e ek hf' h as been appearing "in per s on'' four times en <'h da y at the Apollo theatl'e with h is "St. Lours Blues'' orohes tra unde r the <'Onducto1·shlp of Billy Butle r , the forme r maes tro ot the "Blackbirds'' group and as people who will have orchestra In London lalc<t y ear. something to contlhute ro the e n- On the ope n ing' d ay o! the n ew tire Nation's thin ldng on peace a nd show war w e Intend to m a ke eve ry pus- a t the Apollo · ;\,fa-. Handy slble effort to have t h£'m sta:nd u p' wa_s m E>t b y :t g roup of H a rlem strongly against wholesale s la.ugh- 1citizens, amon~ whic h wa s :.\!rs B e~ ye J . Bearden, D e pu•.. Cel- ter and butchery.'' "' lec tor of U. S. Inte rna l R P\'enue JANTZEN BEACH PARK D e partmi>nt, who presented th e u3 year old blue,. d a ddy with the ' key to Harlem.' fle has b een r rceivlng TO OPEN SAT,, MAY 2 g r eat ova tions a t ea c h perfnr ma noe. Jantzen Beach par!: , t h ~ Ner t!-!.· west'/1 "Million rlollar play i-1,o t,'' will formally ope n for the 1936 pleasure season o n !":atur 1a ,., 1Ia y 2. A number of n ew gam e,a: a nd 1·Jdes haYe been Ins talled and will be available. along- with th,, m ,1ny Rand to Redeem Carson Pledges if Elected, HeAvers old !a.vorltes, whe n the pa rk ~at es D ew ey Rand is runni ng for the swing open 011 :\lay 2. offic:e of mayor h e says, in or<l er Robt. S. Farrell Has Fine Record; Seeks Reelection 'I'he editor a c knowled~e« with appreciation complimentary admis– s ion to th e r e C"e nt Waiti.'rs enter– tainmf>nt; to the N ino 11Inrtln! concert and a lso to "Op1•n Tiouse" at the Blind school Ma y 8th. Frl'Cli \Ya~h in."to n. th t• 1·lnc•m a rl oll, i>< in town. H ot -Ch:t: i: .. , t:1111· 111 t h as ch a ng-£'11 han,ls. nus com – panie;.; hl'r e r f'fUSb t o 11 1,,, , ,·ullud hl'lp althoug h the r epor t i>- l!'Oiill the . rounrl" tha t O Vl' I' Ci, per cc•nl of the revenue n in l,; frotr transportin is ,_,,p ias. \\" . C. !la nd)·, the da ddy of th <" hlue,-. w ill hE: R o bert R J<'arr e ll , .J r., pr~...ent The :\fen's club of t h !' Rt. Phil- honored nt :\l{•mph is e:i r l)· in :\lay Sta te Rt>presen tatiVP from :\lultnn- Up'AJ J\11.ssLon m e,t Timm ie L u n e forrl a nd Da nd if Fa ts• \\'ailr r g-l'ts l h t> 1·adio ~ct· ihe,: o kay a " ilt•in!!' t h r king of swin:r mu.iic'. 1\'a1Jp1· w a s r ecently t h. n. hit at r,oew '.~ Sta l<· h er,•. Duke Elli ngton '~ lalt>:-,"t ><hor l, " S;vmpho ny in B lack'' was >'C'l'e€ ned :t l JJ',vayH lt in llo Theat re, last weel, . <100<1 e n tertai nme n t ! :\leer es &.\leen•:; ca n IH· rl'at·lw,l (hy m a.ii ) tl 1~, <,u ilf111· ,-;t 1·1°,•t. ~\-.C.I ., Lon – mah County, i<s a ,..n ntlid a te t o Sunda\ night b. o . h it a l <h <> ..\polio l h•·a t n !H•1·,,. s ucceed himself a'- a l!IC'mbe r o r with Mr. Jack Martin i n Seventh rhe .Jesse Rosed a.le Tho1a pkin ~ .\ s this eu py w as •)Pin ~ tY))t•,l (ltJt 0111· n f t hP t o ,vn':-t ,·ol,e l1< lifl<'<l t h is llnP. " R ex ln – ~ t·:un. \\·ho~e.:- ~loin;.;.~ i n Jl ol l)·,vood wa s front pa ;,n ,·opy ( h as t'('CPI\ cd ,,. "a"h honus fro m \\'arn e r Bro,;. (o r h i.-< pa rtt·aya l of D L· J.41.wd in Ave nue a nd on N'ext Sun d a y night the lower h ou s,, 1.>f the• Or Pgon will mi•et With :\fr. Eu~E'n<' Minor . .Jr's, ( sh e·., Lel!n 'l't>tlPy of the I s t · !":ta t e L egis la tu re. mica c\111)11( ha,,• a ho un cim::: hu b~ During the recent 1>a>-t st•::;sion of :\In,. P.uhy '\Vr(ght and dauµ-hter t he legisla ture TI.e p1·e::;<'n tn t iv t> F ar- ha . - t d f t . r \'e Ju,., re nrne r<>m a rip lo r c-ll w orked o n Social Secu ri ty Sea ttle where tht.W vl::ilted Mr,; . boy. hursday ul t,• for t h P d•le h s at the Aees Bar & Grill i>- clr :i w in g a la r ge gathPrlng of d i\' et'..-<l11n se<•k- er s. T <'d K nownlc:,;, be n t on :.:·t·ttin;:, t h P plr ,·tc>r><ion of "Th P C rc<'n P as- m easurf>S, !Jeing ldf' n t ified with the \Vl'ig hl's imrent.-<. introdu c tion a ncl pa,;.~:11:rt> of O!ll .\Ian, writes Age Assi"ta n ee lr;dHlatio n an,! un – em p l oyed R elief. h er e that .s;h e has g one One of the you 11gc:-;t mem ber<s to home 111 netl'oit :i ftl'i' ever r e present th i» county, F >tr · brief!)• in Los Angele". ··ell early m a d e h lm 8f>lf ft>lt a>< a his Eastu · wa 1·droh c. :;a,·c hls an· tu r ,·s" an,1 lht- a,·tnr will a111,ca t· friends nua l ' hunny· p;u·ty Ja,sl R1 l illn ~·. in m a 11y oUwr pi<'><''. .Johnny Yates, to h er Sa lem A.M.E. r·n ngregalinn lF, m ol'li cia n ;i n d rnan-ahou t-t ow11 , v isiting p eev ed a t one <Jf th e local p a p.-:; s(·Pn oft en Jn tlw C'Omp:rny of Cla r a for tlw 'wr lt e-d l'wn ' gh·Pn th e late Allen . \'ivaciou s hrowm,kin of i h <' C la r e n z who wa:-1 o ne o f the b" st :,ugar Hi ll .,..,,1·to1·. Add to th ing>' w e em -ces t h <> town h a• P l"Pl' k nown. •rldom !<Pt'. Soa phox orator s,. '\V in- 'lard worker: h e sen ·ecJ on the ,'ish eries, .Tudiciary a nd Ga m e ;ommittees. a nd w as ,:-hairma n of h e Committel' on R e pea l of Law s. Florn, r a ised antl Pcluca t ed ' n Portland a nd Oregon, 1nornllcr of on e of Oregon's p ion eer fam ilie!'I lnd m e mbe r s of which hn ve long been Id e ntified with t h e Republi– can party a nd public life i n this HerbertM.White Aspires to Bench of DomesticCourt The h oy jumped to hi~ d t'ath on !Pr~ and .\h •ra n o pia~·ing tlw Al– Friday t h e 13th. T h e color ban i~ t:az>1r :Vlnsic ll all in Paree. J u les g-radua lly fading in t he H'OUlh. Hlersoe a n ,l Clare1we J ohns-tone K no x\'illc 'l'cnnes:,;cans. h o th wh ite did two we!'l,s of ,·aude a n cl called an,l cullutl, tun1et.1 n ut in drQves it a day . B ledsoP w ill co11tinue :u; 8; to h t>ar Rola nd<. Gcu rµ-e :\Ia l- single. h e se:-.. Kay FnLn ce.,;, cin em a t h ew >< and Otis Hnlly chirp. e ~·e!ul. recently rec('i\·ed on e of FLASH! Ch i minister ,- :,t·e ))1'£'\'ed tho>,e t hre:i t s of tc-n thr ow n t h e way at Balaban & Katz oJHer a tors of of H ollywood s ta 1·,-; vi t her Pl'!'tty The $J)aclous b a llroom, wh er e that h e m a~· fulfill those pledges dancing is held n ight!~· e xcept whic h h e a n,rs w e r e m a n e by .Jo- M d h b sta t e. H erh1•r \V. '\Vhite. a 1•andidate L!H• H egal wh1.>'-e ba n li nit,·" !,eep sepia m aid. T he maid, w h o is t h e • on ays, a~ een compleitely r e· s eph Ca rson foUl· years ago a nd If · r c I modeled a nd now comna r = fav- nomm a t ed a nd e lected, F ar- or irc ui t Cn urt Juclgship, •D e- t 11· eon,;-1·egal!o n a w ay, it !~ al- sta r 's companion, anrl K ay Frances " =' n e ve r fulfill ed. Ra n d cann ot !ltan d II ·11 · A orably with an.Y te rpsichorean pa- re w1 con tmue to work for a n d par tmen t X o. I 1. know n ~ th<· lcgecl. sid e Earl :\Joni~. thP arP being guarded by FPderal b y a nd see th e w o rking J)£'ople, the t h 1 · · c \',l d Cl ·1 vlllon In the United Sta t es. '>Uppor su e eg1sla t1on th a t will o urt of D om stie R elation«. w n Y ty co umn:.i.nia..~: 'l'ha n x ag-ent.s. C"n lven;al'!-: ·'Rh o whoat h"' s incere <'l tlzens, t h e lax-payers b e- be for t h e a dvan cem e n t of a ll line,.. born o n a11 I ow:l fiu·m in 1 S~ 2 an <l fur th e let t er. I 'm shooting you , n has l)u»n rclnsetl. l t i~ a hnn ev ! Mw, lc !or the da nces w!I! agn.!n t d hi h h " ~ " , r aye • w c e h e llove!' can be of i ndustry, labor n nd a,;ricultu rc a t tended sch ool ,· t Emerson, Lown.. a u to_c;,.aph ed pie i n t he very n ear X m· mni, '\Yhl'ell'r. -Philly'" carbon be fur_ni,.h e rl b y or c h estr a!< affilia-, remedied by placing a n ew ma n in -111 Orngon . A e •= i,omlcal ted with the l\fuaic Corpo r a tio n or the m ayor's c h a ir ~ more ~., . He g r a!luntecJ at Sim ps,•n co llege. fu t ure. F loycJ G. Sn eklon o( XXF eom· or \Valtt'r V,in chell, ii; as- AmeriC'a a nd the f ir s t of thp bril- · · . system of government, prot eC't1on Indian oh. Iowa and Gt>or;.::c '\\'ash· fame, h ai< becom e a p rojeclillst- 'lista nl managpt· nt th e Lin!'nln I Rancl h as taken a firm stn.nd on of p ublic schools, civil sen·ice and ing to n l"niv'!rsity nf J ·tw lTP - 1 Jso w h a tever tha t L-;. H a rry Slatko, theatre. Con~ntls hoy! lla nt s tring- of n oted b a nds will b e the la bor q u e~tion . He has- n ot natural resou rc"~ of the ~tat<' att'!nd e<I Chicago C~f\-,.;., it~· ·a~d fo1·m er P hilly L incoln theat1·e exec, necummen,lPd to dial twi."tel·s : P a ul P e n<larvfs' po pula r group. qu ibbled, n or beat a bou t the bus h . I E lective off1' c1·a1.~_ ~.- l1ould be ~e1'\"' n ' ·s· P d i ~ ~ ~ u " t h e U n :v,·r><ity of Oregon fp1· -;pc- seen c h atting with H arlem 's F,·ank T•'rpcJ Ski nner's piuno plu nking ,·iu e n a'.v s, who h as wo n wide fa m e H I' says In pla in, f>asily understood of t h e people and not the peop le cial cot:· , in e,('n nnmlci-. ,aodo- Sch iffm an in the .Apolla theatrf' I \VADC- th rice w eekly 1 :-l~ E .8.T. ln Cahfornla and on the radio, will langu age t h a t h e w ill be nn th e 1'ide t ht ser van ts of the officials. logy, a, n">untl n g . l't<·. If•• !<now,; b u s iness offic_e. 1'.'ath_er Dh·ine JJU. r - Chez .Jo~ephinP n a l,C'r ,;-l'tting ~oo<.l prescn s musical organization of the w orking man whr>neY<'r h is H I, lo~a. F T L ower h h d · on th e ope ning n!g'- t a n d agai· n s ,., n : ewer 4W-", ard w ork, ha, h1g wor k etl hi, way c ase the-"· 1 . -" ews last we.el< p . a . notiC'e.,. 'l'h,· n'wa)· ,•oimn- - 11 ca use is just. He is for th e better Ta E 1 S unda,• 111,g l,t. H e . 11 b xes, con om y P u s Efficien cy. thr ou g h college and w hile attend - and the ~laff members now greet maniacs are raxlng about the gal , w1 e foll ow ed m ent of working con dition s. the H p · "A " D f e rom1ses ;:,(fu are Nt l o,· in_r::- law school. paw·f'll hi• wa~· b)· you w ith, "Peace. brother.'' It is whom the,.· 'igge,l' puh -lent\.· when (Continued on page Three) (C ti a on nue on pagr• T h ret') A ll.'' <Contin u ,·cl on P'l!:!'" Tw o\ tru ly wo nderfu l'. 'Per~y :\"F'wby ~hP fir><t returnPrl from ahrnarl.