1. Mrs. W. D. Allen, Presi– dent. a. Lewis, man Refreshment Com– mittee of the charity ball. A short sketch of the Colore/1 .., Women's Council follows. w • dl:~:.1;::=i uu-= n ory ·..- nhood \n g~ &t I America would be incomp " "" W'lt:ll· l.!P' out note being taken of the great ~ struggle of the colored women born Cl in this country, most of the prob- rt !ems which confront the white wife 19 and mother, coming also to her ho colored sister, and like the "'4lte s · woman, the progressive Color'e.l. e women realize the value of organ!- of zation. And so in tws city was or- t W. C. Becton, 695 Kearney ganlzed on the 1912, the Council _,..,..H,•'e sacrifices he made In help I to w could be paid in part by public te Mrs. Bell, his wife, takes lntO' work and much of his success can , ance. tl>!e v<n'ld's goods. ~ ,.;J.l:u!.w.+ .,....,.,..1,l.! We Sell I 4. Record- Mrs. W. R. Peek, Treas- u:·o,·. 4. Mrs. J. W. Payne, Chair– man House Committee Colored Women, and therefore the council is in the federation of Colored Women's Clubs, which represents more than 150,000 Colored women in its membership. Its motto ls : "Lift– ing as we climb." The council give one entertainment each year to raise funds to carry on its charitable work. They are now planning for their second annual charity ball, to be given on the 29th of December, and they are asking the public for $250. A GLANCE ON THE PROGRESS OF THE AFRO-AMERICANS IN PORTLAND.' Portland is the largest city in the State of Oregon and is situated on the beautiful Willamette River. It Is noted for Its elegant homes, abund– ant flowers and its manufacturing establishments. It has a population I of about 250,000. About 2000 of its . people are colored. The majority odist and a number of missions. The church edifices for the most part are substanta!l buildings and soon there will be erected two, and prob· ably three, magnificent church edl· flees. The ministers of these churches are men of character and ability and rank with the best anY' where. In the llne of professional men outside of the ministry Portland can boast of two doctors who stand high in their profession and are skllled In the art of medical science and en– joy a lucrative practice; and two lawyers who hold their own among the best. In business our people are fast forging to the front. Among the flourishing busino&s enterprises there are one grocery store, ond habber– dashery, three saloons, threa restau– rants, two clubs, two express com– panies, three tailor shops, four bar– ber shops, one first class hotel and many rooming houses, one real es– tate dealer, several shining parlors and a number of dressmakers, beau– ty doctors and manicurists, besides a number are holding lucrative po- of sitlons of trust. Friction between The above is a splendid likeness ot Mrs. Warren N. 21st street. Mrs. Peek, a lady· of strong personality has the honor of being the· finest modlste of Color ln began Sf;\\ iui,: et 75 cents per day a few yearn ago. No are always in demand at $5 per day. This 1tdvancement ·vhen she has never had a lesson m drPssmaking. Wh has done cBn be done by other am bltlous yonng wom,m the races is unknown. Living room IXl,~·(I-Ql)l)l)l)l)i)-1)-(fl)a-l~~~)gi){H~;H:H:8;8:H'.! La Integrida Havana,·Cigar , 26 SIZES, Sc to 50c EACH We recommend Kings, Superb and Nonpariel Sizes, 2 for 25 cents PHONE E\ST 2628 /
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