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FOREWORD In 180S, Sacajawea pointed the way west to Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. Settlers followed and made their homes along the shores of the Willamette River, where they could look up from their labor and see the majestic mountain towering above the trees. The settlement grew and needed a name. The name given this new town, Portland, was decided by the toss of a coin. The early settlers probably never envisioned the thriving metropolis that is Portland today. Her businesses and industries, her harbors and buildings, her parks and schools, her homes and the people living in them - these together form the pattern that is Portland. In this first edition of the Portland State College VIKING. we salute the city that has given us birth. Our theme is Portland and the role of our college in the city. 4

DEDICATION In this year of the official dedication of Portland State College, the VIKING, too, has a dedication to make. In the years that Portland State has been growing from a small extension center to a four-year independent college, the support of the Portland area has helped to keep our spirit alive. To those who have aided us in securing our new name, we extend our grateful appreciation for their untiring effort. The establishment of a state college in Portland is no longer a dream. Far-sighted citizens have helped make it a reality. To commemorate this new position as a publication representing a four-year, degree-granting college, we dedicate this VIKING to those people who did most toward the realization of the goal we have achieved: the people of the Portland area. They saw the possibilities inherent in the first extension classes established here; many citizens, individually and collectively, pressed for the enlargement of educational facilities in the metropolitan area. They met delays and setbacks, but the final result was always certain. For their steadfastness, and foresight, we salute our backers and supporters; we see the growth of the city and the college indissolubly linked in the future. 5

u ddor ')(orrna :;3racl!ey Copy udL lor J{ay 0wan s o n 'JIsslslanl udLio r Jackie :;3rocfrnan Copy 0 1a/l :Roger Chaney 6a'JoUl0la/l ]fa rrnon Overrnlre )laflc'J Jean t]('Ja n O(l 2 (e -yee :;3 uslnesS 1J{a na g er 'J)an 'Yelxo!lo Bayoul u dL/ or 1J{lfe :R06ln son 1J{arle 1f{orrls :;306 ':Jrou l gene Olson 'J)lxle ']lCu no 60ls 'Yete rson

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8 The City Hall . • . What it means to the city, our Administration means to our college. .:

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PRESIDENT J. F. CRAMER community which we call Portland State College. This volume commemorates the life and activities of the first full year as an independent institution. It tells of those who, working together, have made the year one of achievement and success. It is fascinating to be a part of the development of a new and growing college. We have worked under some handicaps, but we have always known that each new year would be better than the last. Next year we shall have more room, and the year after that the College Center will relieve some of our most pressing problems. We have continued to strive to do well whatever we have attempted. Activities have been carried Qn successfully. We have earned the reputation of being a friendly school, and increasing numbers of new students have found their places in our ranks. We have continued to deserve the reputation of a college where teaching is well done, and where class achievement, the major reason for the existence of the college, has been increasingly satisfactory. We have seen the first graduating class receive degrees from Portland State. The future is filled with promise. We are proud of Portland State, and have made of it a college of which everyone can be proud. But nothing is ever good enough. Next year everything must be better - the class work, the cultural life, the student activities, the social fellowship. Only in- this way can we continue to build ...p our pride in our college. 10 I am happy to bring greetings to all those, faculty and students, who make up the J. F. Cramer President

DEAN C. W. BURSCH, II February 13, 1956 DEAN'S MESSAGE The pages of this Viking record the activities of an historic group of students, those who had the honor to share in Portland State College's first year as a degree granting institution. Yet, as with all pioneer enterprises, everything that was achieved was built through blood, sweat, and tears. The students of Portland State College have always done their fair share in the work of building a new college, but this alone would not be worthy of comment, because we expect people to do their duty. Special honor goes to those hardy souls who overcome difficulty to achieve superior performance in academic and student life, in spite of their physical environment. We will go on to greater achievements here at Portland State College, no one can stop us, but never again will there be a "First Year." 1 am proud to have been a part of this enterprise. c{2.(0.~JC II

12 CHANCELLOR JOHN R. RICHARDS Portland State College, as it completes its first year as a four-year, degree-granting institution stands at the thresh hold of distinguished accomplishment in the education of the youth of the metropolitan area. Its past growth has been the result of many hands pulling together toward a worthwhile objective. Its future must likewise depend upon the constant efforts of all friends of the College who set their sights upon worthwhile goals of highest quality. As the first graduating class receives its diploma, congratulations are in order all around. But it behooves us to do more than bask in the sunlight of achievement. The coming years present weighty problems to Oregon higher education. You who are now in college will be needed to help in their solution. Those who preceded you helped develop the educational process through which you are now progressing. If it is to be maintained and improved for those who follow, your shoulders will be needed at the wheel. John R. Richards Chancellor


ADMINISTRATION OFFICE DR. ERRETT E. HUMMEL Assistant to the President We just about lost our Administration Office this fall ... Quick work by engineers kept it from falling into the hole. Although its appearance doesn't make it an architectural classic, the pleasant atmosphere inside more than makes up for the building's open-mouthed stare. Bev answers the telephone.

REGISTRAR'S OFFICE Familiar to all Portland State Students, the Registrar's Office is on the first floor of the "house on the corner." Scene of a quarterly deluge of eager seekers after the light of knowledge (madly waving their bent and broken IBM cards), the registrar's office maintains a friendly and efficient staff that brings serenity to the tumult. DR. HOWARD IMPECOVEN Registrar MRS. HELEN R. WILDERMAN Assistant Registrar

ST "Government of the people, by the people, for the people ... " Abraham Lincoln Statue in the Southwest Park Blocks.

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STUDENT BODY OFFICERS DICK LAUGHLIN Student Body Vice President DICK POTTRATZ Student Body President

~ ~' " / REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY Clockwise from left: Norma Bradley, Pete Grundfossen, Dick Franzke, Denis Curry, Bob Waldo, Dorothy Engel, Ed Bradshaw, Delores St. Johns, Jim Baird, Earl Glass, Jack Vincent, Otto Glausi. Not shown: Chuck Harrison. The new Representative Assembly under the Constitution took over their duties immediately following their election. Planning for the new student union was the major business, with spring activities also on the agenda. 19


PATIi PIPER Secreta ry Trea sure r State. were VIRGINIA VAIL H istoria n NANCY SCHAPPERT First Vice President \' DONNA JACKSON Preside nt A. W. S. OFFICERS The Associated Women Students is an organization which includes in its membership all women students enrolled at Portland State. Its purpose is to help the college woman towards educating herself for the future roles as a woman of culture and charm, as an intelligent citizen, as an efficient worker in her chosen field, and as a successful homemaker. An innovation of this year was the A.W.S. Council, composed of the A.W.S. officers and the presidents of all the women's clubs at Portland Among the activities which many committees promoted successfully those of a cultural, social, and service nature. These included a welcome tea for Freshman students, two coffee hours at the lone Plaza, A.W.S. Week-Mother-Daughter Tea, Style Show, Talent Show, and Belle's Ball-and the publication of an A.W.S. Booklet. 21


TERRY RIGBY Second Vice President ERIC GJELDE Pre sident ANN BANTON Vice President JOAN WINANS Sergeant-at-Arms MIKE SMYTH FRESHMAN I.O.C. Representative CLASS OFFICERS The Freshman Class was organized early in November and has been engaged in numerous activities during the year. Their first undertaking was to help the Dads' Club by sending out invitations to their prospective members. Their main project was the Freshman Talent Show, which turned out to be such a huge success that the same group put on a traveling show at the different high schools. Spring term the officers sponsored a picnic for all freshmen. The class is already looking forward to an active sophomore year. JACK BANTON Sergeant-a t-Arms 23


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DONNA ARNETT ON-KE YEE AND NANCY RYAN HARMON OVERMIRE In dex Staff Art Staff MIKE CRANE AND BOB TROUT La you t Staff Down in the depths of the sea lies the Viking office. Some people have been known to search for days and never find it. We've had six months now to get used to cracking plaster, leaky walls, and crusading Vanguard editors. But now that the yearbook is almost put to bed, we'd forgive anyone, even Ted. THE BUSINESS STAFF - The Best We've Ever Had v I K I N G

Here is the staff. Without them, there could have been no yearbook. In dosing, I would like to say that it's been great, kids, and I hope you're all back here next year. Orchids to: Jackie Brockman, for lending her talent and experience to a very green editor. Dan Peixotto and the rest of the Business Staff, for going over the top on advertising. Dr. Johnson, for all of his advice and assistance in publishing this book. Herb Perkins, for his work on the photography. To Roger Chaney, for his wonderful job on the Sports Section. All the rest of the staff, for their work, encouragement, and because they're all "good kids." Dr. Pierson, for taking a chance and giVing me the opportunity of being editor. I've loved every minute of it. Last, but not least, to Mr. Sandven. Sandy's name will be familiar to anyone who has worked on the book in the past. He is the standby who is always there and who knows more about putting out a yearbook than anyone around. NORMA BRADLEY HARMON OVERMIRE Layout Staff MIKE CRANE Taking it easy DIXIE MUNO ARLYCE FENSKE LOIS PETERSON Index Staff In this corner, KAY SWANSON and FRANCES MOORE

28 CLEO ELGIN Fall Editor TED GOH Fall Business Manager Winter Editor

6Z JeEH?UI?~ sseu!Sng Je+u!M ~310~J 13NVr JOS!APY 3111nl 1~380~ .~~ :J:lVlS

:n:~ DeltV-y Student Bod, Adopts New Constitutiol1 P Vanguard New Resolutions Puss 293 to 32; Twelve Per Cent of Vikes Vote names "-~.._ .ts. Whi "THE COLLEGE THAT WOULD NOT DIE" Volume II. Number 15 Portland Staie College. Portland. Oregon Friday. January 27. 1956 lots, the , punch, This wi )te twic.' umber ( ,on, Piel onsibilit r. Robe, ~ thIS electIOn: .0 ~ . ~'\.~'Cl I."c ""e'O' ... t ccl.;' •. u(" oI''thd the C ddt f .. ~ "'" ~ "e..n)~· ~< an 1 a es or .,.e(" ....1' "' , . ~'\;" 0" c...<S' ~'-v{'C" ,..,.e election. vIce president mus ~e.""'./ ~>"'C:-. ,.,..\v \~o \ 0, 'OC.),\~,~~cl. C ~pl\" . • "'_ "l! _ ' \o\\e~." '0 \0 <S' .",n\ ,nould say they dldn ~'(~~ ~ ...~ ,e'" about It. b('cause ever e repr» .' '. ~'" ·\o{ >e'" j:"bhlo .n..___ ' ." . L f Lemmon eaves or C J b M h 1 . A candidate must go to tht ~~\ 0 Soarc , 'Qill T ........ _ ... 'f""I~ _"I _ • • ...l t::+ .... + ...:,. nesday, and Friday, from 11 a.m to 12 p.m. on Tuesday, and al undesignnted hours on Thursday in order for students te contnct him. A trophy is to be i.1\v(ll'ded to the grollp sponsoring what is judI"" to be the bes t fl out ~, Parad ~ 3.n then chm ~ ," a sport dr C ._-afetena from ~\ ,ponsored by Sig· L _____-:-~~~---- \f9~\P~~'l~l~i:~:g:n slalourdrQV S ltul::d~~t'U~.~~!~f:~;::k ,,~, 0"'" nBS last fall \Montgomery s the park block approved by the board the first Broadway and t ten tat i vel W th construction of the new 'n be sold to finance The second un! ' t lion in 19, I classroom bUlldmg al- W~it of the center. \. scheduled for cons ru~ more COl iq I\flve-story ressing steadily word u ~ '~which win will include a larg el , I ready prog ceived of completIOn The new st, #~ _ on a plete student hbr.lfY· 't" has been re lanning for port- provide stude". ~# Ii~ '0\'5 The third and last .um If " of prelimin,ar y Pond b'lg building Ie not possible h. #J '.~ - t 'n thn administratIon 0 ~ 5 - ec sca n #~ II con aI ' I eNI d land State s s wa'lted student present cramped qua 'Th. ~ 'student recreationa s A. h long-a Its - 'Il 110m :: l... ,--> t e be built in three un . _ tory ' . .. " a large ba ro .' "" Ad ' '11 be a three s • ..,.~~ . (the first I In 'n roun ne unIt wI . 'ng some \ "'$ ',on 0 POI.tland .r ~haPo~d s:~~~i~efe~~n~~I~~ill M US: will t , ; ,the n~~ti~:i~:iS:; ~ ....... .~3 , O {eteria dlmnb ' loor of the m m "/ . ";\.chen, ca ' ~ stu 1 dditional classroo I, By Margarel Pugh Ys ._~I<.store, an~ needed a _ Although it may not be Sad ' WI- ,1~ _P laboratorY space. . tl'!e -" Sl(l ~a'h 'C . ~ ,old :~ ~~~a~~~ olb c Th . .is ar'h _ - _/"0. Wint e {lJ'st annUal P • "IVaI er carnl' Ortland St per orms camp . val. an ate , ," d I USes In th ' eVent ne / ' ed and . t.ry W'll 's Part t w to ed t cha'ns . ( Tb..acu :._. :.... I take pla 0 the COlIn 0 t(\ach th ' are r:l'.... ' t :... _ Ce at L - A IS j: , jendron. 0. 0 __ Og LOdlle ' r . rmed with Fn... ..~~_.... VIKINGS WIN NAIA TITLE'i Paul Hanneman. Roger Hoff. Nola Lund. IEach must matntatn .~ Oregon Thursday. Oelober 20. 19S! cipated 30 M ...bcr fb~ocialed CoUeeiale Pre~s :ElDterea .....eoDd cla.sB matter, November 01, 1931, .t the pOBtofflee .t 1'0...I....d, OregoD, under the aet of .....oh 6, 1879, Editor ___ _ CI~o Elgin Associate Editor . ._Nell Perry Assistant Editor _ _ ___ -. Jeannelie Tuskey Sporls Editor _ _ _ _____ ---- --Ron Hunt Staff Cartoonists ___Dick Kennedy, Bob Nelson . B St II Ph I grapher -Windy ales a 0 0 - - - - . Editorial Siaff ___.. _ Kris Goelzl. Vlncenl Graue. John Green. Bob Nelson. Wes Perrin. Donna Viducich Assistant Sports Editor_ ___ _ _ _ _ Mel Murray ele G dl R W'1 Sporls Writers_ -- run ossen, ay 1 son Business Manager ______.___.___ .._ _ .__Ted Goh Faculty Adviser.._ ----. _. Mr. Robert Tuttle Adverlising Manager Janel Croter _ Mel Murray Office Manager - NaiionaJ Adv. Manager _ Beverly Bowman Advertising Salesmen . _ _ ._ Everett Malheny. Vern Thorstal ndidates student k i (~ " as­ )ber 19. a short roducing .d the,r )Ups are . a' Lilly I ' NewKarr Ja net checks the Ad Section. en R~C '>ults .mg -WIll ' kn .ih·~\< 1 I)C l1Id de OctoTo Be _ A new era oftidaJJy <>pen, [or Portland Stille this cDl"ing Sunday, October 23, -Witrl the ·"lter· noon dedicatiol\ olthe eollege and the evening inauguration of the school's first president, br. John F. Cramer. 130th lormal ceremonies, ""c'n to -.... the pubhc, wlH take placl' nt ttie at 7 4j pm on S W Clay bepublic audltoflum. The dedicatIOn itween " xth and W Park Aven· her 21, "her...e fuc)<y 'girl WIll r~iv... her ct{)-wn uum,,<1udcnt l;ody pre>ident Dor'ian Ross in a regal coronation ceremony at 10: 1:; a.m. This will officially open the flood,.'. te, on " steady ~ stream and tantalizing events. . , d ' I H;~~~~~~i~~g:~ra~h: w~~~ ~~'~·7:s f II d . t' '11 bl 0 a c,cnp IOns WI ••sem e Student Body Holds Election Under New Luws The first student body election for oWcers under the new constitution will be held Wednesday and Thursday, February 15 and 16. IC" ElectIOn committee chalrma" George Hofford, announcp' follOWing . procedure ,,\\e ulatlve GPA There 0f fIces open In th assembly. Candidates 1 offic~s will run individual. <" candIdate must have a 2. )IVcumulative GPA. ~'(>e flce of the Dean of Students" \l sign a slip with Mrs. Walker gi 1 ing name, office for which he i filing, GPA, hours carried, an class. Candidates need not obtai: Iculty, b Moving Day for the Vanguard. he pcop~ interes ~ _ '" ,\> _ ••r50n sai ,~\: ~\.\~ I.C ~'(\e represent; • Of ,,~'(~ i ,,"- sc~"''IJ'J'" \; that in h ~",\l. ~~\" '\.'(~ ~ 0\ ~(l, '\ u~"ncil, ele, ~·V ~\}g< ~'~#v...~i &\>I.i· <>~e oo",I.'one COl ueglllmng at 2 pm wlth the nca- ues. The parade route calls tor dler Wells, London's .Festival, or demic processional, is under ' th the caravan to w ind north on Ballet Russe there will be ballet supe.rvision of Dr. Will V. Nor- sixth to Oak west on Oak to in Portland this week. . f f h ' t PSC" A f I I l I I f rls, pro essor a p 'SiC' a 'Broadwav and south oIV..Brol\d- corps 0 oca a en h h b d II . , . . . IW d d th h F 'd eve- w 0 as een name co ege mar- way 10 tj,p hnnfll'c' ral,y at Dunl- ' e nes ay roug fJ ay shar a .. 1.._ ..":,,,~t• .•_.J . - ~;,nac ot.-tbo Cj"jo thsnt ......o

.Pottrotz Elected Student Body President Vanguard "THE COLLEGE THAT WOULD NOT DIE" Volume 11. No, 20 Portland State College. Portland, Oregon Friday. February 24, 1956 Panels, Speakers Discuss U.S. Relations With Bonn At German Institute Today, Tomorrow Page Tw, THE VANGUARD The Vanguard Not everyone agrees with Ted. ~ix I.lUllUI CU JIA 'UI.CsLast - T D . El ­ Ouflng WO ay ectlon Dic.k Pottratz and Dick L aughlin were V",· ' in as :hort·term president and vice-pres;"-·· -----=:::;udent ody. They polled 355 , ,,. ­ ~F" 0 'itIf ·il , J t l-l f tWZ ~xthei r all lew R 11 I:ll.l11t ' Weekly p"per of the Al8oo:late4 Student8, POrtlf\nd S tate Oollege. lfnO s.w. Park, PortlAnd, ~gO!l. Jlenlber of A.sodated Collegiate ,Pre••. OplnJoll8 e:&preeaed in edltor1aa are ~o.. of the eodltorlAl board and need. not " the reflection of a dm1D.l.etratioD. polloY'. .Ilntered .a Becond clus material. lfovember 21, 1931, at the post ofrice at Portland, Oregon., tt.nder the act of Karoh 8. lEfl'9. Editor ....._ .__._..__ .................Theodore Goh Associate Editor ..- - .. ...-... Kris Goetzl Assistant Editor.. ....-.- . ... __.._...Wes Perrin Sports Editor .__. __......Ron Hunt Feature Editor. .__.._. .._-._-.._.......Bob Nelson R eporters... .. - - _ Leo GianI, Gary Hamillon, MlnneHe Hansen, Jack McCormick, Bob Mul· lin. Grace Burdelle, Todd Clark. Margaret Pugh Business ManageL _ ..- ....._ ..__..Janet Croter Make·up Edilor._...._._.._.._._..._ ...Merlin Smart Circulation Man~ger ....-__.....-Lorraine Johnson Ass~Slant to Edltor......_ ......_.._ ..Jeanelle Tuskey Mgr • ~:~;;:!i:d;. I - . - - -......BevTerhly BowN~an g a esmen - ....--..-._ ______ elma Ieee Carol McMillen Photographers _....J{erbert Perkins, Windy Bues News Editorial Adviser._ .._._.._.....Robert TUllie Business Adviser ..- ......- ...._.......__.Boy PierIOn ,~_c""' ••.._~.:' I \\ sJOn dIVISion. members of all nan.}, A lim;\Pri t d l er. and chaired by Phillip G. HOft., peli·an room of the Congress ho- J"'ca. . .. _.•_ man, dean of the general exten· teL Guests of honor will be the of the US natJOnal bank, Philip ~:~:fhofo~~~:::;rc~~ean~SD~.e~.:;: '"t 0 BY 0 -r'" ", . ",,,a. bl:r • wig Effenberg, business adviser ~ ort' ll,,\\or. I~ r-ro'o<l> " Educotor Robert Hutchins Iof the Seattle German consulate. SF '\0 series <l> \onto' I At the end of the mslltute cof· . e\'S 'fi 0l 'o<l>sc'otl\\ In ~rtIS<l>11. . , fee will be offered to panelists and ,n \cl"\ \\,e eneo \0 bCln\b <l> P enoe CSpeoks Here on Jonuory 17 I. public in the school cafeteria. The ""ppcnco \'5 \13PP irea\\')"" be col'il('(l ~der . faculty women's club will act as 'N\\3\ ,,, " \\\tI . us); ",ust 1)OVb Pa " .. t h \l\b • na\\\S _ ..l (1"cyg p . ..... w3.'5 \he ~ .. ~ , ...... ....... , -_.. "" 1...J • • • ,.,\-.,O'\(' 1'\ 1"1 ,) I .i t HI"? Dunr____-------- __-:-----::--::::----­ J'clBY' FebrueqlC. 1151 . - ~ ~--....... -:-:--===J rJ6<'C F Where I Sit f1 .•• 11­ ~ By Assiltant Editor We. Perrin o~~' ZUT! III ~ddition canning expe¥~~~ studym.g our cafeteria to tr) ~ d early to rise determme how so many pe. akes any scholar can be squeezed into such a 5n\ ~ ft in the head space and still remain fresh. Ai.. d bleary in the eyes. IViking students have long bee' widely admired for their abUit to find parking places in seerr ingly impossible places. ·pid motto of the m, . HPlenty of room f( Sports Editor Ron Hunt. ulted in cars bein on sidewalkS, ba EB:fE:i", II initio Look re.rrl~ ,f ! T"'~ r " VV10 y k J>OIII.'nd Ple~ Of en' _ ~ _. ~. =.~ tJ~, rom r" By. Fred Stenkamp ,.. "ll,. t I .~n ad- tonic and can bowl ~ 19J,' .,JPSe.. I cinc~-I w~~the~te I~.. ')to ..:s I#~ ~~"L,1 i{1 ". ,,~ '••, UJ ,,.. ~ .. 'h(:~!f/ "'flJ~ ~e'~~ {fa t.,. . 'r "-rt " ?t? ~ 1'",e>~ ;" '. Ur" 0'. ' ., i .f VOOh. ·,el' If. 1. q~h..~"# ,.,1] Iheil · , .. el' G. al) l(. :I~.:"'''''-~ '. or In.. "" '.)1 b . . I'ahs 1 ey lJ. ~ ") ~ '~I.'WI:, . ;·"" sOll IJ:Ii:',I;, ~O/]e 1'>. OllIs_ '' '\01. ~ : "' .' :'(1 to " 1'1/;;1] ~ <Y':"'h 'rh· rJ/]' ~ vI;>! C :., ".."". Q.c:;,... or" Js viera ' .0 ~''' ''' ..- '' Portland State College, Portland Or - . '.,-0. ,". , egon FrIday, February 3, -_. Stote's Growth During ~~hi;~IP..C!1 Tftft V ---- Is 'Bemo k hi ' L____.. Kris Goetzl checks the copy. roe . . "'u~~I>';;'I]~, cO;;:". '1 State B.-II C- c, .... W Vj, Un lVerSjpVOI] Ih "", II]I]JI] IS Ive No ' 'he f'l "C s 'op<, .,tches g 14 PSt u 0 """'b er 10. 19S b Ol1 l]ci :~'" s~:;,g 60111111C neW Statl 'h S IIJI" 1 11(" h /1' ciecl " th 1I "'.L 'er I]/{ IJ I ", JI] 1 Portland State is scarcely - IJe/ I/f-ci Il". ~ [JO~'I] Ii years old, yet has shown tll e 18] Bl'llod :"1J" ""el .I v, .?\. cI"I, D remarkable glOwth In a short d, e V;lIt CJ Ih,s wee Ca,,, .< r" ,C"Sh S It Ilh d d l :, ade. Today It IS the th,rd larg, varIOUs Icr taJn", k, has . ·s PJlkc}'""'(,ci IO/J,. 6'.1 institutIOn of hIgher learn' rhc POJll ts enl I [, ", In Ii eel 1J , 6'1 O ' 109 sa~ J 'u re IS a 1/ arolllld Ih I e fro", h POllla~d -'II Ih '" 1.17 11",(/ D I" '?(I' I ,egon-next to Oregon St, :0 SSl a l'l COll(' lISS1iin pIa f! World ,ost to tw ' llext We re Ifq IS fJOll l-' )0ul}c/f'k / )(1 CI,i. t "I and Oregon" vIe PhOlo er t SIal" a Y and a' Cst cOnc 0 Of Ihe ek, Will II;, 6 r" cy C I Ihe III,,! . '''' J Thus spoke Tom Humph.. Il all;}ll al graphed' Inn E:llglJsh 'rollrel an erl Sla,s' World's g Play ill"S .I IJlll OOP!>/" ]I!}" (~ edlto,.at.large of the Ore '~,~:. fa v 0 ~'~~ alld Ih~ VenIce: ~!oncia'y Ih~ ~jss I ·...M,SS J" • ~/Jlel ,,"~JII N.,~'II]C ~?qJk~_:IIIRh J ou, nal, 10 describine Ihp n~ 31

I SE The Civic Auditorium is the center of much of Portland's cultural life. 32

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MICHENER, ANNE B. MYERS, GENEVA NELSON, WILLIAM C. Science Elementary Education Social Science CLASS O~ PLATH, MARILYN SCHMID, SHIRLEY SCOTT, PHYLIES Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education

SHAFER, PHILLIP E. TSCHIDA, ELIZABETH TRUMBULL, CHARLANE Elementary Education Elementary Education Education 1956 TURNBULL, ALFRED UNGER, HELEN WALLEN, MARGARET L. Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education

s Portland's fine Art Museum is a striking example of modern architecture. Portland State is divided into four departments. The Education Department includes Elementary and Secondary Education, Art Education, Health Education, Music Education, and Physical Education. The Humanities Department includes Art, Drama, English, Foreign Languages, Journalism, Music, Philosophy, and Speech. The Science and Mathematics Department includes Chemistry, Engineering, General Science, Geology, Home Economics, Mathematics, Physics, Pre-Agriculture, PreForestry, Pre-Medicine, and Zoology. The Social Science Department includes Anthropology, Business Administration, Business and Technology, Economics, General Social Science, Geography, History, Police Training, Political Science, Pre-Law, Psychology, Secretarial Science, and Sociology.

EDUCAT,ION DR. WILLARD B. SPALDING Professor of Education Division Head DR. E. DEAN ANDERSON Associate Professor of Education ANNA BRIDGE Instructor in Physical Education DR. TRUMAN M. CHENEY Assistant Professor of Educa tion RALPH DAVIS, JR. Instructor in Physica l Ed ucation MARGARET JUNE DOBSON Instructor in Health and Physical Education DR. GEORGE GUY Assistant Professor of Education 42

FACULTY JOHN F. JENKINS DR. JEROME E. LEAVrn Instructor in Educatian Associate Professor of Education DR. MORTON MALTER Associate Professor of Educatian DR. VERA D. PETERSEN Associate Professor of Education DR. VICTOR N. PHELPS Associate Professor of Education LEROY R. PIERSON Instructar in Education DR. CLARK SPURLOCK Assistant Professor af Education DR. HOWARD E. WESTCOTT Assistant Professar of Physical Education 43

ADEE, JUDEE Elementary Educotion, Freshmon ALEXANDER, JUDY Education, Freshman ANDERSON, CAROL Elementary Education, Freshman ANGELO, FRANKIE Elementary Education, Freshma n ARMFIELD, JACKIE Business Education, Sophomore ARMFIELD, PAT Secondary Education, Sophomore EDUCATION STUDENTS AVIKAINEN, RUTH Secondary Education, Sophomore BACH , BUD Secondary Education, Sophomore BACHMAN, BEN Elementary Education, Sophomore BAIN, BEVERLY Secondary Education, Sophomore BARNETT, DONALD Secondary Educotion, Sophomore BARNSTlN , BEVERLY Elementary Education, Freshman

BARTLEY, RAY Elementary Education, Sophomore BATES, BESSI E Elementary Education, Junior BAUER, JANET Elementary Educa tion, J unior BEATY, ANITA Elementary Education, Freshman BERGLU ND, DELORES Elementa ry Education, Freshman BIORNSTAD, RENA Elementary Education, Freshmon BLANDING, ANN Elementary Education, Junior BONES, LADELL Elemen tary Education, Senior BOWLES, ALICE Elementary Education, Junior BRADSHAW, ED Music Education, Junior BREITHAUPT, SANDRA Elementary Education, Freshmar, BREWER, ELDORADO Secondary Eduotiono, Junior 45

BREWER, JO ANN ElementMY Educ ion. Fres~ an BROCKMAN, JACKIE Elementary E ucalicn, Freshman BROOKS, LORENA Eoucation, So ior BURKE, DICK Education, Freshman . '; BURKETT, JIM Elementary Education, Sophomcre BURKEY, AL Secondary Educatien, Fresnman 46 BU RRI G HT, ALICE J, Elementary Educa tion, Fresh man BYER, DORIS ELAINE Educa tion, Fresh man BYERS, JOAN Primary Education, Freshman CAMERON, SHARON Ed ucation, Fres hman CAMPBELL, HARVEY 0 , Elementary Education, Sophomore CARSCALLEN , NANCY Elementary Education, Sophomore CARTER, RUSTY Music Educa tion, J r. BURRIGHT, ROY Seeo dary Educa ion, Sop omore

CASPER, LEILANI Educaiior" Freshman CHAMBERS, BILL Educ~"on , Sopnorncrc CHOQUETTE, LINDA Secondary Edu r ~tio n S cp hom o r ,~ CLARIZlO, JOE Physico Education, Sopnomo'e CLASSEN, CHUCK Eismentary Ed uc~ tio n , Junior COLE, RICHARD Eleme ntary Ed ucatio n, Freshman CORDER, SHIRLEY Elemen tary Ed ucatio n, Freshman ~/ COSTANTINO, RICHARD Elemen tary Education, Sophomore CRANE, PAT Elementary Education, Freshman CROTHERS, MARDELL Elementary Education, Senior DANIELS, MARLENE Elementary Education, Junior DANNER, DAVID L. Elementary Education, Freshman DARDANO, EILEEN Elementary Education, Freshman DAVIDSON, BRANCEFORD Education, Freshman 47

DAWSON, GLORIA ANN Music Education, Sophomore DEAN , BONNIE Elementary Education, Freshman DEERING, RONALD Secondary Education, Sophomore DELFINO, ARLENE Elementary Education, Junior DUNN, JOAN Music Education, Sophomore DURFEE, BETTY Elementary Education, Freshman EASLEY, WILBUR Specialized Teaching, Freshman EATON, CATHY Elementary Education, Senior EDWARDS, ROBERT D. Elementary Education, Freshman ENGLISH, PRISCILLA Education, Freshman FAULKNER, FRANKLIN D. Education, Freshman FERGUSON, MARY Elementary Education, Junior

FILIPPINI, IS,\BEL Elementary Education, Senior FINDLEY, LOIS Business Education, Junior FITCH, TERRY Education, Sophomore FITZWATER, CAROLYN Physical Education, Junior FOSTER, CLARA Elementary Education, Freshman FRANKLIN, JERRY Physical Education, Sophomore GOGGANS, KENDALL Elementary Education, Freshman GOWIN, MARYLEE Elementary Education, Sophomore GRANQUIST, KAY Elementary Education. Junior / GREEN. RI,CHARD Secondary Education. Senior GRIGG, JERRY Secondary Edu cation. Sophomore GUNDERSON, GLENNA Elementary Education, Senior

HAAG. RAY Elementory Education. Junior HAGGART. SALLY Elementary Education, Freshman HANNAH, DICK Secondary Education, Sophomore HANSEN, MINNETTE Elementary Education, Senior HARDING, MERLENE Elementary Education, Sophomore HARTMAN. DARLENE Education, Sophomore HAZEL, LOIS M. Education, Freshman HENWOOD, NADENE Elementary Education, Junior HEWITT. DAVE Secondory Education, Sophomore HOFFORD. GEORGE Se ~o ndary Education, Freshman HOGERTON, NANCY Art Educa tion, Sophomore HOLLIDAY, E. H. Education, Freshman HOSLER, LOIS Elementary Education, Senior HUGULET, DUANE Physical Education, Freshman

HUNTER, GORDON Secondary Ed ucation, Freshman IRVIN, MARJORIE Elementary Education, Junior JACKSON, DONNA Elementary Education, Junior JAMES, CHARLES Education, Freshman JENSEN, SUZANNE Elementary Education, Sophomore JENSEN, WALTER Secondary Education, Sophomore JOHNSON, DONNA JOHNSON, DORIS Elementary Education, Junior Elementary Education, Sophomore JOHNSON, LORAINE Secondary Education, Freshman JOHNSON, MARY ANN Elementorv Education, Sophomore JONES, LAURENCE Secondary Education, Junior KATO, GRACE Elementary Education, Freshman KELLEHER, ROSEMARY Elementory Ed ucotion, Junior KELTNER, ESTH ER Education, Junior

KEMPE, CAROL Elementary Educa tion, Freshma n KERBS, NANCY Elementary Education, Junior KING, DARLENE Elementary Education, Sophomore KIRKEY, KAY Elementary Education, Freshman KITIRELL, BARBARA Physical E..wcation, Sophomore KLAUS, JULIA M. Physical Education, Sophomore 52 KNISS, NANCY A. Elementary Education, Junior KOSINSKI, CHARLEEN Second3ry Education, Freshman KRAUSE, JAN Elementary Education, Sophomore KUHL, MARY Elementary Education, Freshman KYKER, RONALD Music Education, Junior LACHENMEIER, WESTON Physical Education, Sophomore LARSON, SHERRY Physical Ed ucation, Freshman KORSNESS, ABNER A. Secondary Educa tion, Sophomore

LEPPERT, YVONNE Business Education, Freshman LLANES, NANCY Business Education, Sophomore LOVE, CLAIRE Elementary Education, Sophomore LUCAS, GEORGINE Education. Senior LUKENS, LEONARD Education. Freshma n MARSl-iALL. LUCILLE Elementary Education, Freshman MAY. DAVID Elementary Education, Sophomore I MASON, AL Secondary Education, Freshman MAY, DICK Secondary Edu ca tion, Freshman McCLAREN, HAVEN Secondary Education. Freshma n McCOY, JANET Elementary Education, Junior McDONALD, JAMES G. Ph ysical Educa tio;" So ro J,omore McGEE, JAMES H, Secondary Educatio n, Junior McGINN, ROSEMARY Physical Education, Sophomore 53

McLARTY, SALLY Elementary Education, Freshman MEAD , PHYLLIS Secondary Education, Sophomore MELNICHUK, STEPHEN Secondary Education, J unior MERRICK, JOANNE Secondary Education, Sophomore MEYER, JEAN Elementary Education, Freshman MEYER, ROBERT Education, Freshman MICHAEL, GLADYS Physical Education, Sophomore MILLER, GERALD, JR. Elementary Education. Junior MILLER, JOANNE Elementary Education, Freshman MILLER, JOE Secondary Education, Sophomore MILLS, MEREDI TH K. Elementary Education, Sophomore MINARD, LAWRENCE Elementary Education, Sophomore

MODIN, CAROL Secondary Education, Sophomore MONTGOMERY, CECIL Education, Junior MUNO, DIXIE ElementMY Education, Freshman MURPHY, PIXI E SU E Business Education, Sophomore MYERS, GENEVA Elementary Educa tion, Senior MYERS, MARGARET Elementary Education, Sophomore NEWLAND, JOANNE Elementory Edu ca tion, Freshmar, NEWTON, HARRY L. Elementary Education, Senior NIECE, THELMA Elementary Education, Freshman PALMER, ROBERT Education, Freshman PEERY, ANN Physical Education, Freshman PETERSEN, RICHARD Education, Junior

PETERSON, KAYE Physical Education, Freshman PETERSON, LOIS Elementary 'Education, Freshman PETIYJOHN, MARLENE Elementary Education, Junior PETRUZELLI, MARl E Elementory Education, Freshman PIPER, PATTI Elementary Education, Sophomore PLATH, MARILYN Elementary Education, Senior PORTER, IRENE Elementary Education, Sophomore PORTER, IRMA Elementary Education, Junior POTIRATZ, DICK Education, Sophomore POWELL, ELEANOR Education. Junior PROFITT, JOANNE Secondary Education, Sophomore PUTMAN, LOU ISE Elementary Education, Junior RANDS, FRED Secondary Education, Sophomore RATTY, DIANE Elementary 'Education, Freshman

RAWSON, BOB Secondary Education, Sophomore REESE, JOAN Elementary Education, Freshman .,. RICHARDS, BRENT Secondary Educatoin, Fresbman ROSING, CONNIE Elementary Education, Freshman RUMBLE, RICHARD R. Education. Junior RUSSELL, CAROLINE Education. Sophomore RUSSELL, ROBERT RUTSCHMAN, ROBERT Education. Fresnman Education, Sophomore Rurr, MARY ANN Elementary Education, Freshman RYAN, SHARRON Secondary Education, Freshman SAMPSEL, BETTY Elementary Education, Junior SALYERS, GARY D. Elementary Education, Senior SCHEIDEMAN, JESSIE Elementary Education, Soph omore SCHENDEL, DIANE Elementary Education, Sophomore

SCHMID, SHIRLEY EJe en!ary Educa ion Senior SCHROEDER, ESTHffi El e me~ dry Education, Sophomore SCOFIELD, PAT ElementM Y Educu tion, Freshman SCOGGINS, PAT Elementary Education, Fresh man SCOTT, RICHARD S. Music Education, Freshman SESAR, ROBERT R. El eme ntary Edu cation. Senior SHAFER, PHILLIP E. Elementary Education, Senior SHERER, SHARON Elementary Ed ucation, Sophomore SHERIDAN, JACK Elementary Education, Freshman SHULTS, MARY LEE Elementary Education, Freshman SIEGFRIED, MARY Elementary Education, Fresh man SLATTERY, ALFRED A. Elementary Education, Freshman SMITH, JAMES A. Physical Education, Junior SMITH, WENDA Music Education, Sophomore

SWAIN, EVELYN Elementary Education, Junior TAYLOR, HARRISON Music Education, Sophomore rOll, DALE Education, Freshman TOSI, RON Education, Freshman TOWLER, JOHN Music Education, Sophomore TRAPANS, ANDRE Education, Sophomore TRIGSTED, E. J. Physical Education, Sophomore SOUCEK, ROSE MARY Prima ry Ed ucation, Freshman SPENCER, AUDREY Elementary Education , Freshman SPENCER, MARGI E Elementary Ed ucation, Sophomore STEVENSON, CAROLYN Elementary Education, Freshman STONE, BARBARA Ph ysica l Education, Freshman STRAIT, RUTH M usic Ed uca tion, Freshman SWEET, BARBARA lEA Secondary Education, Junior

60 UTZ, VERNON Elementary Education, Senior VAN HOVE, JOANNE Business Education, Sophomore VEAL, TED B, Elementary Education, Sophomore VOGNILD, ELMA Business Education, Sophomore WADSWORTH, FRANK Physical Education, Sophomore WAGNER, GAYLE Elementary Educa tion, Sophomore WALLEN, MARGARET L, Elementary Educa tio n, Senior TRUMBULL, CHARLANE Elementary Education, Senior TSCHIDA, ELIZABETH Elementary Education, Freshman TURNBULL, AL Elementary Education, Senior TYLE, JUDY Edu cation, Freshman UNGER, HELEN Elementary Education, Senior UTLEY, EVELYN Elementary Education, Junior VAILLANCOURT, GORDON Elementary Education, Senior

WALTOS, DUANE Education, Freshman WARREN, TED Education, Freshman WEBER, MARY LOU . ~) Bl.sines> Education. Freshman WELCH, PAT Secondary Education, Sophomore WELKER, SHARON Elementary Ed ucation, Freshman WHITEHEAD, ALMEDA Elementary Education, Junior WILLIAMSON, JOE Elementary Ed ucation, Fresh ma n WITHERS, CHUCK Physical Education, Sophomore WOLFE, GORDON Elementary Education, Sophomore WOLLEN, RUTH E. Elementary Education, Senior WONG, FRED Elementary Education, Sophomore WOODS, ELINOR Speech Education, Freshman YEE, ON·KE Art Education, Freshman 61

DR. HOYT C. FRANCHERE Professor of Eng lish Division Heod MARJORIE ALBERTSON Assistont Professor of Music DR. JUDAH BIERMAN Assistont Professor of English DR. W . ARTHUR BOGGS Assistont Professor of Engl ish DR. HELEN B. BROWNE Instructor in English HOWARD R. CliSHAM Assistont Professor of Journolism CARL E. W . l. DAHLSTROM Professor of English DR. FRANK F. EATON Assistont Professor of Germon ond Mothemotics DR. PHILIP H. FORD Instructor in English DR. CHARLES J. GAUPP, JR. Associa te Professor of Speech 62

HUMANITIES FACULTY DR. FRANCIS P. GIBSON Instructor in Speech DR. JAMES S. HART Instructor in English R. CAROL HEALY Instructor in Romonce Longuoges FREDERICK H. HEIDEL Assistant Professor of Art DR. STANLEY L. JOHNSON Assistont Profess,or of Enl/lish DR. JAMES V. lILL Assistant Professor of English ELLA G. LITCHFIELD Assistont Pro fessor of English RUTH LOTTRIDGE Instructor in English DR. CHARLES R. METZGER Assistant Professor of English 63

HUMANITIES DR. DAVID H. NEWHALL DR. EGBERT S. OLIVER RICHARD J. PRASCH JOAN REYNOlDS Associote Professor of Professor of English Instructor in Art Instructor in Speech Philosophy DR. FRANK L. ROBERTS ALEXANDER SCHARBACH RICHARD R. SCHULTZ CHRISTINE SJOG"REN Associote Professor of Speech Assisto nt Professor of English Instructor in English Instructor in Germon JOHN H. STEHN SIMEON J. TRUDEAU, JR. ROBERT C. TUTTLE Professor of Music Instructor in Music Instructor in English 64

ACARREGUI, BOB Liberal Arts, Freshman ANDERSON, DON Liberal Arts, Freshman ANGEL, WAYNE Music, Sophomore .. - ) BEALE, ALAN Music, Sophomore BLEVINS, BRUCE Libera l Arts, Freshman BEARD, MARY Liberal Arts, Freshman BLUM, LEO Liberal Arts, Freshman BRADLEY, NORMA Eng !i sh , Junior BROWN , JERRY Libero l Arts. Freshman BROWN, JOHN Eng lish, Fres hman BENNARD , BEVERLY Liberal Arts, Freshman BOWMAN, BEVERLY Humanities. Freshman HUMANITIES BLEDSOE, GAYLON Music, Freshman STUDENTS

COURTNEY. CLAUDIA Art. Fresh an DEAL. ELAI NE K. Art. Sophomore DIDZUN. COLLEEN Liberal Arts. Freshman BURKE. DONNA Liberal Arts, Freshman BYARS, GALE Liberal Arts. Frc"hman CH ESTER. CHARLES Speech Corrce lion. Sophor.1ore COWAN, JIM J ourna lism, Sop omore DITTMAN. IMOGENE liberal Arts, Sophomore DURAND, THOMAS English. Junior EDGAR. JERRY Libera l Arts, Fres hm a n ELGIN, CLEO Journalism. Sophomore CROTER, JANET J c urno ism, Freshma n DUNCAN, LLOYD Journ lism. Frcs on

FENSKE, ARLYCE Liberal Arts, Freshman GODBEY, ELMER English, Freshman EMMONS, CAROL Thed fer Ads, Sophomore ENGER, DAVE Libera l Art~ , Sophomore FENDALL, RODNEY Liberal Arts, Freshman FOULK, GARY Theater Arts, Junior GOETZL, KRIS Journalism, Freshman GORDON, PAT Liberal Arts, Freshman GRANT, MARJOLAINE Libera l Arts, Fre shman HAMILTON, DAVE Commercial Art, Sophomore GASCOIGNE, JANIS Liberal Arts, Sophomore GLANZ, LEE Liberal Arts, Freshman GOODWIN, RHEA Art, Freshma n

HOFF, ROGER Liberal Arts, Freshman HASTAY, DONALD L. Liberal Arts, Freshman HEIN, MARJORIE Liberal Arts, Freshman HELSTROM, JO Art, Freshman HUFF, RICHARD Li beral Arts, Fresh an ILIINSKY, KATHI Art, Sophomore IVARIE, TED Libera l Arts, Sophomore JONAS, ARLENE Liberal Arts, Freshman JONES, BOBBY Liberal Arts, Fres hman JUSTICE, BOB General Studies, Junior KASPAR, PAT Huma nilies, Freshman KENEALLY, PATRICIA Arts, Sophomore JONES, MARYGAIL Li bera I Arts, Fres man

LEWIS, GALEN Humo nit ies. Freshma n LUND, DOUGLAS Libera l Arts, Freshman KENNEDY, VIRGINIA Liberol Arts, Fresh man KOON, LA RAE Hum an ities, Senior KOUTS, ARDENA Libera l Arts, Sophomore LlLJEHOLM, TOM Liberal Arts, Fresh man LUND, MARGARET Humanities, Junior LUNDY, MARVIN Music, Freshman MARS, MARILYN liberal Arts, Freshman MATTSON, LILLY MARIE Art, Freshm an LONG, ELEANOR English , Junior LUND, NOLA Humanities, Junior

MILLER, LYNN Drama , Se nior MILLER, NEITA Libera l Arts, Sopho orc MILLS, DONNA Liberal Arts, Freshman MOULTON ELIZABETH Liberal Arts, Freshman NOE, JERRY Huma nities, Sophomore OLSEN , ANN F. Music. Freshman OLSON , DEAN Liberal Arts, Freshma n PAU L, DICK J ournalism, Sophomore NELSON , BOB Humanities , Fres man NORRIS, JIM Liheral Arts, Fres man /' MORRIS, LAMBERT Music. Fres man ...,...' 1 NOCE, MICHAEL Art, Freshman

QUINN, JOANNE Libera Arts. Sophomore ROBINSON, DONNA Humanities. Junior PEARCE, NORMANDIE La ng uages, Freshman PRICE, BEV Liberal Arts. Sophomore PUGH, SHARON Liberal Arts. Sophomore REINMILLER, GEORGE Music. Freshman ROBINSON, MICHAEL Jo urnal ism. Freshman RYAN, NANCY JEAN Humanities, Freshman SCHREIBER, JIM Liberal Arts. Sophomore SH IPP, STEPH EN Music, Freshman RICHARDSON, GARY Liberal Arts, Sophomore ROSKAM, PHIL Liberal Arts. Freshman

SPILLMAN, JOYCE Liberal Arts, Junior STENKAMP, FRED Generol Studies, Junior SHUSTROM, DONNA Art, Freshman SIMS, SHARON Music, Sophomore SOUTHERN, JIM Liberal Arts, Sophomore STAATS, KAY English , Fres hma n STREJC, BOB Journalism, Freshman THOMPSON, MARVIN liberal Arts, Soph omore TRUMMER, BRUCE D. Liberal Arts, Sophomore WEITZ, GARY Liberal Arts, Freshmon STALlCK, BOB Public Speaking, Freshman TALBOTT, JEANNE Languages, Sophomore

/ WELLS, DIANNE WI NANS, JOAN Humanities, Sophomore Liberal Arts, Freshman Portland Staters take time off from studies to laze in a bit of infrequent sun on our spacious (?) campus.

DR. WILL VICTOR NORRIS Professor of Physics Div;sion Heod ELDEN E. BREEDLOVE Assistont Professor of Engineering DR. WILLIAM O. BUSCHMAN Assistont Professor of Mathematics DR. QUENTIN D. CLARKSON Instructor in Biology JAMES W . COOMBS Assistant Professor of Physics RAYMOND W. COOPEY Instructor in General Science CARLETON G. FANGER ASSOCIate Professor of Engineering DR. LAIRD C. BRODIE Instructor in Physics DR. J. RICHARD BYRNE Instructor in Mathematics SCIENCE FAC

MILDRED G. FLANAGAN Assistant Professor of Mothemotics RALPH D. GREILING Assistant Professor of Engineering SAMUEL M . HOLMES Instructor in Engineering DR. CLYDE R. JOHNSON Associate Professor of Chemistry 'IAND MATH ,ULTY DONALD KELLAS \ Instructor in Eng ineering DR. ERWIN F. LANGE Professor of Chemistry WilliAM E. MacDONALD Instructor·in Engineering DR. DAVID R. MALCOLM Instructor in Zoology

DR. JOHN RAYMOND MICKElSON Instructor in Chemistry JOSEPH B. PASZKOWSKI Instructor in Eng ineering K. ElLSWORTH A ssistant Profess PAYNE or of Genera l Science DR. THURMAN S. PETERSON Professor of Mathematics SCIENCE AND MATH DR. PHILIP C. ROBERTI Assistant Professor of Chemistry J. MARSHALL WAITE Instructor in Engineering RICHARD B. WALTON Assistant Professor of Physics DR. FREDERICK H. YOUNG Assistant Professor of Mathematics

BAKKE, JERRY Physics, Sophomore BARHAM, JIM Electrical Engineering, Freshman BARTON, DON Engin ee ri ng, Fre shman BAUER, WAYNE W, Mathematics, Freshman BECK, DON A rchitecture, Sophomore BECKER, BILL Engineering, Freshman BUFFAM, HARRIET Pre-N urs ing , Freshman SCIENCE AND MATH ANDERSEN, GORDON Engineering, Freshman ANDERSON, MARGO Medical Technician, Freshman ANDRESS , BARBARA H ome Economics, Soph omore ANDRING, ARNOLD Architecture, Freshman ANGEVINE, JIM Forestry, Freshman BAIRD, JIM Physics, Sophomore BANTON, JACK Engineering, Freshman

BILYEU, BARBARA Pre-Physic"i Therapy, Freshman BLUM, BERNARD Engineering, Freshman BOBBITT, GAIL Pre-Pharma cy, Freshma n BOGH, RON Electrical Engineering, Freshman BUMALA, TOM Engineering, Freshman BURGER, DICK Engineering, Freshman BUTLER, BARBARA Nursing, Freshm an CAMERON, DONALD V. Pre-Medicol, Sophomore CARTER, JEAN Pre-Dental, Sophomore CEREGHINO, JAMES Pre-Medical, Freshman CHILDRETH, MARY H ome Eco nomics, Freshman CHRISTIAN, EMIL Mathematics, Freshman

CLARK. CHARLES Enqineerj~lq FreS~rT'6n CONKLIN. RICHARD A rchi'eciure SoohOrl'or CONNER. CHARLES D. Enqirv.:eri nq. F res~m~"" CRISERA. ROBERT Nu cieM Ph~' ics Sophomore DAGGETT. DELPHA Pre· Pna1mrl(')', Fr(' ~nml.ln DAVIDSON. AL ICIA Nurs;ng, Fresh'ion DAVIS. RUSS Industri~ 1 Engioee" ng Sophomore DEAL. HERMAN D. Pre·Dentel Junior DENIS. DALE M. r[hirec·u re E"\CJinc·':>r i na. Sopr0more ESSEN . DAVID Architecture Junior EDMUNDS. RALPH Science. Freshm~n EGLESTON. ROGER Mechd~iCdl Engineering. Junior

EHLER, AUTRY Engineeri ng, Fr s mlln FAILMEZGER, RON Civil Engineering, Junior FERRIS, EMAGENE Pre-Nursing, Freshmo n FIRM, DEAN A. Eng i nea ring , Fr eshm a n FLORES, ROBERTO Engineering, Freshmon FLYNN, TOM Engineering, Freshmon FURBY, JIM Civil Engineering, Sophomore GARCIA, MERITA Pre-N ursi ng , Fresh on GIBSON, BUSTER A gri cul ure, Freshme n GJELDE, ERIC Engineering, Freshmon GLEASON, LEE Pre-Medicol, Sophomore GORHAM, CAROLYN Pho rmacy, Freshman 80

GRABINSKI, KENNETH Engineering, Sopho more GRANT, BOB Pre-Den to l, Freshman GRIMSTED, TED Psychology, Freshman GROVE, STEVE Civil Engineering, Freshman GUSTAFSON, ROBERT Pre-Medico l, j un ior HANSEN, WILLIAM Physi cs, Soph omo re HARRINGTON, LOREN Induslrial De sign, Fres hma n HARRISON. CHUCK Pre-Medica l, Sop ho mo re HEDVAL, RONALD Pre-Dental, Freshman HELZER, GARRY Physics, Freshman HERIGSTAD, DONALD Eng ineeri ng , Freshman HERING, DOUGLAS Pre-Medical, Sophomore 81

HEUSSER, WILLY, JR. 'Eleclrica I Engineeri ng, Freshma n HIBBS, BARBARA JO Pre-Medical. Freshman HICKMAN, CHARLES 8iology, Sophomore HIGGINS, DON Engineering. Freshman HILL, GLENN Pre·Denial. Freshman HILLEND, JACK Chemical Eng ineering, Sophomore HIPPERSON, DON G. Electrical Engineering, Freshman HIPPERSON, JACK Electrical Engineering, Sophomore HOAGLIN, CRAIG Science, Freshman HOFFERT, PHIL Science, Junior HOLST, EARL Mathematics. Freshmon HOLT, GWEN Phormocy, Freshman

HOMES. DAVID Electrical Engineering, Freshmon HONEY, JERRIANN M edical Tech nician, Freshman HOOD, STUART General Science, Senior HOSLER, DICK Agriculture, Freshma n HOUGHTON, BILL Physics, Junior HUDNUT. VERNON Mechanical Engineering, Sophomore HULETT, BARBARA Pre.Nursing, Freshman HULL. RALPH B. Telecommunications, Sophomoce HUNSUCKER, REX Mechanical Engineering, Freshman IDIAL. VANCE Engineerirg, Freshma n INMAN, PAT Pre.Nursing, Freshmon JENKINS, LYLE V. Science, Senior . 4 - ~_ ~ ~ .

JOHNSON, ROBERT Pre-Denial, Freshman JOHNSTON, RAY Pre-Denlol, Sophomore JUDD, HERB, JR. Engineering, Freshman KEEGAN , CLIFFORD E. Pre-Medical, Freshman KEMALDEAN, ORVILLE Pre-Dentol, Junior KEMPER, CHUCK Civil Engineering, Sophomore KIISK , ALLAN Eleclricol Engineering, Sophomore KRAM ER, FRED S. Science, Sophomore KRUSIMA, LINDA Pre-Nursing, Sophomore KUECHLE, JERRY Pharma cy, Freshma n LARSON, AL Chemistry, Freshman LASATER, NEIL Pre-Medical, Sophomore 84

LEMBACH, DIXIE Scie nce, Freshman LENGACHER, DON Electricol Engineering, Sophomore LENZEN, JERRY Engineering, Freshman LEVIEN, DONALD Mechanical Engineering, Sophomore LINEBERGER, BEVERLY Home Economics, Freshman LIVENGOOD, DENNIS Eng ineering, Freshmon LOREn. DARLENE Medical Technician, Junior LUTHER, TOM Engineeri ng, Freshman MARTINEZ, SUSANA Chemistry, Freshman MATHEWS, DERROLL Electrical Engineerinc:;. Sophomore MATTHEWS, GORDON Fisheries Management. Freshman McGILL, DON Pre-Pharmacy, Freshman 85

McKEE, LEONARD Electrical Engineering, Sophomore McMILLAN, CAROLE Pre.Nursing, Freshman MEISNER, RONALD Mechanical Engineering, Sophomore MICHENER, ANNE B. Zoology, Senior MILLER, ANDY Engineering, Sophomore MILLS, LARRY Physics. Junior MITCHELL, ROBERT Engineering, Freshman MOORE, JACQUELINE Engi neering, Freshman MURAWSKI , J. EDWARD Electrical Engineering, Freshman MYERS, DAVE Fish and Game Management, Freshman NELSON , DAVE Engineering, Freshman NIELSON, ROBERT Engineering, Sophomore

NORMAN, RUTH Home Economics. Freshman NORTHEY, LONNIE Electrical Engineering. Sophomore NORTON, WALLIE Pre-Medical. Sophomore OAKS. RONALD Pre-De nlo l. Freshmon OLSON, DON Engineering, Sophomore OTT. DALE Eng in eering. Freshman OTTERSTEDT, JOHN E. Eledricol Engineering, Freshmon OTTO, PAUL Fish and Game. Freshmon PARKER, DAVID Physics, Freshman PAYTON, CHARLES Geology, Junior PEDERSEN, RICHARD J. Fish ond Gome Monogement, Freshman PETERS, ROGER E. Science, Sophomore

PI ERCE, RICHARD E, Pharmacy, Sophomore PI NDER, ROBERT Pre-Dental, Freshman POTIER, LYLE Electrical Engi neering,. Sophomore POWERS, SHARLEE Home Economics, Freshman PRESCOTI, WILLIAM Pre-Medical, Sophomore PROSSER, JERRY Engineering, Sophomore I I RADER, DONALD Forestry, Freshman REED, JAN Chemistry, Sophomore REGULA, GEORGE A. Mechanical Engineering, Sophomore REINECCIUS, BEN Chemical Engineering, Sophomore RICHARDSON, BOB Engineering, Freshman RICHERT, FRANCES Pre-Nursing, Freshman 88

RIDDLE, KATHERYN Home Economics, Freshman ROBBINS, WAYNE Pre-Dental, Freshman ROECKER, DANA Mathematics, Junior ROLLINS, KATHLEEN Nursing, Freshma~ ROMAINE, LARRY J, Medical Technicia n, Freshman RU EPPELL, DON Civil Engineering, Sophomore SAUM, LAWRENCE Mathematics, Freshman SCHAPPERT, NANCY Pre-N ursi ng, Sophomore SCHREINER, RICHARD Civil Engineering, Sophomore SCHROEDER, DONALD Forestry, Freshman SCHULDT, ARNOLD Che mical ' Engineering, Freshman SCKAVONE, SHIRLEY Medical Technician, Sophomore 89

SEALS, SAMUEL J. Forestry, Freshman SEARLE. ROMONA ANN Pre·Nursing. Freshman SElDA, PAUL Pre· Medical. Freshman SELDEN, DON R. Electrical Engineering. Junior SHOEMAKER, R. O. Engi neer; ng, Freshma n SHUELL, RAY Chemistry, Junior SIMONSEN, IRLINE Pre-Nursing. Freshman SLUYTER, VERLIN Chemistry, Sophomore SLYT, JOHN Engi nee ring, Freshman SMELTZER, YLONDA Pre-Nursing, Sophomore SMITH, CURTIS Engineering Technician. Freshman SMITH, GORDON W. Electrical Engineering, Sophomore

SMITH, HOWARD L. Mathematics, Sophomore SMITH, ROY Electrical Engineering, Sophomore SMITH, RUSSELL Engineering, Freshman SMITH, THOMAS E. Pharmacy, Freshman SPEAR, SALLY Nursing, Freshman STAHL, CAROLYN Pre-Nursing, Sophomore STERBA, JIM Engineering, Freshman STEVENSON, ISABEL Nursing, Freshman STUELPNAGEL, ROBERT W . Physics, Sophomore SULLIVAN, BILL Science, Sophomore SULLIVAN, RAY Engineering, Freshman SUTHERLAND, GEORGE Engineering, Sophomore

TATHWELL , ROGER Pharmacy, 'Freshman TAUSCHER, ALLEN Engineering, Freshman THORNE, MARK B. Plant Pathology, Freshman THURMAN, RON Pre-Medical, Sophomore TORSON, ROBERT L. Engineering, Freshman TREBELHORN, DAVID J. Pharmacy, Junio, TROUT, ROBERT Dairy Industries, Sophomore TRYGSTAD, ROGER Engineering, Freshman TURNER, DON Mechanical Engineering, Sophomore TURNER, WES Pre-Dental, Freshman TUTTLE, ROLLAN Physics, Sophomore UNGER, CAROLE Pre-Dental, Freshman 92

UTTKE. HENRY J. Pre· Medical. Freshman VAN BAARLE. JOYCE Medica I Techn icia n, Freshman VI NCENT. LARRY Elect rica l Eng in eering. Sophomore VINCENT. THOMAS L. Mecha niCdl Engi neeri ng. Ju nior VI RELL. CLYDE Electrical Engineering. Sophomore WAALKES, JOHN Engineering. Freshman WALP, JAMES C. Pre-Med ical. Fre shma n WALES. DIANNE Medical Technician. Freshman WILDER. MARY HELEN Pre-Medical. Ju nior WIRTH, DON Engineering. Freshman YOUNG, TED Fish and Game Management, Freshman ZIMMERMAN, PAUL J. Engineering. Freshman ZITTENFI ELD, RICHARD Mechanical Engineering. Freshman 93