
PAGE FOUR THE ADVOCATJ!t SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1930. COMING TO MORE ABOUT NORTH CAROLINA DEMONSTRATES JUSTICE: AMITY PORTLAND "ARROW TIPS" Dr. Mellenthin Special Attention to (Continued from Page 1) syru p prescription "Our example of a free and prosperous people has been the soverign remedy for world oppres– sion" Now can you make any sense out of that jumble of words? I won– der if h e reads the unemployments statistics? And eve n they do not in– clude the th ousands who are "decently" starving to deat h. Our country is pros– perous-for the few. Our nation has a high stand ard of living-for the few. T he people who are r esponsible for th e Coolidge prescription shold cau– (ion ·h im \ a.gains't the doseage-just nauseating, thats all. Governor Visits "Death Row" and Saves Doomed Man-Presents Loving Cup to Colored Girl Internal Me..dicine DOES NOT OJ>ERATE Will Be Aat Benson Hotel on Friday and Saturday Julv 25 and 26 From 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. TWO DAYS ONLY No Charge for Consultation Dr. Hellenthin's visits are greatly appreciated and patronized, especially by those who are suffering or ailing from troubles of the internal organs, in the chest or abdomen; also head, ear, nose and throat. The Doctor ac– cepts only those who can be treated medicinally with the aid of correct diet and hygeine, for which a nominal charge is made. Women, if married, please bring their husbands. Whatever vour complaint may be, it will be of interest to consult the Doctor on this trip, . Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients: Mrs. Harriet Anstadt, Astoria Alfred Clemmens, Corvallis Chas. Desch, Portland W. G. Grubbe, Albany Mrs. J. G. Huntsucker, Toledo W. E. Hankins, Mt. Hebron, CaL Denver Kincaid, Ashland Bert Lampa, St. Helens L. H. Martin, Moro F. 0. Pollard, Yreka, Cal. E. F. Smith, Heppner Mrs. Wm. Schoening, Helix Lee Oey, North Powder T. L. Shown, Goldendale Emma Turner, Mikkalo Henry Trowbridge, John Day J. H. Wood, Eugene V. P. Harris, Athena Mrs. B. Danks, Klamath Falls Mrs. Walter Scott, Mt. Angel Henry Schultz, Pendleton Mrs. 0. N. Kimball, Crabtree Mrs. Frank Simpson, Hood River Lee Slucher, La Grande NOTE above the exact date and place I Permanent · address: 268 So. Serrano, Los Angeles, Cal. ··- DAYS OF SUFFERING NOW QUICKLY ENDED -<>-- W hen is Portlan d going to equal other cities in her care of her trees ? O ther cities go to all sorts of expe nse and trouble to save trees. In many cities of the middle west you will find trees, in the middle of the streets a nd dr iveways around them. It will be a wicked shame if the street is not plan– ned so that the Kamm Linden is not saved. This town is evidently being built not for tne decent beauty loving citi zens, but to save those wh o want to get drunk and "wreck themselves and their cars driving into the coping that would be built around th e tree to safeguard it." These are Laugaard's words a·s nearly as I can recall them. Let them smash tl~ mselves up- it is a good thing for the rest of the world- if we could just get rid of the boozers in that way. Then along comes our "beauty loving" Barbur who calls the tree "an old snag." Just about what one would expect of his "snag" intelligence. I want to know why it would be impossible to run the street around it ? "In Portland, We Do"-yes, our City commissioners "do"-many things our visitors laugh at and of which we are ashamed because we can– not decently explain their conduct. This tree episode is one of them. ----0--- Mrs. Chris Smith, popular beauty culturist returned to Portland W ednes– day from Seattle where she spent a week's vacation with Mrs. George Wat– kins. -- WILL SELL OR WILLING TO in State-Wide Contest Raleigh, N. C., July 10:- As a par– tial offset to the depressing story of interracial conflict that came this week out of Emelle, Alabama, it is gratify– ing to record two incidents that have just taken place here, in which inter– racial fr iendship and the desire for equal justice and opportunity are stri kingly illustrated. One .was the commutation by Governor Max Gar– dener of 0 the death sentence that for two years has _hung over Wilbur Mc– Leod, Lee Co~nty Negro, because of doubt of his g.9ilt; the other was the public prcsenta_tion by t he Governor of a silver loving cup to Ophelia H ol– ley, colored high school student from Bertie County, as one of the fir st prizes in a state-wide " Live-at-Home" essay conte st. Both incidents, as it happened, were prominently featured the same day on the front page of the "News and Observer," leading daily paper of the city. The case of McLeod, who two years ago was convicted of assult and mur– der and sentenced to die, has tbeen r e– tried by the su·perior Court and twice reviewed by the State Supreme Court, which upheld the second conviction. Still doubtful oJ McLeod's guilt, how– ever, Lieutenant L. A. Oxley, of the State Board of Public Welfare, inves– tigated the case and recommended clemency. Perplexed about the matter, Gover– nor Gardener visited "Death Row" in person and for more than an hour talked with McLeod, who was ignor– ant of his identity. Deciding that there was too much doubt of guilt to let the prisoner die, the Governor com– muted the sentence to life imprison– ment. Investigation of the case will be continued, it is announced, in the hope of reaching certainty as to Mc· Leod's guilt o~ innocence. Tbt a.n:t time you ,tart one of tbtlt dayt, IH rM in,,.,,, nlitl 11ou 91t with Dillard'•, am. Alm.oat before Joa know it the paia di.aapptns. your at"H suddenly relax. With Atpnaum yoa chew tbt pain away. Fot It ii tbt Antst aspirin obtainable put up ia. c:h1•Ul1 com form. Now you can tab aspirin. :aar timt, any place. No water. No bitter t.Htt. No chokin1 HDlltion. Because you chtUJ D!1lard"1 Aaperaum the aspirin mizt1 tboroasbly wub tht saliva 10 that alt iu aootbin1 qualitita art tl'cctin qaicklr. continaoasty. BORROW $800 or less on security. 4-Room house, garage, 7037 89th St., S. E. comer McCoy-Adv. The presentation of the loving cup came as the culmination of an educa– tional campaign in which more than a thousand essays were written by high school students on the need of learn– ing to "Live at Home" by more effiic- ient productiv~ methods. Two iden– tical silver cups, very large and hand– some, were presented by the Governor to the two first prize winners, a white boy and a colored girl. The presenta– tion took place ·in the House of Repre– sentatives, which was crowded with an interracial audience, and the exercises were broadcast._by radio. The "New" and Observer" carried on the front page a picture of the winners, holding their cups and standing on either side of the Governor. Forty additional It bria11 quick relief from ac.binc head,. tooth• ache, tbt pain, of neariti1, neunl1ia, e·nn rhta• mati1m. If your dru11i1t d0t1 not have Dillard'• A1pu1am, •~ fot a fne: UJaple: to Hultb " Product, Corporation, Dept. A. J J 3 Noith 13th • Sttttt, Newark, N. J. n1 10 WOMII 118111 YDUTII , ~ • Do Ytll wloh tho 1ltw ol youtt,. ltl&ltll, taueuetll WltalllYf Th•• 1rY thlt amulng MW PEP-UP TONIC• 8tro11111IJ N01am111d•• tar 111• .... art .., .... i Wlilkl =~"':11. 1 ':.~~1 1::..""-.~ l2alf •• tur tr..,. 1tr1111tt1 NICa ~'.:::k•x,r.,t~i,J.7,w. IMPOIIT PRODUCTS CO. • L W- Drlw. Dtfl Cl'loalll, .. m111111111111m11111mm1111111111111111111m11111111111111111m1111111111111111111111111111111111111111m1111111111111111111111111111111m1111mmm111111~m111111111111111111111111~ Without a doubt, the best article of its kind-a · combination Hair Grower and Hair Straightener. Gives the hair a natural soft and silky appearance stimulating hair growth in the most hopeless case'. Our High Brown Hair Grower stands aci. one of our highest achieve– ments-it is a prepar– ation we look upon wuth pride. -Distril>utor Mrs. E. D. Cannady, 312 Macleay Bl4~., Portland, Oregon. 11111m11111m11111m111111111111111111111111111111~1111111111111111111111111111m11111111111111111111m11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r prizes were presented by white and colored speakers. A food for pro– tein; a food for mineral salts: for calcium and phosphorus; all the essential ele– ments for healt» ana. strength are found in good cheese. And all the essential ele– ments of good cheese are found in Kraft Cheese. CHEESE , KRAFT-PHENIX CHEESE COMPANY D_I_I_J - -·-·-· 4-1:411 Light, soft skin makes you more ENTRANCIN.G No matter how dark, dull or drab your comp_I_exion is, Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Whitener Ointment will make it more entrancing. This preparation, famous for fifty years, softens and lightens the darkest skin, clears up pimples, blotches and tan marks and does away with that "oily, shiny" look. Regular use of this preparation along with the other Dr. Fred Palmer Skin Whitener Prepar.ations keeps your skin light and soft and makes you look entrancing. Dr. Fred Palmer's complete line consists of: Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Whitener Ointment; Skin Whitener Soap; Skin Whitener Face Powder; Hair Dresser and HID Deodorant. Sold at all drug stores for 25c each, or sent post– paid upon receipt of price. Dr. Fred Palmer's Laboratories, Dept. 20, Atlanta, Ga. A generous trial sample of the Skin Whitener, Soap and Faco Powder sent for 4c in stamps. Dr. Fred Palmer's SKIN WHITENER "Keeps your complezion youtbiuf' FLIT ~.~ . DESTROYS .Moths. Flies Bedb~L..._-1 lloam 0.--~~ Buy a new hat with what It saves you Why pay 50¢ or more for a dentifrice when you can get Listerine Tooth Paste, the quality dentifrice, at25¢the large tube? It saves approximately $3 per year per per– son over dentifrices in tlfe 50¢ class. Use the saving to buy a new hat. Lambert Pharmacal Co. LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE 25c -0-- SKIN ITCHING ENDS Secretary of National Baptist Publishing Board and Also Chicago Physician Making a Determined Effort Against Transfer to Hosier State. Suspects Except Washington, Out on Bail-Numbe'r of Lawyers Employed. Nashville, T enn.- (ANP )-Reports have it here that Dr. A. M. T ownsend Sr., secre tary of the National Baptist Publishing Board, and his son, A. M. T ownsend, Jr., Chicago physician, are making a determined effort against ex– tradition to Scottsboro, I ndiana, wh ere they will be tried in connection with the murde r of E. D. Pierson, Chicago auditor. The arrest of the younger Townsend brought the total number of alleged murders to four, the other two being Rev. B. J. F. Westbrook, prominent Indi anapolis pastor and George Wash– ington, alleged gunman of Indianapolis Indiana. All the suspects are out on bail except W a,shington who is in jail at Scottsboro, awaiting trial. Much interes·t was manifested here last week when the report was received that W ashington, who recently went on a hunger sti;ike and also refus ed to see or talk to anyone decided to "talk." The report declared that Washington said he was going to tell everything and people her~ want to know every– thing because one of the most prom– inent citizens C>f this section and his son are involved, and 1 of the most sen sational murders of years remains un– solved. MILLIONS OF POUNDS UHD BY OVA GOVERNMENT •·------~--------~ j They never , invite her I ' Do you know why she wasn't welcomei She, herself, didn't. l I Halitosis (bad breath), the J social fault no one forgives, J was the reason. Yet no one I need have halitosis. Gargling I I with Listerine instantly destroys j mouth odors and checks infec- 1 tion. Use it daily. Lambert Phar- f wlten soofhln11 Zema la usedl ' macal Company, St. Louis, Mo. r:r~:roi!~~:!uc~h:n~~i LISTER I NE 1 misery out of masquito bites, rashes, f j and many other skin afflictions. Try it also for itching, peeling toes. Bathers and other outdoor folks d h I" 1 thank cooling Zemo for relief from en 5 a 1tosis l aunburn. Douse it on ivy-poisoning. Pimples and dandruff fade when safe, Kllla 200,000,000 germs l antiseptic Zemo is applied. It in- I l stantly eases razor-smart. Always have Zemo nearby wherever you go. Acy druggist. 86c, 60c, $1.00. .; -·-·- I I P 1-1-1 -·-f ---- ···-D-D D_D_D..G_D_ I _D_D_ D_ 1!• WOULD YOU MARRY Girl 22, $50.· 000, will inherit $50.000; Widow 40, $87.000? Photos, descripti•ns free. Club. geles, California. SINGLE GIRLS Answer this if you are single, send, us your name and address and re– ceive a one -dollar coupon and valu– able persona,! informatio n-FREE i P. H. BODDIE, 1211 S street, N. W., Washington, D. C. -m-~-P-C_Q_ ... To avoid a COLD Cold germs are cor– ried to the mouth on hands. You may often prevent a cold by rinsing the hands with full strength Listerine before each meal, because Listerine kills germs in 15 seconds. LISTERINE KILLS GERMS IN 15 SECONDS Mrs. Beatrice Cannady mo tored to McNeil Island Monday on business. Please Pay Your Subscription , ... -------- J oin the . . . PRUDENTIAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION . . and Keep Well! I See L.A. ASHFORD 328 Wh eeler Street - ------- EAst 4408 1 -- LARVEX ·mothproofs cloth ..• Spraying Larve$: Mothproofs fabrics no~ washable-clothes, rugs~ furniture. . Rinsing Larve$: Mothproofs all washable woolens. -famous the world •ver Pinaud's Shampoo Lea,es your hair lush'ous, healthy, and not too MJ! Atyour dealer's-or selfl 5 oc · for full-size bottle to Pinaud, Dept. M., 2 20 E. 21 St., New York.[Sample bottle free J If you are bothered w\. \t Falling Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trouble, we want you to try a jar of EAST INDIA HAJR GROWER. The remedy contains medical properties that go to the roots of the l'Iair, stimulates the skin, helping nature do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-Brows also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can b~ used with Hot Iron for Straightening. Price Sent by Mail, 50c; 10c Extra for Poatage AGENT'S OUTFIT s D LYO t Hair Grower:' 1 TempIt • • NS Oil, I Shampoo, I l'Hnl111& S on. 1 Face Cream and dlree- 16 N. Central Dept. B lion for ael11111r, S2. ll5e E:rln Oklah Cit Okla. for Poet.Ire. oma Y, ,_,____,__.. , __ .. ,___ ,_,___,_______ a __ ,___,___ a__ , ___ ,___ , __ , ___ ,____ !• i HIGH BROWN POWDER A superb toilet necessity. In four shades-Natural, Pink Brunette and White. High-Brown Face Powder has earned its place in the esteem of the most discriminate and skeptical users of toilet articles by its own distinctive merit and the complete satisfaction to be derived from its use. Also a large assortment of toilet requisites for the lady who cares. D Manufactured Only By The ... ' OVERTON-HYGIENIC MFG. COMPANY CHICAGO D MRS. E. D. CANNADY Pacific Coast Distributor 312 Macleay Building, Portland, Ore. ...........,,,,.,,,,,~,,i,,,,,•• ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;.,,,,,,,,,,i~ s r r f· ~ , r r· > 11 Keep youth longer! cleanse the system of pouons Two of the great enemies to youth and vitality are delayed elimination and intestinal poisons. To keep your• self free from both these common diffi. culties will help you to stay young. With the use of Nujol you can do it too. For Nujol absorbs body poisons and carries them off, preventing their absorption by the body. Nujol also softens the waste matter and brings about normal evacuation. It i~ harm– less; cont ains no drugs or medicine. It won't cause gas or griping pains or affect t he stomach or kidneys. Every corner druggist has Nujol. Make sure you get the genuine. Look for the Nujol bottle with t he label on the back that you can read right through the bottle. Don't delay, get Nujol today.