
- b 3e,- THE ADVOCATE An lndepend~nt Paper Devoted to the lntere•t• ~ the People Vol. 26-No. 38. In Two Sections PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1930 Section One PRICE: FIVE CENTS PICKENS BREAKS UP ALLEN-FOR-SEN. MEET NEGROAGENT SLAIN IN GUN BATTLEIN SOUTH • ALLEN'S MEN ARE ROUTED PORO CO. MOVE S LAND OWNER JAILED OVER RAID New York, August 7- William Pic– kens, field Secretary of the N.A.A.C.P. now in Kansas campaigning against the election of Senator Allen, reports that 3,000 people attended his meeting in Witchita with an overflow meeting o n the outside and that one fourth of the audience was white. Among those who heard him were a number of Allen leaders and work- FEAR WRECKS MANY POLITI- "I notice that the banks have branches on the East side but the main business remains on the West;'' thus Erastus Richardson answered the ques– tion of an Advocate reporter the other day why he did not follow the Golden West over to the East side of the river. ers, including his manager in that sec– tion. At Pickens' meeting in Topeka 2,- 000 attended. Senator Allen and Hen– derson spoke at a meeting on the next night with only 300 present. At this meeting, after Henderson, Allen's nom– inee for a government job, and Allen had spoken, the audience began to shout for William Pickens. When the chairman ignored the call of the audi– ence for Pickens, who was present, the audience refused to hear any fur– ther speakers a;~d broke up the meet– ing. CAL CAREERS As the legislative assembly will con– vene the early part of next year, thoughtful students of political science trust that the personnel will not yield to pressure, and discard principles they so warmly advocated prior to their election, as was done the last session. Mr. Richardson, who for the past five or more years has sucessfully op– erated a conf~ctionery store in the Hotel Golden West corner of Broad– way and Everett streets, moved to the corner of Sixth and Flanders a little over a week ago after the hotel It is fear that causes the delinquent moved to Interstate street on the members to take such a retrogressive East side. step. Strong hints are given that the advocacy of certain measures will re– sult in political disaster. T hey sur– render to th is fear and as a matter of REVEREND MORElAND HEVATED ATlANTA BOSSES REVIVE K.K.K. Mr. Richardson serves a variety of confections including soft drinks, can– dies, cigars, cigarettes, etc., and han– dles leading newspapers and periodi– cals, including THE ADVOCATE. A special featu re is his m id-day hot lunches. Nothing less than the best is served at his place and for this reason and h is devotion to business, Mr. Rich– ardson has attracted a large patronage .from both the colored and white peo– ple. Pretty, petite NINA MAE McKIN– NEY, star of "Hallelujah", famous all,. talking, all-Negro film production was married several weeks ago in San Francisco t o Gorilla Jones, sensational middleweight prizefighter of Akron, Ohio. Atlanta, Ga., Aug.-(CNA) - The desperate efforts of the southern bos– ses to forestall the organization of Negro and white workers on a mili– tant basis in the South have crystal– ized in the formation of the "Cau– casian Crusade." This <Jlrganization is simply an.other vi;rsion ,;,f .the Ku K lux Klan, differing from the latter only in the fac t it has widened its program of a ttack, especially direct– ing its viciousness against Commun– ists and all - militant worker s, black and white. Its ideological aura is Nordic "supremacy" and white chau– vinisn1. PARIS FRANCE WANTS NATIONAL CAllS .Oije THE N,w ~~~:~" T ~o~o,l ' As- • p RES ID ENT REV. MORELAND Friends of Rev. John F. Moreland will be happy to learn of his promo– tion to Presiding Elder of the St. Louis District of the A.M.E. Zion Church. Rev. Moreland formerly pastored at the First A.M.E . Zion church in Portland. NEGROES REFUSE TO ACCEPT LEADERSHIP OF WHITES New York, Aug. 7-The colored com– mittee of the White Plains Y.M.C.A . is insisting on choosing its own leaders and at a meeting on Tuesday, July 29, refused to accept the leadership sel– ected for it by the members of the white board. The members of the 1HINK GARVEY GREATER THAN LOWLY NAZERENE New York, August 6-(CNA)-That Garvey is giving the Jewish carpenter a run for his money, is shown by the titles of songs heard at the UNIA meeting here last Sunday. Instead of the usual "Where HE leads me, I Will Follow," is, "Where Garvey Leads Me, I Will Follow." Another song is entitled; "Come, Let Us Praise the Holy King, M'arcus Garvey." But this isn't ail. The white Israe– lite ,too, must given way to the black Jamacian. "The African Boat is Com– ing and Garvey is our Captain." Despite statements to the contrary, this proves that Garvey leaders are still seeking an African heaven to es– cape an American hell. MANY ORGANIZATIONS TO BE REPRESENTED AT ELKS CONVENTION colored Y.M.C.A. Committee informed New York, August 5-Many prom– the board that they must reserve the inent Elks are ,planning to reach De– right to select men in whom they have troit a few days ahead of their annual confidence and that they wished lead- 1 meeting in order to atend the sessions ers of the type of the committee mem- of the National Negro Business Lea– hers who were dropped by the board, gue. In a letter to Albon L. Holsey, because they moved into a white secretary of the Business League, Hon. neighborhood. This impasse has grown J. Finley Wilson, Grand Exalted Ruler out of the summary discharge of sec- of . the Elks, says, "I have called a r'etary Samuel Morsell because he meeting of our Executive Board to lodged with Dr. Collymore , who meet in Detroit a week ahead of moved into a white neighborhood and our meeting in order that the mem– the dr?P_Ping of Dr. Collymore and rhers may have an opportunity to at– Dr. W1lhams from the board, because .\ftnd the sessions of the Business they refused to move from the white League." district when their presence was pro- tested. WHITE LAD SAVES Dr. Collymore informs the N.A.A. COWRED BOY C. P ., which has been acting in his be- New York, Aug. 7-When he was half, that he is assured of the renewal trapped in the mud in a Central Park of his fire insurance, which was can- lake while swimming Wednesday, Cal– celled, and that the opposition has vin Storms, 11, was rescued by Sam quieted. Sturcy, 11 year old white lad. Spend your summer vacation at ... SUNFLOWER CAMP J. W. Curry, Owner SEASIDE, OREGON Restful ewings-Croquet-Horseshoe Throwing and Fishing Within 100 Feet of Camp Furnished Cottages and Furnished Tents fo r Rent! Mrs. Madelyn Flowers Will Be There to Serve You at Any Time Day or Night That You Arrive sociation for the Advancement of Col- ored People is in receipt of a letter from Paris, France, in which the cor- l respondent asks that a branch of the Association be started in that city. / T he writer, Sotero Queredo, states: "We are already quite a large number of colored people here, and the time has come for grouping ourselves to– gether. Will you please send full particulars and literature telling of the scope and work of the Association.?" MOORE SIGNS UP FLYWEIGHT FIGHT Promoter George Moore has signed up a six-round special event for next Monday night's fight card at the audi– torium that promises to be a whiz– bang. J ackie Evans, the Kansas City flyweight sensa,tion, will meet Perry Israel, Portland's ,pride ot flyweigths, in six rounds. The double main event features Joe Marcus vs. Matt Calo and Eddie Edleman vs. Paddy Walthier, both IO-rounders. Popular prices will prevail. -0-- HIGH JUMP RECORD BROKEN BY NEGRO SOLDIER The running high jump record of Fort Benning was broken at the 20th Infantry Field and Track Meet of July 23rd. The old record stood at 5 feet 7 inches. The new record made by Private Jack Myers of Company "F" raises the old fiigure to 5 feet, 9~ inches. Private Myers is from De– troit, Michigan, where he held the City Championship in 1925 for the high jump. ----o--- ' WHITE MAN CONVICTED Atlanta, Ga., July-T. L. Martin, one of seven white men indicted for the slaying of Dennis Hubert Negro divinity !khool student, was found guilty of ~oluntary {!lanslaughter by a Fulton county superior court jury here today, with the recommendation he be sentenced to the penitentiary for not less than 12, nor more than 15 years. ACCEPT COLORED VOTERS Wasco, T ex.-The McLennan county Democratic executive committee has voted unanimously to permit Negroes to participate in the Democratic pri– mary here F riday. --<>-- DON'T SPEND YOUR MONEY WHE:RE YOU CANNOT WORK! DR. R. R. MOTON Who Headed President Hoover's Commission to Investigate Educational conditions in Haiti. ----- Rudolph DeJ ournell.e is in the Good Samaritan hospital where he under– went a minor operation on the nose Tuesday. ,_ ____ Make Portland's Own Store Your Shopping Headquarters Poro College has moved its head– quarters to Chicago. Mrs. Anni M. Malone, founder and owner of the famous institution made the announ- POSSE HUNTS FOR OTHERS cement this week in a letter which was sent to the more than 50,000 agents affiliated with this organization and who are scattered throughout every nok and cranny of the country. BOOTLEGGING ACTIVITIES SAID TO HAVE It has ben known for sometime in Chicago busines circles here that Mrs. Malone was quietly acquiring exten– sive real estate holdings in Chicago. She now owns the entire b lock on South Parkway, formerly Grand Boule– vard, betweent 44th and 45 streets. BEEN THE CAUSE OF ALL TROUBLE ------- --------· (Continued on Page 2) ·WINS VICTORY New York, Aug. 7-Mr. B. F . Lev– ister, chairman of the Legal Redress Committee of the Mount Vernon, N. Y. Branch, reports tha t as a result of the activity of that Committee discrim– ination which had been practiced by Loew's and Proctor's Theatres in Mount Vernon has been discontinued. MASS PROTEST HELPS NEGRO WORKER Arrntu Wtpn By Kim Reid ·..............................,,,l -·- - ·-·-·- -·-·-· The Advocate does not necessarily share in K its Reid's viewa, but wheth– er we do or not, her opinions are sane, logical and well worth reading. It is your privilege as well as ours to dis– agree with Kits and she invites your opm1on upon subjects she discusses from time to time in her column. I was talking to a friend t he other day whose work brings her in rather close contact with public affairs. W e were discussing the $25,000 p ublicity fund that is being raised here to ad– vertise O regon. "We!J," said she, "I would t hink it might be a good plan to spe nd some of that money to keep the people here who are here now ,ather than bri.ig m use pc<)ple to Oregon to see our empty factories and stores. A little reducing of r ents might keep the small storekeeper in business and a little higher wages would make of the discouraged worker an active buyer. Somehow, the idea of sending a quarter of a million into Eastern publicity pockets does no t (Continued on page three) DAVIS ASKS AQUESTION Wilnynvt.on. Del ..A\ll{usJl-(CNA}– Mass protests and demonstrations r e– sulted in a reprieve for Theodore Russ a twenty-two year old Negro chauffeur condemned to die here on July 25. Russ was arrested last February after a fight with a bootlegger in which Russ got t he better of the bargain. Instead of being charged with assault ,Russ was charged with attempted rape of the bootlegger's wife. In Del– aware rape is a capital offense, ani:I Russ was tried, convicted, a nd sen– tenced on perj ured evidence. He was condemned to die on July 25. On July 23, however, h undreds of Negro and white workers, after a series of !es successful meetings, staged a man- • Washington, Aug 6-(CNA)-The mouth demonstrat ion eleven o'clock anouncemen t that Huston will step at night in front of the governor's down and out from the chairmanship mansion. Ear\ier in the evening a of the Republican Nationa l Committee mass meeting took place. At the may please a lot of people but Ben conclusion of the meeting the wo rkers Dav is of Geor gia makes a comment arose in a solid body and went to and asks: picket the govenor's residence. The "Rascob, of the Democratic National governor, who was preparing to go on Committee had the guts to s tand the a fishing trip, was fo rced by the mili- gaff of his enemies; what's the mat- tant demonstration of Negro and white ter with Huston?" workers to grant Russ a reprieve of twenty-eight days, until August 22. ---o- - - NATIONAL NEWS BRIEFS Macon, Ga., Aug. 2-A. L. Patterson, prominent Macon land owner, was jailed here today on a charge of mur– der growing out of a spectacular gun battle on his property late last night in which a special prohibition officer and an alleged colored rum-runner were slain. The dead agent was Herman Warr, shot twice in the ches t when he and Deputy Prohibition Administrator Fred Dismuke of Macon led a raiding force which captured 40 gall ons of liquor allegedly en route to Macon. In t he same •bat tle, Sam Knight, a Negro, was killed. Bloodhounds from the Milledgeville state prison were employed today to track down another Negro, Frank D u– har t, alleged rum-runner who was be– lieve d badly wounded in th e fight but who managed to slip away in the dark– ness. A witness of the figh t to ld au– t horities he saw Duhart limping down a road declar ing he had been shot. . Patterson, held incommunicado, de– nied any connection with th,e gun ;battle on his property, pr ohibition agen ts said. He insis ted he k new nothing of the a ll eged boot leg opera– tions wh ich last night's raid was or– gani7.ed to brea.k up. Agents.. however, insisted he was present and engaged in the ·battle. -----o-- INJURED MAN ' GIVEN FARM ., Realizing that Mr. and Mrs. Cotton have so many friends in Portland and Oregon who will be as glad as we are of their success, we are taking the liberty of publishing in full his letter even tho some of it is of a personal nature. (apologies to Mr. Cotton.) Rt. 2, Box 745 Wiaterman Avenue San Bernardino, Calif. Dear Mrs. Cannady: I am inclosing my years subscrip tion to CATE." July 23, 1930 check for two "The ADVO- You remember I wrote you some time ago pled>ging my support to your splendid paper. I have just sold my peach crop, which was the heaviest of any individual ranch in the San Bern- "It is important to note," says the American Negro Labor Congress in an official statement, ·"that Russ is con– demned to die on the very day of the third anniversary of the murder of Sacco and Vanzetti. Only by greater protests and more demonstrations can we prevent this legal lynching, and thus save Russ from the fate of the two Italian labor organizers." The National Negro Press Associa- ardino valley. From the receipts I tion will meet February, 1931 in N ash- J make it my first duty to fulfill my ob– ville, Tenn. Each newspaper has been ligation to the "Advocate", a house– requested to furnish a bound volume ho ld fixture in our househofd. BELIEVE IT OF NOT, FIRES AT GROUND; HE MISSES BADLY There was a prowler on his back ,porch, and the night was dark. So dark! So Henry Marks, colored, of 287 Williams ave., stealth ily got his pistol and just as stealthily crept down the stairs. The prowler was still there and to frighten him, Henry Marks fired three shots. He fired into the ground, he told police. But his marksmanship needs cor– recting. He has been invited by po– lice authorities to utilize the target range in the basement of central po– lice station. All three shots, although aimed downward, headed for an apatrment house across the street. Two struck the brick wall, and the third galloped through the window of the ground floor s uite of Mrs. E . N. Wermoth and imbedded itself in the wall.- The Portland News. HOLD THREE FOR MURDER Chicago, Ill, Au g. 6--The IGrand jury on Monday indicted P . A. Men– a rd, S. W . Sprin ger, W. H. A. Moore for the murder of Mrs. Julia H awkins, 65-year-old woman, holdi ng the three without bail. for exhibition purposes. I might say tha t every one who J. Douglass Wetmore, New York City, attorney with offices on Broad– way committed suicide Thursday, July 31. He left a note to his wi fe, white, saying that he was "tired of it all." comes here to buy peaches, and they are many, from far and near, say that the variety 'of Clingstone on this ranch is the finest in Southern Cali– fornia. And if you could see them you -Please turn to page 4- The Pittsburgh Branch of the Na- ------ - • --· --·· tional Association for the Advance- MASKED BAND SLAYS ment of Colored People has just se- "G. 0. P." LEADER cured a temporary injunction restrain– ing the Borough of Avalon from dis– criminating against Negroes in its swimming pool, built and maintained 1by funds raised in a bond issue. Dr. Robert W. Bagnall, director of Branches of the N.A.A.C.P . has accep– ted an invitation from the Health Commissioner of New York to serve as a membr of the general committee of the new Harlem Health center. l"lease Pay Your Subscription A CORRECTION In last week's issue, through a mis– understanding over the telephone, it was stated that Mr. Warner Terrell of Boise, Idaho went "slumming" last Monday night. It should have read, "went swimming last Monday night." Mr. T errell is the grandson of Mrs. Mt. Vernon, Ga.-(CNS)-S. S. Min– cey, the 70 year old Negro Republican leader of Ailey, Georgia, died here Tuesday July 29, after reporting he had been kidnapped from his home by a band of masked and robed men (all white) carried into Thomas Coun– ty and beaten. He was found semi-conscious and revived o nly long enough to give a fragmentary account of the attack. He told officers one of the demands made by the attackers was that he give up hi s post as county Republican chairman. Before he died he told of being struck over the head with a rifle before being taken forcibly from his home. Physicians said that blow resulted in concussion of the br;iin and caused his death. He was not able to name his assailants. ---o---- R. J . Carden and not her nephew as DON'T SPEND YOUR MONEY was also stated. WHERE YOU CANNOT WORK! •