
• SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1930 PLAN NOW to heat your home next winter WITH GAS l Automatic - Instantaneous - Clean No Chores or G. FREEMAN BROTHERS TRANSFER Office Phone: BRoadway 1885 430 HOYT STREET : : Portland, Oregon Residence Phone GArfield 8019-340 Tillamook Street Successors to E. Richardson Baggage Transfer The Oregon Prison Association will meet at luncheon next Tuesday noon at the Y.M.C.A. Mrs. Beatrice Cannady a member of the Board of Directors for the past several years, and still one, was recently made a member of the Publicity and Membership Com– mittee. Formerly she served on the Prison Inspection and Women's Work committees. M_rs. Nellie R. Trumbull is president, H. W. Faulds, secretary, Governor A. W. Norblad, Honorary president; W. G. MacLaren, superinten– dent and Roscoe P. Hurst and Judge Clarence H. Gilbert, counsel. . The Asociation which is supported by the Community Chest meets regu– larly the second Tuesday in each month. Please Pay Your Sub,cription Free to Public The onl;, plaee in the U. S. where catalop and ad~matter coverins any line of btieineu or product can be obtaineil Free ....i Witl>oul Oblisatioa ia the American lnduotrial Librar,,. Write foe BueiaeN Adveftmns Matter yc,u are ...,.eotecl in;-• will bepromptl:,forwarded. , AMEIICAI IIDUSTIIAL LIBRARY La"'-hlaB...n.uaa, cw....,, Wbaola A Good Place For YOIIJII Folka. ALLEN C. E. SOCIETY Bttthel By The Bd<l&;e DR. MOTON CONFERS WITH PRESIDENT HOOVER Washington, Aug. 6-(CNS)-July 24 saw Dr. R. R. Moton, with the mem– bers of the comission on education in Haiti, in conference with President Hover. Though it could not be learned just what was reported, the final com- !Pilation was promised within two weeks. Meanwhile all •Washington comments upon the fact that men like Dr. John R. Hawkins, Dr. ]::m– mett J. Scott, Robert R. Church, and others, who helped loyally to make President Hoover's candidacy a suc– cess not only have no voice that the President wishes to hear concerning the condition of the colored people in this country, but are consulted only after appointments have been deter– mined upon for the few posts that have come to Negroes at the eleventh hour. The question raised in every confer– ence is: "Does the attitude of Dr. Mo– ton influence President Hoover in his disregard, almost dislike, of the Negro here?" "In contrast with former Presidents, Mr. Hover has made no distinct ap– pointments of Negroes, nor said any– thing about their treatment of their problems." On Larrabbee and McMillen Sta. Pleaae Pay Your Subacription EVERY SUNDAY-6:80 to 8 P. M. ···-·-•-• -·-·-·- -·--•-• I~ AUSPLUND DRUG STORE Nl.aht and Momlng to keep themClean, Clear and Healthy Write far Fri?,: "Eyi? Care'' ar "Eyf? &aw:,," Book MuineCo.,Dep1.H.S.91!.0bioSt.,Cucaj1 SIXTH & GLIS.A.1' STRUTl!I PO:RTLAlO>, OU. ~---N·~--·--------------1~ -0-- Join the ... PRUDENTIAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION . ,. "and Keep Well! Sec L.A. ASHFORD S malce your DOUBLE·EDGE RAZOR (old or newmodel) a BETTERRAZOR -or yourmonq bod 328 Wheeler Street - EAst 4408 '1%a TIN .50'fOIFlft Guaranteed by ~------- PROIAK.CORPORATION A..ioSl,oj> s.Z;';.:.. c... ..... ~ KIDDIES FASHION REVUE At Bethel A. M. E. Church Monday Night, August 18th, 8:15 P.M. ADMISSION • 25 Cents ...............................• Warning I Don't take the wrong package When you ask for Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Whitener Preparations-be sure you get them. Don't let the clerk hand you the wrong packag~. Hundreds of people have been deceived-just because they failed to say Dr. FRED Palmer's. The original Dr. FRED Palmer's Skin Whitener Preparations have proven their merit and when you buy them, you know you are getting the best. Insist on Dr. FRED Palmer's Skin Whitener Preparations-AND TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Arl for and ttl Dr. FRED Palmer'• SKIN WHITENER PREPARATIONS from your druggi~t A ireneroua trial •ample of the Skin Whitener. Soap and Face Powder ae:nt for 4c In atamp~ Addreu. Dr. Fred Palmer'• Laboratorleo, Dept. 21, Atlanta, Ga. T:K:E ADVOCATE PAGE THREE wcAL smffs ··aiGESiiNG..THt' to th em, let us deliberate on our ec– onomic situation. J ust think of a race, as we do, who own more than two– hundred millions of dollars worth of church property on which we are taxed fi fty millions a year through public subscription and donation purely for maintenance and not owning one– tenth of that amount in productice in– dustry. Isn't that an amazing situa– tion ? As a race we do not furnish enough revenue.producing enterprises to cover even a small per cent of our christian charities, yet, "Th.e Christ– ian Recorder", a few months ago, stated that our church donations amounted to only two cents out of every dollar earned. MORE ABOUT "ARROW TIPS" labor injunctions. Support of the proposed constitu– tional amendment increasing the pay of members of the state legislature. Enact a law giving the state labor commissioner more power in the col– lection of wages. WILL REMODEL 5-ROOM house comer Page and Williams Ave., for responsible party. Rent Cheap. Phone BEacon 3091. Among pleasant callers at The Ad– vocate office this week were Mr. I. H. Payne and Mr. W . L. Meyers. Leon Gregory and Harrison Dens– more are yet confined at St. Vincent's Hospital. FOR RENT-Two-story unfurnished house, $16.60. 738 Tillamook St. Phone Atwater 9840.-Ad. -NEWS- By Clifford C. Mitchell N ......... I I I I I I I I ...................................... We are now in the midst of our annual convention period. If the pros– perity and progressiveness of the Ne– gro race can be judged by the attend– ance and pomp of our annual get-to– gether affairs, then, the casual readers of our papers throughout the country would be convinced that the spell of hard or dull time does not extend to our race. --0--- -<>- (Continued from Page 1) appeal to me very much. Home mar– kets and home marketers spell pros– perity." I wonder if she isn't right about it? Syracuse Lodge, No. I, K. of P., meet1 the second and fourth Frj. day nights each month at the Stag Auditorium J81 ~ E. lfom1on !iit E. D. CANNADY C. C. WYATT W. WILLIAMS, K. of R. C. Wilbur Mercier is confined at the Our papers, like those of any other Veterans Hospital on Marquam Hill. race, must give prominence in their Thirty years ago Booker T. Wash– ington saw the necessity for us as a race to produce more and theorize less and as an instrument of potential force he organized the National Ne– gro Business League. Another instance of blinding our eyes to home conditions is beautifully illustrated in the recent embargo placed against Russian lumber because it is produced through convict labor– when some of our best stores have counters loaded with convict produced shirts, socks and womens kitchen dresses. Difference in nationality of the convicts thats alt. Most of the WILL SELL OR WILLING TO turpentine on the American market is by the labor of the black convict BORROW $800 or less on security. Mrs. Beria Kirk has moved from 507 news columns to what is actually ne\vs at the moment and if conventions are Marshall St., to 295 Williams Court. in prominence then that fact must be The achievements wrought by this league are voluminous and no greater tribute could be offered than the mere fact that its greatest boosters are those who have shown the most pro– gress in our commercial, financial and industrial life. of the South. What a lot of pious 4-Room house, garage, 7037 69th St., frauds the American •business policies M.r. and Mrs. Stanley W. Cage motored to Seattle to spend the 4th of August. Commissioner C. A. Bigelow has resigned from the iCty Council. His successor will be elected by a vote of three memhers cvoncurring, of the Council. chronicled. --0--- The reader who seeks the opinion of the press will observe, however, that while the headlines may be streaming with convention news our editorial pages are just as diligently trying to caution and guide our con– vential activities along lines that will prove most constructive and fruitful produce. S. E. comer McCoy-Adv. FREE PERFUME STRAIGHT H A I R John Davison who has been quite for the race. This organization will hold its an– nual convention in Detroit, Michigan, on the 20, 21st and 22nd of this month and if there is any one convention that should show some real accom– plishment it is this one. In a Nek York paper, I find a col– umn devoted to the platform of So– cialist party in Oregon. I did not know we had one well enough organ– ized to put a ticket in the field. You would never know it, tho, if you de– pended on our newspapers for such news. But the platform was what astonished and d;elighted me-it is so much saner and progressive than the platform of either of the old par- Beautiful soft silky STRAIGHT hair, hair that you can really be proud of, can now be yours if you use Anita Hair DreSBing. It will also help to make your HAIR GROW LONGER, and prevent its breaking off. To introduce Anita Hair Dressing quickly in this territory, we are giving ABSOLUTELY FREE with each order, a vial of very fine Narcisoua Perfume. Thi, offer Is for a limited time only, IO rulh yov order to us today. 50c brings full 1ize jar, postpaid, or send name and addreso and pay 65e ...,hen paclcate comes; 3 for Sl, postpaid, or Sl.25 C.O.D. ill for some time is able to be out and back at his work. Among new subscribers to The Ad– vocate are: Mrs. J. W. Simms, Mrs. Ada Yancey, Mrs. W. M. Bannister, Mrs. L. M. King, Miss Edna Kittrell, Sgt. Charles Eberhard, Messrs. A. 0. Jones, B. E. Locke, W. L. Myers, Prince Paries and Bert Turner. At a meeting held on Tuesday, Au– gust 5, of the Elks Boosting Club, A. 0. Jones was elected President and G. W. Harper, Secretary. I Rudolph DeJournette is taking his annual vacation. Little Miss Bernice Williams, of 973 East 28th Street, North, who has been in the l)oerbecher hospital for two weeks where she underwent a minor operation of the neck, was dis– missed Wednesday. She is home and doing nicely. Portlanders know Ber– nice as their little song bird. Philip Moore and Clifford Flowers have returned from a two week's stay at Spirit Lake CamJp. Mr. and Mrs. David Haskins have purchased a new 5-room cottage at 252 East 73rd Street North. which they have had beautifully decorated. Miss Edna Kittrell has moved to 307 Holliday street. Her phone num– ber, LAncaster 1837, has not been changed. Dr. J. Gordon McPherson (Black Billy Sunday) has moved from Al– giers, to New Orleans, La., according to information from New Orelans. Sergeant Charles Eberhard has been dismissed from the Government hos– pital at American Lake, having been declared physically fit. Yancy Franklin, Advocate compositor printed the invitations for the wedding of Miss Vernell Rutherford to Mr. Edward Watson. The contracting parties expressed appreciation of the excellent work done on them. The Advocate Printing department highly appreciates the patronage of this ,popular young couple. - Mrs. M. Russel, 414 Winona street has been employed during the sum– mer at the "Mammy Shack." Aside from being a splendid cateress, Mrs. Russell possess unusual talent as an elecutionist. Notice to the public S UPPOSE you are today paying SOc a tube for your tooth paste (and there are many very 2ood denti– frices selling today at that price). Suppose, like most peo– ple, you buy about twelve tubes during a year. Nm! if you that you could buy as good a dentifrice as can be made and still save each year the price of 25 loaves of bread or 60 bars of soap or 40 pounds of sugar or a box of fine cigars-could you conscientiously fail to take advantage of such an opportunity l That is exactly what you do when you buy Listerine Tooth Paste at 25c for a large tube. Figure it out for yourself. LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE Large Tube 25¢ A great many conventions, some local, some state and some of national import ars absolutely barren of any gainful results. All that we read of their accomplishments is a long list of grandiloquent titles and offices that have been filled through election, etc. --0--- The fact that these conditions exist is one of the conclusive proofs that as a race we are not appreciative of economic laws and facts. Any con– vention that in some measure has not brought to the · attention of its mem– bers our dire need along economic lines and has not taken a step to reme– dy conditions by awakening our peo– ple to the peril that confronts the race if we do not immediately make provision for an economic change, is a pure waste of precious time and mon– ey. With the National Negro Business ties. Among other things the socialists League sponsoring the Colored Mer- want-free text books, old age pen– chant Association in their nation-wide sions, unemployment insurance, state campaign of educating our retail mer- ownership of all public untilities and chants in scientific and technical train- a lot more sound and sensible things. ing, under the executive supervision I am afraind that it would not be of Albon L. Holsey, there is no other hard for me to ·become a socialist. organization oc association that is so And they want some very important capable of giving the race a sound and laws passed. -Among them are the practical economic platform for us to following: ANITA LABORATORIES Dept. BB Box 397, Battle Creek, Mich. - If we had some way of bringing together the money spent on any one of a number of useless conventions we would have a sufficient ca,pital to embark in any line of commercial or manufacturing endeavor and one that would give permanent and lu– crative employment to members of our race. --0- Look around in your own communi– ty and count the number of :Ne1rro firms who have a working capital of from twenty-five to one hundred thousand dollars and are steady em– ployers of our people. Not so many, are there? et, we spend that amount and more on one single useless and unnecessary convention. If the conventions must be held and undoubtedly we will continue to flock follow. This column concludes with the sug– gestion that close observation and a watchful eye be kept on the conven– tion of the National Negro Business League to be held in Detroit, August 20 to 22. FOR RENT-Furnished Rooms. 358 Interstate near Broadway. Mrs. J. C. Logan-TRinity 9898. u ~ ~u!~ i,».... Pl'loe– , .. OYer 3S yean ZS ounces for z5c USE LESS than of high priced bran<ls MILLIONS OP POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT Without a doubt, the best article of its kind-a combination Hair Grower and Hair S'traightener. Gives the hair a natural soft and silky appearance. stimulating hair growth in the most hopeless case. Our High Brown Hair Grower stands a11. one of our highest achieve– ments-it is a prepar– ation we look upon with pride. -Distributor Mrs. E. D. Cannady, 312 Macleay Bl4at., Portland, Oregon. To enact a law abolishing capital punishment. To enact a law abolishing all strike breaking agencies. To provide for porportional repre– sentation and election of public offi– cials. We favor the organization of public employes as well as those engaged in private industry, and will enact such measures as will protect them in their collective bargaining. Ratification of the federal child la– bor amendment. Enact a bill to outlaw "yelow dog" contracts. An act restricting the issuing of ···-· .. -·- - .. - -· , -· Obtained. Send model or sketch and we will promptly send you a report. Our book on Patents and Trade-marks will be sent to you on request. D. SWIFT & CO. -PATENT LAWYERS- 305 Seventh St.. Washington. D. C· S4 Year•' Es.,.rlence •- C -•-•- -· ·-· The Advocate Publishing Co· Published Every Saturday for the Past Twenty-Si% Year,! Publishers of "TM Advocate"-A 16-Page Newspaper In Two Sections! Mrs. E. D. Cannady, Manager The Oldest Negro Business In Portland Is • • • . - -·-·-·- . -· .. GOOD WILL •••. Not for the Asking Good will is an intangible a11set which cannot be bought with money, but without it, no business enterprise can survive. The relations between the consuming public and the producer are of more importance in the public utility business than in any other business, because the customer, if dissatisfied, cannot go around the corner and shop for his service. It is our legal obligation to furnish the best possible service at the lowest possible cost. However, this company recognizes that the good will of its customers depends on the service rendered. This means not only supplying dependable, twenty-four-hour service, but courteous service on the part of our entire organization. We can~ot buy your good will and we do not merely ask for it. We are domg our best to deserve it. PACIFIC NORTHWEST PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY (PEPCO) .E~~CTRIC BUILDING-Broadway and Alder-PORTLAND, OREGON Dms1on Offices at Salem, Oregon City, Hillsboro, Gresham, St. Helena and St. Johns, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington • ·-·- - ·-·-· ·- .. Cannad)'· Real Estate Co D REAL ESTATE BROKER Bonded and Licensed Under Oregon Law, D CANNADY'S REAL ESTATE COMPANY We are prepared to act as broker and escrow agent for buyers and sellers. We make mortgage loans, manage estates, collect rents. Business Confidential E. D. CANNADY Office: 312 Macleay Building ATwater 1525 ... -·-·-·-· - ·- __ .., ..--··-· .. ·--.., ..__ ,--·.. --,--,--.. ·~--1--·--·--..... --·--·-· .., ... --·=·· I I We Sell For Less Because We Sell for Cash COMPLETE NEW STOCKS OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE FOR THE HOME AND PERSONAL SERVICE