f - PAOE TWO , THE ADVOCATE .~ with race members who are collegiat u who arc glad to get the opportunity of an assured liying income. The irony of it is that the employer might not even have a common school education. WEDN£ SDAY, MAY H, 1930 CLASSIFIED ADVER– TISING .___E_o_1T_o_R_1_A_L_P_A_c_E,_I THE ADVOCATE Published Every Saturday at Suite 312-313 Macleay Building, Portland, Oregon Phone ATwater 1525 -BAPTISTS- Mount Olivet Baptist Church East First and Schuyler Sts. Rev. J. L. Caston, Minister DIGESTING THE ·-NEWS- By Clifford C. Mitchell I \Ve have scores of nationally known and hundreds of local societies whose I entrant must be a scholastic ,graduate. You read of their social gatherings, ! their annual proms and dansants, their "GO-T O-HIGH SCHOOL, GO-TO- beautiful costumes, etc., but we fail COLLEGE" is the slogan that became to read where they have improved the nationally known during the recent racial economic conditions by promot– (May 4-11) annual observance of the ing, organizing or co-operating with FURNISHED 8 - ROOM HOUSE - Suitable for two families; reasonable. Phone EAst 7635,-Adv. FURNISHED ROOMS for RENT! Close in. Mn. Etta Ritter, 828 E. lat Street north. Adv. E. D. CANNADY . . ... .. ...... . . . ......... .. . ... ...... . ... .. ... . . . . .. .. . Editor MRS. E. D. CANNADY. .. ......... . ..... . . . .... . Associate Editor and Manager Shiloh Baptist Church East 7th and Everett Sts. Alpha Phi Alpha F raternity. ' practical movements that will create WOULD YOU MARRY Girl It, ,so.- 000, will inherit $60.000; Widow tO, $87.000? Photos, description, free. Club. ,eles, California. -o-- actual employment for the coming YANCY FRANKLIN .... . ....... ... ..... . .. . . . Office Assistant and Compositor Subscription Rates (Payable in Advance): One Year, $2.50; Six Months, $1.50; Three Months, $1.00 EDtered as Second-Class Matter in the Post Office at Portland, Oregon, Under the Act of 1912 -EPISCOPALIAN– St. Phillips Mission Knott and Rodney Sts. This organization, created in 860, is graduates. They are vehement in their a nationally recognized race fraternity protest against conditions. Optimistic with accredited representatives in prac- in their praise of a popular movement tically every state in the union. This but woefully lacking in definite action. FOR SALE-Cozy 4-Room plastered House with fruit trees ; 6430 7oth St. S.E. Reasonable-for full par– ticulars phone WAlnut 3892 -Adv. Mrs. Ella Smith is steadily improving at her home, 8105 39th Avenue S.E. FOR GOVERNOR It is the opinion of The Advocate that its readers cannot go wrong if they vote for either Joseph or Corbett for Governor. It is our opinion that the great majority of Colored voters will stand solidly behind home men, from whom and through whose influence, they receive employment and aid for their various civic enterprises. VOTE! VOTE! Next Friday, the polls will be open at 8 o'clock in our regular primary I ~lccti~n and The _Advocate, as usual, 1s urgmg every registered colored voter to go to the polls early and do his full duty. BE SURE TO GO EARLY. - - WHERE DO YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY? BETHEL CHURCH BETHEL NEWS! A program of unusually high merit will be given at the Bethel Church this Sunday night when Dean William Pickens delivers his oration on "Ab- raham Lincoln, Man and Statesman." Mrs Jesse Coles-Grayson, contralto and Miss Violet Hooker soprano, will be the soloists. The "Bethel Trio" composed of Mrs. Mabel Henderson, Miss Alberta Mayo and Mrs. Grayson will sing . The chorus, directed by Mrs. Mabel Sheppard, will sing. Miss Louise Ran– dolph is the pianist. The Public is invited to attend. Blaine Coles, Lay Reader -HOUSE OF PRAYER- House of Prayer East 10th and Grant Sts. Robert Searcie, Pastor -METHODIST– Bethet A. M. E. Church Larrabee and McMillen Sts. Rev. Daniel G. Hill Jr., Minister First A. M. E. Zion Church 417 Williams Ave. Rev. W. R. Lovell, Minister •70·---------------,i. TIRST A.M.E. ZION CHURCH DOINGS W. R. LOVELL, Pastor "A Friendly Church with a Community Spirit" Established in 1862 Pollyann, Society Edito The Rosebud Study Club will hold a card party tomorrow night. It is one of a series of card parties spon– sored by the club. 1 -4' Misses Gwendolyn and Violette Hooker entert~ed Mr. and Mrs. Will column finds interest in the orgnniza– tion slogan and what it suggests. At this particular time of the year, throughout th~ land, there are hun– dreds and thousands of fond parents who are proud in the fact that their boy or girl is about to graduate from high school or college. For every such parent there is one or more youths who feel that with their graduation they are capable and prepared to go forth and conquer the world. Grag at a delicious four-course dinner From a practical racial and econom– Sunday at their co~ home on Halsey I ic standpoint however where is the street. The color scneme for the din- youth to go after he finishes high ing table was pink and gold. Covers J school or college? Perhaps this can were placed for four. After dinner, · best be answered by analyzing the Mr. and Mrs. Gragg took their hostess experience of past colored graduates? for a drive. Nine out of ten graduates find them. Mr. and Mrs. James Bragg will en- selves, after finishing their years of tertain the Kenwana Bridge Club to' schooling, in a pitiable financial con– morrow afternoon at their lovely home dition. They have exhausted the re- - sources of their parents who through La Esperanto Maten~ango Klubo continual toil and sacrifices permitted was entertained this morning ~Y Mr t he youth to enjoy his scholastic term. E. L. Jamison at her home, 868 G He or she must seek an immediate "Jesus Teaching in the Temple" will field Avenue. Miss Katherine F .-nr' source of revenue. be the subject of the Sunday School assisted Mrs. Jamison. A -delicious -- lesson. two-course breakfai;t was served. The In none of the professions (except- The advice : Don't spend your money where you cannot obtain work is being heralded to all parts of the country by the Ncgro press. It has certainly re– sulted in good wherever the advice has been heeded especially in the larg– er cities. The problem of unemploy– ment demands that as a race we get some consideration for the money we spend. The most effective way to get employment is to spend your money where some of our group arc em– ployed when possible to do so. At the morning service Rev. W. R. coming of Dean William Pickens to ing teaching) are they able to entet Lovell will preach on "Things that the city inspired the club to invite and receive or earn a living wage with– Hinder Portland Negroes." Rev. Walter. R. Love11 to review Mr. out experiencing years of effort in Sunday will be a great day at Bethell The Christian Endeavor wilt meet Pickens' latest book, "Bursting Bonds." building up a practice or reputation. Great preparations have been made at 6:30. In observance of "Good-Will After the book review, the secretary, for the visit of Dean William Pickens Day" the topic will be, "What Are Mrs. Bellard took charge of the Es– of Yale fame, who comes to us at th~ I the Causes of War... peranto work. The next meeting of evening service and will deliver an " T~e pastor . ":ill ~;each at : :30 ~n I the club will be with its president, DISCUSSING AND FUSSING We, as a race, arc wasting entirely oration on "Abraham Lincoln : Man\ Faithful Christians. The service will Mrs. Elise Reynolds, 391 Roselawn too much valuable time discussing and and Statesman." Mr. Pickens will be at I be concluded at. 8 P. M. to permit the Ave. The instructor, Mrs. Cannady fussing about who likes and dislikes his best. The Bethel chorus is pre- members and friends to hear ,the mes- could not be present. us. The sensible thing to do is to paring special music and an over-flow sage of Dean William Pickens, who -- cut it out and go ahead doing the crowd is expected to hear this great speaks at. Bet~el Church _at 8: 3 0 ~- M. Moses (Bill) McSwain spent the There probably will be some who will take exception to my utterances and in self-defense would point out that this column is merely generlizing. There are those fortunate few whose parents are financially independent or are so situated that they can immedi– ately finance any undertaking that the STAY OFF MAY 30. The Annual Bar-B-Q, with the famous Bar-B-Q artist, J. Thornton in charge, will be given at _the Church on Friday May ---0- graduate might engage in. There are Pl p others who have schooled themselves e(Ue ay Your Sub1cription without aid of parents. To such, this '-'t·-------------"'-– achieved probably fore than the ma– column salutes, for they have already plish. They will know how to use iority of graduates will ever accom– their scholastic training to their own financial benefit. This column asks, after high school and college, what then? SINGLE GIRLS Answer this if you arc single, send, us your name and addreu and re– ceive a one-dollar coupon and valu– able personal information-FREEi P. H. BODDIE, 1111 S street, N. W~ Washington, D. C. •-• I -·- UP-TO-DATE Cleaning and Tailoring Co. 496 Union Avenue .North We K LEAN LOTHES LEAN Portland, Oregon TAIWRING AND REPAIRING NEATLY DONE PANAMA AND FELT HATS .... Cleaned and Blocked in UP-to-Date Style All Work Guaranteed! Good Work and Quick Service Ou.r Motto TRinity 4529 Rea.: TRinity 3622 If We Please You, Tell Others-If Not, Tell Us! J. W. INGERSOLL - Proprietor h.onora?le things and living an up- leader. The officers of Bethel arranged The Fmancial Campaign continues I pest week in Portland visiting his right life. - Respect and success will with Mr. Pickens for this service over apace.Reports last Sunday broug_ht the brother, Jay Mcwain and his wife. surely come for it is an evident fact two months ago. Come and bring a total close to $550.00, and special ef- He returned home Sunda Moses t~at if you can make good, you will friend. You may depend upon it fo~ts are ·being made this week to resides with his father ar?'ci mother, fmd plenty of friends. What some that Bethel will have her usually good raise $ 2 00.00. Mr. and Mrs. Pearlie McSwain in Se- people think you will not help much and inspiring service at 11 a.m. Rev Don't forget the Big Annual Bar- attle. nor will it hold you back. Your sue- Hill will preach on "Leaning on the B- Q on Friday May 30. Mr. J. Thorn ~ For the race there are but few hospitals offeri~g openings to internes or nurses without considerable effort and delay in securing appointments. To enter a white hospital as such is an event of national prominence, as was the case of Miss Etta May Stew– art of Cleveland, Ohio, last month. And what did it take to place her in the Cleveland City Hospital, the first of her race to be so appointed? The combined efforts of the three race members of the Cleveland City Coun– ci~, but where have we another city -,·------------------------------1 with such a political representation? As a race we have no 'business yet'!'------.,,..---------------;_______ cess or failure in life depends upon Everlasting Arms." Increased attend \ ton will be in charge. That means Th c; 1 ~ 1 your own efforts. '• ance and qrlthu•ia*'1 is full trilfute 1 ~ ev~ything when speaking of- bar be- e . u_thurM , 1 .d met)Monda.-y af- / f I ques. ternoon wit rs. a Ga loway, host- --o-- the drawing power of the go!IJ>el o h h Those 317 prisoners burned to death Jesus Christ. You cannot afford to Bishop J . W . Martin in a letter to ~s ;t i : o~e of Mr. and Mrs. W. in the Ohio pcni~entiary, wha...vcr 'miss these services. the Pastor sends greetings to his many · e? ' 10 b. 21 st street. A repre- ,~ f . . sentat1ve num er pf members were their faults, were not condemned to ,Little Miss "Gwenny" !Hooker will nends m Portland, and announces . . . death. Yet they were killed in the be on the job as usual with her in his early departure for the East to at- pr;.s~t to pariici_p1tc m -the meeting last analysis by socie!,Y which was teresting Endeavor League p r 0 : tend the commencement at Living- w ic was a usm _ss meeting. Mrs. heartlessly indifferent to gross over- gram at 6:45 p. m. Miss Louise Ran- stone College, Salisbury, N. C., and to Galloway made an ideal hostess. crowding and did not provide so much dolph will present the members of ~old Missouri and Michigan confer- -- "J · L ence · th th f J Th B" h The Whist tournament by the Rose as a proper system of disipline among un_1or eague" in program at this m e mon o une. e 1s - - Op ·11 · "t p ti d h" bud Club which began last week at guards for meeting the possible emer- service. Encourage the young folks. wi v1s1 or an on is return gency of fire. However black the The most excellent compliments have from the East. the home of Mrs. W. L. Reese, 673 . b Union Ave., N., is meeting with keen crime of desperate prisoners who may een received relative to the radio h interest for women. The second f ave set the fire, however grave the program presented over station "K I 0 KL " I \ the series wilt be played tomor guilt of panic stricken officials who ast Sunday afternoon. Mrs row J B dlft d night on the West 'side at the Ger d would not or could not open cell Jesse FColes-Grayson sang and Mrs ra Or s.W.Cor.4thand man Aid Hall. Nine tables of man oors, the main criminal in this latest esse lowers accompanied her. Tune Waahinaton wo- . · f h 'C/ th men played the first game. A beau- ~r1son tragedy once more is society m or t e Bethel program this Sunday I O eS $25.00 to tiful leather hat box is the coveted itself. at 2:45 P. M. !Shop $ . 45 00 prize. Bethel's " Spick and Span Clean-Up • NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT No. 31063 In the Crcuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, Probate Department. In the Matter o/ the Estate of Riley F. Anderson, Deceased . Notice is hereby given that the under– signed, aa executrix of the estate of Riley W. A~de~n, has 6led her 6nal account in }he Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon or Multnomah County, and that Monda · the 9th day of June, A. D. 1930, at t~~ ho_ur of 9 :30 o'clock in the forenoon of j;"d day, and t~c court room of said court •84 been appointed by said court 88 the lime and place for hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. 19 tted and 6rst published, May IO, 1930, Date oI last publication June 7 1930 LINA HUNTER ANDERSON Executrix 312 Maclcay Building RE-ELECT DOROTHY McCULLOUGH LEE FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE MEDICINAL HERBS and ROOTS C. Gee Wo 29 Years If taken in time, m&J pr_event o_J>cratlon1 for D1abetes, Catarrh Lung, T)iroat,_ A1tbma, Kidner, Liver, 1<hC1,mati1m, Blood, Stomach a.1d all female disorden. Aho Bladder Troublu. THE C. GEE WO Remedies an, barmleu, u no drurs or poiaon are ued, Compooed of the choicest medicinal root,. berb1, bud1 and bark, im– ported hJ' u1 from far- bl Port1ancl •••••••••• C. GEE WO CHINESE MEl>ICAL HERBS COMPANY, INC. 262~ Alder St. S. W. Coner Tldrd St.. Portlud, Onpa. Campaign" started off with a bang last Monday night. Twelve Captains will conduct the campaign and they have vowed to make Bethel a "beauty spot." Be sure to do your bit to dress up the church. Let's go! ; Alt organizations arc working well in anticipation of our District Confer– ence which is called to meet in Port– land in June.' The church must be presentable and our plans completed to receive and honor our guests at this time. Every club in the church will participate, in some way, in the greetin~ which we will give delegates I and friends from ~shington, Ore- 1 gon, Idaho and Montana and Californ– ia. If you are a loyal "Bethelite" we expect you to prove it. --~o-- -famous the world over Pinaud's Shampoo , ua,es your hair lwtrous. fiealfhy, and not too dry! At you, dealers-DI' send 50, f 111' full-size bottle to PinauJ, Dept. M., 220 E. 21 St., NewYD1'k.{Sample bottlefree] A Good Place For Young Folks. ALLEN C. E. SOCIETY Bethel By The Bridge On Larrabbee and McMillen Sta. EVERY SUNDAY--6:30 to 8 P . M. Join the .••• PRUDENTIAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Protect Your Health See .... L.A.ASHFORD 328 Wheeler Street Phone EA. "408 "Where Young Men Bu:1" PATENTS Obtained. Send model or sketch and we will promptly send you a report. Our book on Patents and Trade-marks will be s~nt ~o you on request. D. SWIFT & CO. -PATENT LAWYERS- 305 Seventh St., Washington, D. C· Over 34 Years' Exnerience . The silver tea Sunday afternoon given by Mrs. Clemins at her home, 720 Union Avenue N. was a success. G.L. Campbell of Oaklan.d, formerly of Portland was in the city Sunday visiting relatives aftd friends. Mon– day night he was guest at the Veter– an's party. Mis s Irene Rawlins, charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Raw– lins, 488 Williams Avenue has gone to Tacoma where she is employed Mrs. W. F. Smith continues to im– prove from a recent injury sustained in a fall. . ~n:Wo!Je ~ eo. "Merchandise of Merit Only" Annual Tankheater Sale Balance 50c a Week with Gas Bill Portland Gas & Coke Company Sixth and Salmon BR. 7611 . . establillhed that will absorb the out• put of our graduates. Our nearest approach being in the Insurance field. Graduates have been forced to seek strictly servile and menial positions. Any white employer, be he a boot– legger or me~chant, can equip his household, from valet to chauffeur, SA Up-to-the-Minute Modes P~epared Especially for This Newspaper C)EXCELLA PAJAMAS FOR THE KITCHEN The lounging pajamas which folUld such favor with the smart world last year because of their comfort, non– chalance and generally relaxed air now invade the kitchen-as witness this new model. The blomc has a trim V-neck finished with contrastinr rever collar and a bow. The trousers hang straight and loosely from a yoke, giving plenty of freedom. The back belt buttons over in front. The trousers may be converted into short ~rui:ks ; and sleeves are provided. Herc 1t 1s attractive in printed cotton ; it would be equally happv in gingham. Excclla Pattern No. 3157. Sizes 12 to 40, 25 cents. 0 JP.FINLEY6SIN i-)ORTICIANS FINLEY'S Trade Mark Emblem is the Tree of IMMORTAL LIFE Use Our New Parking Space For Pu•– eral Cars at Fourth and ~ont&omery Streets Holliday & Holliday Ton,orial Parlor• 125 NORTH SIXTH STREET :: PORTLAND, OREGON Equipped with the Very Latest, We Are In a Position to "Care for Men, Women and Childmi Com~Lei Us ~rve You.! HOUIDAY & HOU.IDAY - -·-·-··· -·-·-····- - -· THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL Group of 11 Banks. United States National, Portland Citizens National, Portland Central National, Portland Peninsula National, Portland Union State Bank, Portland United States National, Salem United States National, McMinnville Bank of Oregon City Ban'k of Mt. Angel First National, St. Helens First National, Camas, Wash. Combined Re,ource• A.lmoat $100,000,000 NOW! "ONE OF AMERICA'S 85 LARGEST BANKS" MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service Our Merchandise and Service Cert ificates Save You from 20 to 50% CALL US IN CONFIDENCE-ANY HOUR-DAY OR NIGHT WASHINGTON STREET Bet ween 20th and 21st BRoadway 2690 BRoadway 2691
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