THE A OCA'fE Publlahed every Saturday at 703- 1'04 Rothchild Bldg., Portland, Ore. Your Holiday Gift Store I energy among our people Portland 1 ~ the libe ral and s pontaneous annerf In which you have assisted in making this edition such a monu- '. Phone• Main 9166, A 3467 E. D. CANNADY... . . ... . .....Editor mental success, has caused i t forever , to vanish and everyone who has con- · tributed in any manner to th e success GEO. B. SLYKE . .Advertising Agent D. H. LEE.. .... , ............. Agent Per Year. ... . . .. . .. , . , , · · · · · · · · $2.00 Six Months.. . .. . .. . ... - ...• , · · ·$1.00 Payable In adva.nce. Entered at the Postofflce at Portl~nd, Oregon, as matter. IMpORT.ANT. A.11 communkatlona tor publlcatton, or otherwise stiould be addressed to Advocate P~bllshing Co, 704 Roth· cblld Building. Portland, Oregon. Advertising 'tates made known on application. SPIRIT. Of 111 the holidays that grace the Chrl· Lian calendar, one is so dearly 10, d as Christmas. It ia the season . tb&t bridges the chasm between the pagan aailuitie.. a.n.<l.Jll • ern Christian celebrations, and links • .__.,,,,.. _"""Id with the new. It is a 1Jeason fo. devout worship amon all Christian_tl\tlo- -..- - -- - ior festivities a id merrymaking. It is the season vhen the boundaries of Heaven and I:arth touch, and the Jove of God and 1he love of man per– vade all things- the season of peace, good will and good-cheer. In 1~ celebration Christmas has be– iome the children's season, and in This Store The best i1 none too ,good, and our label means all that we sug– gest for him. GLOVES-NECKWEAR SI-IIRTS-SILK HOSE FANCY VESTS BATH ROBES SUITCASES UMBRELLAS WALKING STICKS SUSPENDERS BUTTON SETS DRESS SUITS OVERCOATS RAINCOATS SWEATERS UNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS GARTERS NIGHTWEAR HAND GRIPS ETC., c_'T'C., +TC, CTI'. Me tchs ndise Orders BUFFUM& PENDLETON MORRISON ST. Opposite Post Office t.ntering into the mirth and joyous 1:..---- - acfJttUM of the child, the . ~g8li for among our people and a liberal ru>ws t-'<. ~ 1• , amount of race pride. This in itself ., . · ,ne ret,.~ of old ties, the ro;;;:~i~.i of new bonds of love and \f nothing more, is sufrlcient to re– ward us for our effort and give us friend!11'11P, the treasure of the marks added encouragement to go on and of u 1 1e, the laying aside of all care serve the reading public by giving and worry, and the taking on of re- •,r.-'ed power, strength and determi- to them a medium through which their victories and achievements, nation. The influence of ~hristmas is mani– f,c;t for a longer period than that or aty other holiday. The weeks and monfi..<, of preparation, the joy of making ou1e1s happy, and th y liti''iments which belong their progress and advancement may be known. The Advocate stands for the moral intellectual and civic advancement of the people. With this thought ever re us standing a,i a beacon light the temptuous storm and cloudy ist that often hesets us in this land of keen competition and perplexing rac'.) Drob!Ams. We shall proceed with the Divine Help of the Almighty God to add to our humble assistance to the many agents that are busily engaged in the promotion of this cause. of the edition h as not only set a splen– did eample for posterity to emulate I but have demonstrated wh at com– mendable things can be a ccomplished by n united effort. By your actions you have n ot only honored yourself but have honored the community in which you live and we are exceedingly proud of you, and thank you from the very depths of our heart, and wish you all a merry Christ and a prosperous and happy new year. Mcfarland& - beDmnL....-r-u&._ FANCY AND QROGERIES }be Otriod ased and refreshed. r... a~ful fee ...., too apt to fade ' thin tile heart of man amid the · illhlg influences of worldly pur· lt, 'steal out benea\b the sweet re– fous warmth of the 11eason, and the •• and holy amongst the hopes of ~ asaemble, to place themselves ,l unbr tile vrotection of fiiii.t eternal If there ever was any doubt linger· Ing in our minds as to race pride and I • WbOl!e promise is DOW, as it the Van Gorder lJeticatesseD were, yearly renewed. Amid Ute 389 E. Burnside Stre ~-;--hoes o' that song which pro- _ • claimeu - on ea-, ui- good ~ Carries a complete line of lmporte ·~~en -~1..1°,,. no exclui1ionJ<. and Dome1tlc Lunch Good•. Ever and , fn~. into no classes, thing Home Cooked and B_aked. 0 ,._.~I> a · !II}! 1!_41118~. pt uni- sta.Ln~..O .la...atw,o-• i!.\_vlt1ng. Ho 1 t,r~rotJr~ • lreai-r,i,anlt J!Sh'bne B-1657. · · . s~~g.J!:P- ' dis ~~ r I •• :(Fl.'t~.-_rn f~yer •·1: ~ .. Ji ~ hell• . y.h,. . ~W,.. a~.ifint .tlic}l)amls ·1Ji ~llltre \ Ph ' Jlt"'lib~ed from heaven. At no other armacy n rlod of the year are the feeling of IJ!lversal benevolence and the , 1 ~ Of a common Adam so widely ~•1teilo; at no season is the pre- ' ~ttoint#tt spirit of selfishness so et- i fectually_ _r&buked; never are -ine 1r- cles or love so largely widened." I We hope that this Christmas tide will be one of gladness and cheer for all and that the joyous and kindly feelings that create the spirit of Christmas will live throughout the year. OUR CHRISTMAS EDITION 395 E. BURNSIDE Have c>. nice assortment Of- hi.g .,..,... -Xmas- Stationery, Carda, and Perfumea. XMAS POSTAL CARDS AND BOOKLETS A 3212 PhOnea Main 7359 Repairing While You Wait Armishaw Bros. & Carr Succeeding J. Schwind Hif~ 6ra4e S~oe Repairint S~ees lade t, Order With much pleasure and pardon- \ able pride we present to our many I readers in Portland and elsewhere our first annual Christmas edition 1 and while the edition is not just I First Clan Work by Hand - wnat we had hoped and labored to and Machine -rn<tke it, nevertheless, under the con- I Work Called For and Delivered ditlons which we had to work we I 367 STARK ST. are satisfied for we see in its results I PORTLAND OREGON a growing spirit of unity of purpose --------------- SERGEA:KT Born in Sumner County, Tennessee, regular army at Nashvllle, Tennessee, A from April 17th, 1876, to September 30, 1 months' service all but three years an, clerk, was ~ non-commissioned officer, geant, G. M. Sergeant and first Sergean only by first-class soldiers. Took part 1878 in Old Mexico, Indian campaign 18 gean~ Company E, 24th Infantry. \Vent took part in the Santiago Campaign, Juan Hill, July 1, 1898. Occupied trenc fighting from July 1st to 15th, in '98. in the care of fever stricken soldiers a August 26th. Went to the Philippine expositions on Luzon (north line) in 189 as first sergeant Company E, 24th Infa. Franklin Is Deputy Inspector General Northern Jurisdiction of Oregon, and a · munity and enjoys the confidence and r g Xmas Gifts here ~ sing judgment tem– h good taste .- something for mother , father, riend or sweetheart- and you'll 1 all something useful- for onl.v '..CrrICAL gift will you receive the reciati.on . to Wear . Do away with the fanciful novelty that soon is forg>tten. Some– be a welcome gift wherever it goes, and the rnoder atmess of tlrn our Christmas purse seem full er than usual. RE ARE A FEW GOOD SUGGESTIONS - - Smoking Jackets, es, Silk Neckwear, Neckwear, Hosier · FOR WOMEN Waists, Skirts, Petticoo.ts, Milli- nerl Fur ~Scarfs Muff Coat§, _ cao ks, Smis, Watches and.J I REDIT••A Convenience this Expensive Month e with the u~most ease and pleasure. You do not have to pay cash ses. Our simple credit plan is at your service, absolutely. Come ly from our bountiful holiday stocks. Arrange for easy weekly or- ts. You certainly will appreciate this "easy way" of buying. Portland Wood ___ _,___ 405 Washington Street Yard NINTH AND GLISAN STREETS WOOD AND COAL FOUR FOOT OR SAWED TO ORDER Also wreckage wood from building promp.tly deJiv..~• Phones A 228'3'"""an I a n 3363 ~e.v,, Northwest Loage ~o. 26~. G. U. 0 . of 0 . F., meeui f1r1t ••d third Tuesday evenings at the ca\\.· donian Hall, Second and Yamhlll. i. E. Watson, P. S. 316 Wllllama 1/.. Phone Cl741. The Colored Women's Couad. meets every second and fourth Non day in the month. The first meeting_ being in the afternoon at 2:30 and the second In the evening at 8sOC P. M. at the Council House, 510 t.lfi street. Mrs. Waldo Bogle, Secret,ib', 567 Ea1t 35th street; Mr1. W . D. Allen, Pres, Phone Woodlawn 253' WIiiamette Consistory No. ' 23 meet, the 2nd and 4th Friday eln, ings in each month, at Caledol... Hall, Second and Yamhill 1treetaiUl Sublime Princes are welcome J 4• Merriman, Secretary, 615 Rithc·~(d Building. , l\o. >l. :r ~ t h , .,eh ohl O[ .rt= ,.1' ""'°' G. I < ) . or F ., meets sec;nd 11 ' • fourt~ ruesday evenings, at CaledoL • hal. Second and Yamhlll. M. N. G, far!, Pennie; W. R., Mrs. Dora M. ~ene, Euclid Lodge No. 47, A. F. a11 A Q • kSh D • M.-Meets second? and tourth_ Mnda1 BROWN'S i 425 Manhattan street. UIC oe "epa1r [evenings at Trades Uni~ Hall. ~ 388 E. BURNSIDE .ond and Yamhill streplll, OfflceJII"' ~------..,....--=-......::=--....:..-..:.- .[__A; ::lk:dlman.- .,.. M.: - ,._ - - > Keep the Quality Up--- 1,.--JAlh-i t e M-o~·::i_~.,.. COLU.\\BIA MILLING com- NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. ln the Circuit Court of the State of j Oregon for the County of Mult- ' nomah. j ln the Matter of the Estate of 1 I Thomas Johnson, Deceased. I Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator of the Estate of Thomas Johnson, deceased, has filed in tho probate department of the Circuit Court of the County I of Multnomah, State of Oregon, his final report and account and that an order has been made and entered by said court directing this notice to I be publisbed and has named Tues– day, December 30th, 1913, at 9 :15 1 o'clock a. 111., at the court room of said d..>partment of the above entitled I court, as the time and place of hear– ing any and all objections if any there be to the settlement, r.llow- ance and approval of the same. I JOHN C. LOGAN, I Administrator. McCANTS STEWART, Attorney for Administrator, 221 Abington Building. First publication Nov. 29th, 1913. Last publication Dec. 27th, 1913. Phone Main 1997 AZ-424 Imperial Pharmacy oeo. w. TABLER, Prop. Ip •·EL~' !!.f.~"'...,~~:r:,rt-~ ,48 N. Sixth St., t;et. Couc and Davis 1 I ~-~, 405-407 E. BURNSIDE i A Complete Stock of Staple and Fancy , 1 Groceries. Choice Apples ;;p;.i;,....,,c:5..-----'-' Our Specialty in and Beer. We handle nothing but Duck or Chicken a full line of VEGETABLES nds still leads. Everything .,,, 248 ALDER STREET TWEEN SECOND AND THIRD Phones East 48, B 1148 Portland Offloe, Burnside and East Third Columbia Fish Co. THE OLD RELIABLE FISH AND POULTRY HOUSE H. J. HAGAN, Manager We kill and• dre•1 our poultry. Receive fresh fish and oysters , Cook our own Crabs. We invite your patronage MAIN 5 THIRD AND ANKENY STREETS For the convenience of our up-town customers have started store at 135 FIRST STREET, Phone Main 8240 C. Mi'- BAKERY Full Line of BREAD CAKES AND PIES Sanitary Fish and Poultry Company WASHINGTON MARKET , O_y ters, pint .......................AOe ' FREE AUTO DELIVERY-PHONES: MAft~ 'Iii ·; ;,.;··:1b3&...... lOc VIA 0 .-W. R. & N. CO., OREGON SHORT LINE, UNION PACIFIC BLOCK SIGNAL PROTECTION ALL THE WAY TO CHICAGO Electric-lighted through trains. Steel coa ches, s tandard and tourist sleeper s, dining a nd observa tion cars, courteous employees– everything necessary to safe and comforta ble travel Lea ves Union Depot ... Oregon-Washington Limited .. 10 :00 A. M . Portland & Puget Sound Express6:40 P. M. Salt Lake Express.........................12:30 A. M. Soo-Spokane Train de Luxe (via Spokane Canadian Pacific and Soo Line)... 9:00 P. M. For INFORMATION, TICKETS, BERTH RESERVATIONS Ask any Agent 0.-W. R. &. N. Or call at our CITY TICKET OFFICE Third and Washington Streets PORTLAND, OREGON Marshall 4500, A-6121
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